Cinema_PSYOPS_EP498: Giant Monsters FSU: Godzilla vs. Hedorah 1971 (Main Feed)
There is very little time or point in an explanation. To be blunt,
the audio came from a timeline and dimension that has collapsed
at a quantum level, rendering it null and void in terms of
existence. Operational time in the dimensional continuum where the beings
that created the audio collapsed in on itself, rendering all of
their civilization, including technology, null and void. Timelines across
the entire continuum are collapsing and changing. The destruction
has a nexus that centers on cinema syll.
10 years. Man 10. 10 years.
10 years. Man 10 years. 10 years.
10. 10 years. 10 years.
What is the most likely way humanity will be wiped out? Maybe it's something.
Or us. Although the way the world ends might be because of you.
And if this is the case, you. Wouldn'T have any control over it. The global
temperature rise underscores a chilling reality. Our planet
is trying to tell us something, but we don't seem to be listening.
A recent study has suggested that one third of annual deaths due to heat
are directly related to global warming.
On top of the initial flash of thermonuclear
light, which is 180 million degrees, which catches every
everything on fire in a nine mile diameter radius. On top of
the bulldozing effect of the wind and all the buildings coming down,
and more fires igniting more fires on top of the radiation
if they happen to have survived poisoning people to death. On top of all
that, each one of these fires creates a mega
fire that is a hundred or more square miles.
Timelines across the entire continuum are collapsing
and changing. The destruction has a nexus that centers. On Cinema
Psyops A breathtaking scientific revolution is taking
place. Biotechnology has been progressing at stunning
speed, giving us the tools to eventually gain control over biology.
Solving the deadliest diseases while also creating viruses
more dangerous than nuclear bombs, able to devastate humanity.
It's man returning to the most primal,
violent state as people fight over the tiny
resources that remain. What if the world we live in. Is just a dream
or a simulation? Whether it's a dream or some advanced computer game
you are playing right now, when it ends, you would be what causes the end
of the world. Please do us all a favor. Continue dreaming or
playing this game of life. Because when you wake up or unplug,
there's a chance the rest of us will be blaked out of existence. Timelines across
the entire continuum are collapsing and changing. The destruction
has a nexus that Centers on Cinema syn.
10 years. 10 years.
Hello and
welcome to the 498th
consecutive week of Cinema PsyOps.
This episode represents 498
weeks of consecutive releases of this Show.
And while he may be joining me in the joy of that celebration, he will
be very upset with me that he had to cover Godzilla versus Hetero. And that
is my co host, Matt. I mean, what the fuck was with that kid anyway?
Hey, Court, how's it going, man? As we were kind of talking off show and
people hear it in the album takes later, I'm a merciful court who broke
his own rules for you specifically,
Matt, to make this coverage a lot easier. Yeah, that's true. You did
not get the Criterion print, which is only in Japanese. And not only is it
only in Japanese, the subtitles of that were so fucking lacking that
any signage had no subtitles. Any song lyrics
really didn't have subtitles. Anything that they were actually,
like, showing on screen that had any Japanese writing did not have subtitles.
Unless you turned the whole subtitles on, which you have to do because it's in
Japanese. And guess what? It still didn't have them. So as confusing as
you may have found this film and as frustrating as you may have found Godzilla
versus Hedorah, I am a merciful court for breaking my rules and giving
you the English language dub. I do thank you for that. Yes.
Yeah. And everybody should thank me for that. But you're not that merciful.
Let's, let's. I mean, let's settle it down. All right? I could have
made us cover All Monsters Attack. This is the one that we skipped for this
week, which is the one that I deplore the most. I absolutely loathe All Monsters
Attack. You're going to start. You start. Act like Jabba the Hutt.
And we should be grateful that you didn't, like, open the cage below us for
the rancor to eat us. All right. If you had to cover All
Monsters Attack, you would feel like I could actually do it. Yes, that's the
rancor. Yeah. It was also released as Godzilla's
Revenge. Essentially, it is a more or less copy
paste of the Son of Godzilla that we talked about skipping last
week. And, oh, God, I remember some of the Sons of
Godzilla movies where it's a little baby Godzilla, right?
Yeah. Oh, man, you talk about kids Zon a fucking monster
movie. That's what that all that was. Yeah. The All Monsters Attack is the one
where the kid dreams of the monster island while dealing with his everyday boring,
latchkey kid life in Japan. Like, it's not good. It's also,
like I said, it's also released as Godzilla's Revenge. I get it confused with
Son of Godzilla, which is part of the reason why I left Son of Godzilla
out. But also, you and I are not fans of Manila, and I saved us
both from having to watch those films and cover them for this series. Yeah.
Now, Son of Godzilla is at least, as I mentioned last week, and I'll try
and not double up on some things. At least got some things that are worth
watching. And maybe, like I kind of talked about in the other one, maybe we'll
do a commentary on it after this is all over at some point just to
just cover that film so that we've covered all the Godzilla films I'm interested
in covering. And like I said last week, we skipped Ebera
because we already covered that. That's like episode five, I think, or something like that.
We did Ebera Horror of the Deep, AKA Godzilla versus the Sea Monster.
So the only one that I'm really. Which is almost all of these
are sea monsters, aren't they? Really? Don't they almost always come from the fucking
sea? No. After this point, it's all pretty much aliens, like we saw last
week in Destroy All Monst, because it's all aliens from here on out in some
way, shape or form. Even Hedorah, they suspect, is an alien
creature. Hedorah is. Yeah, they suspect came from an alien planet.
That's true. Yeah. So without getting too much deeper
into the minutiae of it all, All Monsters Attack. I'm skipping with
malice because I absolutely loathe that film. I understand it's a great film for,
like, you to try and get kids into the Godzilla series because they
have someone that they can kind of see as one of their
peers or what have you, and they can follow him and get into the fact
that he's a sad, lonely, latchkey kid. They can even dig Manil
because Manila is. Or Manila, or however you want to pronounce it. Hey, man,
fuck those kids, okay? Yeah, but they could get into it, and it has
its place, right? Like, I loved All Monsters Attack, Godzilla's Revenge, when it
was one of the earliest Godzilla films I saw as a little kid. I will
freely admit that watching it as an adult, it's fucking grating. And even more annoying
than the little kids from Die Machine Strikes Again.
Therefore, we fucking skip it. That's kids. Yeah, we're skipping this
all together. We're skipping All Monsters Attack to cover this week,
Godzilla versus Hedorah from 1971. And like we've.
Like we've been doing all along. Right after the Legion Patreon
ad, we're going to play Songs from the year that this film was released that
were also popular. So up first is Credence Clearwater
Revival with have you ever seen the rain? Have you ever seen
the rain? And just so we can get Matt to stop talking, here's that Legion
Patreon ad with that song following immediately on the pirate radio edit. This will
keep it quiet. Oh, hi.
What's going on around here? What about
you? We all know the dreadful
results of addictive trials. I must
tell you that it's dangerous and you'll be risking your life. What are we going
to do for
the. I dare you.
I created it.
Bring me the gun. My vengeance means blood.
What are we going to do? Here is to my questions. Bring me the gun.
Somebody tries to check and defend myself. That's one.
I must tell you that it's dangerous and you'll be risking your life.
That's People
of Earth. I created it. People of Earth.
I hear you. My vengeance needs blood.
Bring me a gun. My vengeance needs blood.
Our mission is about to begin. Your thoughts have been recorded.
Force me to resort to other methods. Bring me a gun.
Somebody tries to sha defend myself. That's one.
Our mission is about to begin. Your thoughts have been recorded.
You force me to resort to other methods. I created
it. I hear you.
Well, Matt doesn't get to hear Credence Clearwater Revival because he sang along to it.
And I'm a fucking. So much for being a merciful court. I'm not a merciful
court. Whenever you sing because your singing is absolutely awful. It sounds like
the little kids from die machine strikes against crying to me.
It's absolutely irritating. So are you telling me
you don't like it or you mixed signals here. I don't know. I'm getting mixed
signals. I would rather walk through
broken glass naked on ice than hear you
sing. So it's a maybe. Christ. You got to
get consent down a little bit better. Brother. I'm a little worried about you.
Let's cover this fucking film. I'm like this about my singing
because I think it's good. I think the person. You remember when American Idol
was a thing like the people who would sing terribly did not leave
that. That would probably be me. Yes. Well,
why don't we get you to stop talking about singing and everything and get people
to be able to hear what they want to hear, which is us talking about
Godzilla versus hetero from 1971. Fine. Let's just do
what everybody else wants me to do. Godzilla versus hetero.
First 30 we see a creature Bubbles up from the sea.
We some ladies singing a song and we see just
nothing but polluted waters and earth. So it's. It's.
It's kind of like it was a climate change movie before.
You know, climate change was a thing for them. That's nice. Well, Japan at
the time was definitely suffering from smog and a bunch of other things. That's why
this was called Godzilla versus the Smog Monster, because it's about
environmental pollution that was happening in the cities at the time that we did
get some EPA laws to try and make things better that are now trying to
be repealed because businessmen don't want regulations to get
in the way of their making money off of our backs and misery. Yeah,
no, it's. It's totally great to have businessmen instead of politicians
in the government. I'm not scared at all. Hey, can we take a break while
I cry for 10 minutes straight? No. Okay, I'll keep going then.
Yeah. So anyway, a small boy is played with his
Godzilla toys and his mom calls him in for dinner.
But a guy also shows up bringing a weird fish. And this leads
to our first clip. I don't know what kind of fish.
It's a tadpole, isn't it? It's much too big to be a tadpole.
Anyway, they don't live in the sea. Oh, I forgot. Where'd you catch this
toy? Oh, down on the point where I. Usually get this shrimp.
It was funny today because I didn't. Get a single one.
The fishing down there is getting worse every day. Not like it was in the
old days. These pictures came from a helicopter and show how the
accident happened in the bay. Was it some kind of monster or
was it some new kind of military weapon? Whatever it was,
it had sufficient power to destroy the two ships and it continue gone
unimpaired. Oh, that was a monster Tadpole Papa.
It's the same kind of fish that the old man brought here today. However annoyed
you may be with the little kid in this film, at least he is not
the little kid from All Monsters Attack, which is unbelievably irritating.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Really, this kid isn't so bad.
Except for like two scenes. Two different scenes where you just get.
And that's probably not even his fault. It's the director. This. This is a movie
that could have been an hour and 15 minutes. It's like they added 10 minutes
of nothingness in this movie. So we. We'll get
there when we get there. But yeah, I' Yeah, yeah, disagreeing with you, but Anyway,
let's move on. No I gotcha anymore. So the dad goes diving
to see what he can find in the sea. There the kids see
the monster comes like above him and he holds out a knife
and he cuts the monster. Well then he's calling out for his dad,
his dad's underwater and the monster attacks his dad. Now the dad
survives. But this is that one scene where it cuts to the boy just yelling
for his dad into the sea. And I'm like. It went on for about two
minutes when it could have been 30 seconds. And that two minutes felt like 10.
So anyway, after the dad is saved, he's at home recuperating.
And this leads to our next clip. So the monster that
attacked you is the same kind as the other one, only was much smaller.
Right. But there isn't just one headra, there are lots of them.
Right. Papa Headras, that's just a name my son dreamed up for
them. But both of the headdress have been found in dirty water in the bays.
Polluted waters. Doctor, is it possible that's the reason? Well,
maybe. I'm not sure. It could be an explanation. Okay, now.
Oh, no, no pictures please. Oh yes, I want pictures taken.
Television can show people how serious this is. I think it's something
they ought to see. Right, go ahead. Aren't you going to take any pictures of
me too? Since the first tragedy, at least three tankers
have been involved in these collisions. All have sunk without trace.
However, survivors from each tanker reportedly tell a similar story.
A dark monster resembling the Hedra attacked them. All right,
well, this movie does some weird things where it shows like different cartoons
explaining what the creature. So anyway,
he's an avant garde director. We can talk about it now because it's the first
time that this happens. So this. Yeah, this director was like this real avant
garde, strange kind of with it like hangout
vibe, sort of post hippie world in Japan that this guy comes
from, you know, like almost. Yeah, because it seemed like that. Yeah, like Japanese Warhol
factory kind of weird, kind of dude is what's doing this. It almost like
almost like a children's cartoon. Like something to explain to children what's happening.
Well these at this point, as you would know more from if we
actually covered All Monsters Attack, it goes hard into full kids movie and all Monsters
Attack. And then. Yeah, well, yeah, this one is trying to come back from that
a little bit, but also bring them together as well.
And the director of this film, let's see
here. Yeah, he did a couple of other Movies like
before this. And he did the TV series sort of after it, and he was
like an assistant director. But it's very avant garde. It's very hippie
centric style stuff in the late 60s. Like, the 60s
were already over in America, and I think they just made it to Japan at
This point in 1971 is what it feels like. And so it's got this
weird, timeless vibe to it as well. And the animations were
something that was going on in, like, head and the other movies coming out of
the 60s where they wanted to do these weird, trippy freakout sequences.
So they did this for like a kids movie. And they made it like HR
Puff and stuff. Trippy, weird shit. Which is odd. I just wanted to point that
out. That is weird. Yeah, we can move on. I just needed
to say that. All right, well, then our
own Godzilla start showing up and we see more garbage,
water and stuff like that. And then we get some narration. So that's
our next clip. The atomic bomb, the hydrogen
bomb. Cast their fallout into the sea. Human waste,
poison gas. Everything ugly is put into the sea and all life
dies. Godzilla would really get angry if he saw this.
He would do something. Class A second
grade. Kenya.
Since we weren't super rushed today and I had the time to edit your clips,
I cut all of your clips down massively, just an FYI.
Oh, yeah. I, I in some of my clips weren't that
long to begin with. This is not a, A dialogue heavy movie.
This is a lot of action in it. It does have the action.
What? It does have that. At least there's a lot it does have that.
Now, I'm not the biggest fan of the action in this. I thought it was
kind of weird, but at the same time, at least it's monsters
fighting. Where in our last few movies it's been a lot just
for us to get our payoff for Monster, you know, fighting.
Yeah, maybe. I definitely starts quick.
In the dime machine ones. Yes. But in Destroy All Monsters, there wasn't a shit
on the setup. It was just. Still, they put too much human interest stories and
like James Bond action in to try and keep people's attention. Yeah, yeah,
no, no, I'm talking about the previous, not last week's,
but before that. Yeah, the Diamond Gene movies. Death diamond movies.
Yeah, yeah, Totally agree with you there. So Zilla then
torches a lot of the garbage he's seeing because, yeah, he ain't all that.
He ain't about having garbage all up in his water. Oh, just an FYI,
calling Godzilla Zilla is kind of not cool now
because that's what they refer to. The 98 Godzilla
from Roland Emmerich that starred Matthew Broderick. People just dubbed him
Zilla because he's not Zilla. All right, I'm just saying Zilla because it's
shorthand. When I write everything, Big G, better if you would.
Big, big G. Yeah, big G. I'll try to remember, but just if I
slip up, remind me. Oh, I really just wrote down I
didn't do it because I didn't know his name was like that. I literally just
did it to shorthand a name. Right. And seriously, it only bugs me
because I absolutely hate that movie. And I hate that. Oh, yeah, I do
too. Yeah, that Matthew Broderick Godzilla movie just was ridiculous.
All right, let's bring it back in. We're already just off the rails. We're going
crazy here. All right, so anyway, the dad,
he's working late in his lab. And this leads to our next clip.
Oh, darling, what are you doing up so late?
Put some muddy water in one of those testers. What are you doing?
You're supposed to be resting. It's the strangest thing I've ever seen.
This so called fish is really a mineral. It's the same as diamonds and other
crystallized carbons. Papa. Oh, Ken. What are
you doing up? Don't you know how late it is? Papa, Godzilla's coming
to save us. Godzilla? He's going to come and
kill the hedger. I saw it happen in my dream. Don't you believe me,
Mama? Do you can if you saw it happen in your dreams?
I'm sure it's true. Now it's time to go back to bed,
Papa. Will you look at that.
When I put fragments of that fish in the polluted water, the dry pieces
are regenerated and they come to life and join in larger form.
Look at that, Mama. It has a tail now. Will it happen
again? No wonder the creature can
grow so quickly. It doesn't divide like other organisms. Do you mean
my Hedra and the one that smashes ships have come together and made a big,
big one? This means they can reach enormous size.
Bigger than Godzilla? Yeah. Edras live in the chemicals we put
in the sea. But what would happen if it came on land for its nutrition?
But that creature couldn't live out of the water, could it? I really don't know.
This is a new and unusual mutation. And frankly, this one's really got me
worried. That's got me worried too. Just. So now
we're at a nightclub or a discotheque, as they call it. There's a lot of
singing and dancing. And then outside of everything, head, as I typically
call it, Head run. Head is just us destroyed destroying and
sopping up all the industrial waste. There's phone calls
to cops, but of course they're cops, so they don't help.
Also, giant monster made out of nuclear waste of some sort that flies
and. Or crawls and just is all over the place and
you can't stop it. And it melts everything in sight. What the fuck are the
cops gonna do anyway? Yeah, but still the cops like it's not even
the fact of oh, we can't help. Unfortunately happened.
It's completely. I don't believe in that. That doesn't exist. And then he
hangs up. So once again, all cops. He just
sucks. Yeah. In a world where giant monsters exist and are a
thing, one that's made out of some kind of weird living toxic waste
is somehow still too much for a cop to be able to process.
Yeah. One in which everyone. There's a Godzilla and everyone knows about
Godzilla and it's widely, you know, accepted. And then
you talk about another monster is like, those don't exist cops just eat
another donut and leave the rest of us alone. Yeah. Just previously there was
an alien attack in the movie where aliens have attacked multiple times
in multiple movies before this and somehow brought up monsters.
And yet this cop still cannot believe that there is some kind of a living
toxic monster. Living toxic waste monster that's attacking things.
It's because cops are useless. I mean. Yeah, I'm glad you're around to that point.
Finally, dude. Finally. I've been there for a couple of years
now. I've been with you. They're coming for us either way,
whether we say this or not. Yeah, no, I mean, listen, we're just gonna be
the last people that go after and then it's over, Right?
Only because we don't matter. Only. Yeah, only because we're Cis white
straight men. That's be the last because, you know, we're not
overtly rich or we also speak a little too loudly against that
type of establishment. So we. We'll die. It's fine.
Anyway, so we get some Godzilla.
Then shows up after head starts growing from the.
The. All the smog and everything. Zilla got Big
G shows up and he starts a fight. Uh, Big G throws
head into a building which ends up killing some guys.
Uh, then we cut back to more singing and D. Then the sludge
starts coming into the discotheque, and there's this poor cat in
the sludge. It's fine. The sludge didn't eat it.
People get out and they. These two see Big G and Head
fighting. Head throws some sludge at Big G, burning him.
So Big G whoops more. Some more ass. And Head runs away back
into the water. That's the end of that first 30 minutes before we go to
the next. So be a decent fight to start things out. So has hetero
started flying around yet? I'm kind of lost as to where we're in this.
He's not flying yet. It's getting there.
Anything you see in this fight is if he's flying through the air, it was
because Godzilla threw him. Right. But when he flew over things
and landed in a building and then walked out, the people in that building
were in, buried, and sludged in and killed. So he
started to realize he could fly over things and sludge out.
So this is. This is right before all that starts getting there. Okay.
Yeah. I just didn't know where we were at because of the clips being a
little ambiguous and everything. Yeah. The. The nightclub
sludging and kind like oozing around is sort of like a blob attack.
And then he only really kind of forms into a body at
that point with fighting Godzilla. And I like the
various suit iterations of Hedorah. Like, this first
suit iteration isn't like a final form to fight him, but it looks
very similar to that. And the idea of this nebulous
kind of sludge that forms into a creature felt very Lovecraftian
for me. And I freely. It really did. I freely admit that if you don't
look at it that way, this kind of starts to fall apart, that it's like
this living sludge stuff, and you have a hard time really pushing the I believe
button on what's happening. However, the brutality and the
horror that ends up happening everywhere this thing hits. And Godzilla being more
of a protector at this point, realizing that he is destroying all
sorts of shit whenever he throws this thing at it.
Like, you almost see where Godzilla is. Like, I got to get this thing out
of the city because I'm not doing any good here. Yeah, yeah. I'm hurting
more than I'm doing anything else, so. Right. And he's also tossing
it into places like industrial buildings where it wants to feed anyway. And smashing
those buildings just creates the kind of waste that it needs. And he's basically making
things worse. He's basically helping it grow. Right. He doesn't Mean to. It's just
that that's what happens. No, he doesn't know what this thing's powers are
yet. So you're getting to know things. Yeah. And this
is also the start where you start to see. I mean, you see it a
little bit in Destroy All Monsters last week. And in All Monsters Attack,
there's a little bit more cunning in Godzilla, even though a lot of that stock
footage from the other cunning that we had actually see from Son of Godzilla,
which is why I skipped them both partially.
Anyway, the bas. Basic idea is that this Godzilla
is a lot more cunning. He's getting more clever and he's getting more human like
characteristics. And so we see a little bit more empathy. But when it's time
to throw down, we still also see Godzilla being pretty sadistic
to this thing. Like he's gonna get rid of it no matter what because it's
awful. Godzilla's gonna whoop this thing's ass. Yeah, he hates this thing,
you can see. Oh, yeah. Like the. Well, it's. It's the epitome
of everything it's destroying. You know, Godzilla's the protector of earth,
and this thing is literally feeding on the things that destroy earth.
Yeah. There. I shared a meme that explains it all where it's got
Godzilla smiling in one photo, and then it says Godzilla when Godzilla is
destroying Tokyo or anywhere. And then the next frame is Godzilla looking pissed
off, but it's that same Godzilla, like super angry. And it says Godzilla whenever
any other monster is destroying Tokyo or anywhere else. Yeah,
right. You can't do. That's my fucking job.
You can't do that to our pledges. Only we can do that to our pledges.
Yeah. Yeah. All right, we can move on to the next 30. All right,
the next 30. Well, we have a news report. And that is our. Our next
clip. It has been reported that Hedra and Godzilla have fought at Sagami bay.
At least 35 people have been killed and 81 injured and more
than 300 buildings destroyed by these two giants.
Hedra and Godzilla have both disappeared. All metal objects touched by the
hedger are reported to have been corroded as if by some form of acid.
The authorities are not sure if the hedger at Tsugami and the one which sank
the tankers are the same. No one knows where the Hendra came from or
why Godzilla sat. Civic leaders throughout the country
are urging the government to take immediate action. What's the
matter with that man? Godzilla came to kill the hedger because he hates it
too. Right, Papa? Ken, how come you
know so much about it? So you want
to be Godzilla? Doctor? Feeling okay? Yeah.
Yukio seems to think we can be of some help to you. Well, three heads
are better than one in a case like this. Hedra may have left a clue
for one of. Are you certain this is a place where you
saw the spark? Yeah, I'm sure.
Look at that. It's burnt. It might be a piece of the
headra. Can I pick him up? All you can
find. It's exactly like the tadpole.
Yeah, it is like the tadpole, dad. When it changes to a frog, it can
come on land. I think that's just what happened, too. How's it possible
a living organism can be made from minerals? Are you sure you saw sparks coming
from it? Yeah, no doubt about it. What a beautiful. So it didn't
eat the cat outside the discotheque. Instead, it decided to consume the smoke.
Industrial smoke's poisonous. So why did it do that?
I know why. The Hedger is an organism entirely different
from any other form of life. The green and
red gooey stuff is a waste material, and the white shiny stuff is a
crystallized carbon. I think we should call it hydrium, don't you? What you
see there is the eyeball of a tadpole ground into powder. Hydrium is as good
a name as any I can think of. But I think the white substance is
the key to the life force of the monster. If its body is formed by
minerals and waste material, it wouldn't have a nerve structure as we know it.
Some minerals discharge electricity, so the sparks
are not unusual. If Hedgera can survive on our smoke, wouldn't that
end the pollution problem? Just the opposite. The hydra will make its own kind of
air pollution. How come the hydra caused all that metal to corrode? Look in the
microscope again. That yellow substance you see in there
is sulfur. You see it? The Hadrian is probably a
catalyst, but what it reacts with, I have no idea. Yet it did produce
sulfuric acid because that's how it burned my face.
Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how it does all this,
but it takes small grains of sulfur. And the acid mist it
made corroded the metal. Hedger consumes our smoke, but it expels a mist of
sulfuric acid that will make our own air deadly to breathe. In time, we'll be
covered by a poisonous smog. It is believed that the Hedra is
a freak organism formed in one of our polluted rivers or bays. The whole
country is in a state of terror and awaits the reappearance of the monster.
The Hedra has never appeared in the daylight. So any night or any rainy
or foggy day could be dangerous for us all. We've been asked to issue a
warning to those living near the sea or a river, especially places which
are also industrial areas and are already heavily polluted. Can't you
forget this for a while? You'll never get well if you don't take it easy.
I can't help it. Anyway, I was only listening to the news.
Papa. If Hedra doesn't belong to our planet, then how did it get here in
the first place? Ken, you know what a meteor is, don't you? It's a falling
star. A rock falling in space. That's right. Hedra must have been
on a rock that landed on Earth. I wonder what kind of
place it came from. It probably came from a sticky,
dark planet far, far away. Now. So to sleep,
the young couple take the little boy out for some, you know, a theme park.
Roller coaster time. But the kid sees Godzilla. He calls his dad
to warn him. And then there's a big explosion. Well, we see Head.
He's flying around. And when he flies over people, they're hurting. They're feeling
bad. All of a sudden, gas lines start exploding all
over the place. And now when Head flies over them, people are actually dying.
They're, like, melting. It even hurts Godzilla, because when
Zilla tries to stop him, he gets up there. We get another
little cartoon of everyone having to wear masks out now because the
smog's getting so bad. This all leads to our next
next clip. The southeastern area of Fuji City is virtually destroyed.
So far, 1600 people have been killed, while the number of people
injured exceeds 30,000. Hedra has left a trail of intense sulfuric
acid mists in his path. And this is preventing any effective rescue operations.
The burning acid mist affects the eyes and throat, and bodies of the dead are
reported to be piling up in the streets. It was also frightening. I have no
idea what was happening. Suddenly, the girls fell to the ground.
If this continues, it'll wipe out the entire Hedra.
Just seems to get bigger. Isn't it going to stop, Papa? Well,
Hedra just thrives on smoke and sludge. While we continue to
pollute the air, the monster will continue to get bigger than ever. I'm afraid
there's no stopping it. Can it climb Mount Fuji? Mm,
maybe. Who knows? Ken, what's a nuclear explosion?
You mean atomic bombs and so on? Yes.
When the atoms of a substance undergo nuclear fission, they create
more atoms and emit a tremendous amount of energy.
Throughout the universe, explosions occur which are very much larger
than the sun or hydrogen bombs. Bang. That's wild.
Hedra now seems able to fly by means of its own nuclear power.
We must try to stop it. If we don't get rid of it, there's no
telling what destructive power it may develop. Could it become more powerful than
Godzilla? It's possible. But you see, there's only one Hedra.
And if we pool our scientific knowledge, we can defeat it. What can we
do? We're fighting against time. The next time the monster
lands, we must have something ready to destroy it. There must be some part
of it that's vulnerable. Why don't we dry it?
It's only sludge. Hedra has won after all.
But of course it has. Hedra was her own creation. And now it'll kill
us. A million people on
the go. How about that? So we'll get every youngster
in the country, and then we'll throw a real. Blast of a party right at
the top of Mount Fuji.
When Hedra first appeared, it looked like a huge tadpole.
In its initial stages, it lived in the water. Then it developed amphibian
characteristics. Slowly it changed and
took on the shape of a four footed reptile drinking up smoke.
It grew steadily bigger. This was its second stage,
and at this point, it changed shape to resemble a flying saucer.
During this third phase, it began attacking in broad daylight,
scattering sulfuric acid mist through the.
The question now is, what terrifying form will the monster take next?
Professor, what form will it take next, in your opinion? Its growth rate is amazing.
There's no telling where it will stop. What is the Hedger's weakness then, if it
has any? Well, you see, Hedra lives in a world in which no earthly creature
can exist. A negative world of death. That is to say, it lives in sludge
and polluted air. So it's possible that oxygen might deter its growth.
Give it oxygen. Feral joy. Yeah. What caused
the heather to grow? Neither the land nor the sea is suitable
for life. We ought to help you.
Help us? Help us.
Ah, thank you. One positive electrode
and one negative. The moment we feed the electric current from one to the
other, then anything between the two electrodes is subjected to power.
Dries instantly. So let's try
it out now. You plan to kill the header by drawing it up?
Yeah, so we know there's just more TV noise.
Like rabble. Rabble. So anyway,
now they're figuring out. They. They tested
it and they ordered the Dry out a small head so
they know it works. Did that look like a little piece of dried dog
poop to you when they were done? Well, it's all white. Everything.
Totally. Oh yeah, like it's basically heterose. A flying
like massive toxic sewage and sludge and a bunch of other stuff.
But mostly it's just shit because that's. Yeah, that's just what you do to make
it gross. It's always just shit. Yeah. I wanted to actually talk
about the flying ghid. They mention it, but they don't really like
get deeper into it until later on. Essentially he is
powered by this nuclear thing is what they say. But in the Japanese dub he's
actually expelling sulfuric acid, like a gas
form of sulfuric acid that's filling the air and that is what
is making him fly. He's being proposed like. Like his propulsion method
is to shoot out sulfuric acid out of his own body. And that's
what's making people sick. That's what's melting people. And when he flies
through that radio tower at one point in the movie, I don't know if it's
already happened in your notes or not, it actually starts melting because
he is coating that sulfuric acid as he goes. He was dripping
it as a liquid, but then he figured out how to make it into a
gas form when he retransformed into this flying version of himself. I gotcha.
Yeah, it's really weird. And they don't in the English dub, they don't get as
deep into it as what they do in the Japanese language version. But again,
watch the Kraken releasing disc for that because their subtitles even
are actually better as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, I watched this a few times
for our review. Yeah, yeah, right. All right.
Kids are at the top of the mountain and they're all like, they didn't get
a million, but they got enough to have a fucking bitching party because hey,
listen, the world's going to end. Fucking might as well have a bitching party,
right? Yeah, the world's going to end. Why not light a giant bonfire in the
middle of a severely dried out cane field
or some kind of like tall grass field with all the
grass just sticking up around you. And then lots of fires in these
sort of like metal torches that surround in a circle around all of that,
which is still in that same goddamn dried out, ready to go up at minute
field. Why not? Why not just start a whole huge brush fire,
you know, with your. I see you've also visited California.
Nice. It's fine. Yeah, that's basically what I was looking at the entire time.
And one of the things I also have to mention in the Japanese dub,
they talk about giving it back the earth that they used to have before it
got polluted. That's what the lady keeps singing in the English language dub.
She just keeps singing, save the earth. Save, save the earth. And I couldn't
even understand that. Yeah, I thought maybe they weren't translating the singing
and they were just letting the singing be in Japanese. No, it's Save the earth.
Save, save the earth in the English language dub. In some of the versions
anyway. Maybe not the one that I gave you. I don't know. I have no
idea. Maybe it is. I just couldn't understand it. Yeah, yeah, but it's one
of the other is what you get if you saw this actually in the 80s,
like a lot of my older friends that are Godzilla fans have seen it in,
they will be singing, save the Earth. Save, save the Earth. And then those of
us that are more familiar with the subtitled version are just kind of thinking
to ourselves, give it back, give back the earth we had. Or something along those
lines, what it was in that version. So there you go. Yeah, there you go.
I'm not trying to pat on our run time in any way, shape or form
because this film is going way too fast. I'm not doing it. I mean,
there's not. Again, monster movies, not a lot
going on where you have to get really indel into it. All right? It's.
It's pretty much just straight on, what you got. Yeah, you got to pretty much
do a play by. Play by. For all of the battles and monster action to
actually get a review out of these. Yeah, right. So any who.
Let's see here. All right, so head flies over the professor's
house and everything starts dying. Like his fish, his flowers.
Big G and head. They show up to the party, both of them. The dad
or the professor calls the army. And that is our next
clip. Hello. Hello, army headquarters. Aren't they ready yet?
Have you finished making the electrodes? What you say they're being made in Yokohama.
Edra's heading for Mount Fuji. Hey. Oh my God.
Ken is in danger. Not only Ken, everything's in
danger. Toshi, we must go to Mount Fuji. But you're in no condition to
travel. I must check the electrodes. If they fail, there's no way of stopping the
hydra. The survival of this planet depends on those electrodes. I like how he's
like, yeah, I may not survive that, but if I don't show up to do
this and make sure it gets done right, no one might survive. So I'm
a trade off. Apparently I'm the only guy who could make anything work
around here. Yeah, something like that. Right. It's,
it's. It's when you're the only one who knows how to do anything at work,
and even though you called in sick, everyone's gotta go
in. Head starts shooting at Godzilla.
Literally looks like it's just sludge and it burns Godzilla
right in the eye. Is pretty fucking nasty. Yeah. There's more fighting. Like every
time. You think Godzilla gets the upper hand where he like punches into
yo head and all that shit. You think, there you go. All of a sudden
there's more burning and like, Head just will not get hurt by anything
Godzilla is doing. Oh, that's not necessarily true. He punches him in the eye and
he takes out his fucking eye. That's. That is true. He takes out one of
Head's eyes. Yeah. Yes. Godzilla gets one of his eyes burned out,
which starts healing and growing back. But then when he takes out heterozy,
it stays the fuck out. Yeah, yeah. Like I said,
Godzilla' starts fighting back. That ends this 30 minutes before
we go into the final 30. The actual fights in this are cool because
Godzilla's brute force attacks and even his atomic breath,
all it like his brute force attacks hurt him slightly more
than they hurt Hedorah in this. He did take out his eye, but he also
burned the hand that punched right through the sludge. Yeah. Every time Godzilla does
anything unless it's atomic breath, he gets hurt in the process. And the
atomic breath kind of hurts Hedorah, but at the same time gives him a
little bit more power too. Yeah. So it's, it's, it's confusing to
Godzilla. Yeah, he's like, all right, the normal stuff ain't working.
Yeah. He's got to figure out how to actually use
his powers to take out Hetero, which is what makes Hetero a
bit of a threat here. Now, do I feel that Hedorah is overpowered?
Absolutely. Op. Yeah. Yeah. He's about to get nerfed
though, so it's fine. Yeah, he's. He's got way too many
power ups and all the things that he can do. But the thing is,
is Hetero is pollution. Godzilla is fighting pollution in
this. It is much an allegory. And at the time,
people were actually afraid of pollution because this was all stuff
that pollution causes the leaking Sulfuric acid is basically the same thing
as acid rain. That does ended up. Ended up actually happening from
coal smoke and all of that other kind of stuff. And it hasn't really actually
gone away. People just stopped talking about it. All the things that were happening
with hetera being this awful polluting mass is things that
man has actually done to his own planet. It's just that we are hetera
and Godzilla is fighting our pollution, our things that
we're doing to kill our own planet in an allegory here. And yeah,
it's kind of hard to translate it that way other than making him this giant,
sludgy smog monster, which is really pretty much
Godzilla is powerless for the most part at the start of this to do anything
about it. And, yeah, that's annoying to watch. But at the same time, like,
they really ratchet it up. And these fights, the trade off of what Godzilla's
doing. Yeah, he gets burned every time he puts hands on Hedorah, but he also
does kind of hurt Hedorah every time he puts hands on him. He just doesn't
know what to do with the claw whenever he's getting burned
and touching them. And I actually like, the risk to Godzilla is pretty severe
in this one. I mean, his eye gets burned right off the bat. And he
doesn't back down. He's like, you know what? You took my eye, I'm taking yours
now. Fuck you up. It's pretty badass when you think about it,
right? Godzilla is an eye for an eye type Kaiju,
literally. Well, he does have a lizard brain. It makes sense,
right? Like, he's gonna have that cruelty that lizards have. That's what makes lizards survive.
They are fucking ruthless. Yeah, they don't care. We can move
on on that. All right, the final 30.
Let' here. All right, so head is
picks up Godzilla, starts flying and then drops him into,
like, a gully. And then starts burying Godzilla alive in his
sludge. Until the army shows up and drops some bombs to help free
Godzilla. Now all of a sudden, Head can shoot lasers out
of his eyes. The doctor pulls up to the electrodes
in our final clip. Right. Here we are.
Are you all right, Doctor? The electrodes ready. Good. We've set
up the electrodes about a thousand yards apart. They're 40 yards in height and 60
yards wide. How do you plan on getting the hedger to come between the electrodes?
We bait it with artillery and helicopters. When it's close enough, we'll use blinking headlights
as well as supersonic waves. What's the voltage 3 million volts.
The supply of electricity from the whole canoe area. That ought to be
enough to do the job.
Through the findings, some power stations are hit. So now the electrodes
aren't going to work. So they're trying to fix the power. Well, Head gets in
between the electrodes and right before it can destroy the military
jeeps join them there. Zilla fires up the electrodes with his electric
breath. Big G fires them up with his electric nuclear
breath. All of a sudden it looks like Head is dead. Godzilla takes
these two things out of his body. It's like their pearls.
It's eggs. And then. Oh, it's their eggs. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah. And make sure they get destroyed. He he in
the electrodes as well. All of a sudden. Then Head
takes off. Godzilla uses his atomic
breath and follow the out of Head,
then brings it back cuz. And they finally get the power back
on. But now there's a relay issue. So Zilla
holds or Big G holds Head and
then powers it again while holding him, zaps that
to dust and then starts tearing the carcass
apart. Godzilla then walks off. We see more pollution
back to Godzilla's face. I was waiting for a tear in Godzilla's face.
Like the crying Indian in that commercial.
Yeah. But anyway, the little boy thanks Godzilla for
saving them. Roll credits. Cinema PsyOps 10.
10 years. 10 years.
So it is actually important to note that the ending of it goes essentially
like you said, but there's a little bit more detail there. He pulls the eggs
out and makes sure that they get destroyed. So that they're being destroyed.
And then he picks up a giant boulder and drops it on the Hedrick carcass
to make sure. Oh yeah. And when he does it, that's when what's left that
reformed inside of the crispy shell flies off.
Then he uses his AT to jetpack himself back to go
get him. Which you either love it or you hate it. I am not a
fan. That was one of the worst. It looks a little silly.
Yeah, it's one of the weirdest decisions they've ever done. However,
there's a sort of vertical or there's like
this Godzilla flying horizontally doing a kick later on in
the series that I dislike even more that I think is even sillier than this
atomic breath flying thing. I'm just going to ignore
that and not really have a problem with it. Because once
he gets to Hedorah, that fight there where he's beating the ever
loving fuck out of it is fucking cool.
And he already Just dissolved the two eggs. We know
how much Godzilla hates any other Kaiju eggs that exist out there.
Yeah, right. Yeah. That's not for anybody. Right.
I mean, he essentially rips the eggs out of the dying carcass,
fries them, then makes sure that the carcass is dead, finds out that it's
not, it flies off, goes and gets it. However he does it is kind
of lame. Brings it back after beating the shit out of it even more,
then holds it there whenever the sh. Not working, and then fries it
even more. And then what he's doing is. Because the first time it
survived, he breaks open the husk and he starts flinging the pollution everywhere
of what's left over anything that might actually still be alive and not dried
out. Then once he gets that all spread out everywhere, he fires
up his atomic breath and uses that electric array to dry all
of that out. And once that's all dried out and the earth completely cracks
underneath, and it's all the whatever makes up that Hedra is
gone. That's when he takes off. Like, he keeps keeps going
back and ripping this thing apart and making sure that it's dead.
It pissed him off that much? Yeah. And that is something that is
super badass about this film. That sequence is what makes me
forgive anything else, including Godzilla rocketing
himself backwards with his own atomic breath. Because that is so brutal.
And this is a kids film. They're selling this as a kids
film. And it's brutal as. Yeah, it was hardcore, man.
He really fucking with that last beating he was given,
that thing before he flew it back. Yeah. Get after it.
Yeah, it was like pro wrestling in Godzilla suits, man. It was looking cool.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So there are some things to
really love about this film as much as there are some things to really dislike
about this film and any kind of criticism you would have about it,
including the Godzilla flying backwards by his own atomic breath. I understand your point,
but at the same time, I don't care because I have a blast watching this,
man. Yeah, yeah, it's a. It's a fun movie to watch. And there's a lot
of monster fighting. So, you know, that's always a good thing.
Yeah. Well, it gets really silly after this one. Like,
I know you're thinking, wait, this is pretty silly. How can it get even sillier
than that? Well, the next two films are going to be how.
Yeah, we're really close to the end of the era. I know we skipped a
few movies out of here, and I've already given my justification, so I'm not going
to do it again. Even though that would help pad out this episode, you know,
I'm just not going to do it. I'm hoping that you'll have a story time
to pad it out a little bit. I got a story time. All right,
that's excellent. So why don't we go ahead and take the break now? We're going
to play Johnny Cash with the song Men in Black, also released
in 1971, just like the movie God Zilla vs.
Hetera. And when we come back, we will have that story.
Oh, hi everybody. Welcome back to the podcast.
We're so happy to have you here. And I got Evil
Court with me. Hi, Evil Court. I just prefer Court supreme,
thank you. Ah, Court supreme. Of course. You can't do nothing wrong. Court.
Court Supreme. I mean, unlike that dumbass Matt, I do
believe you could run Anarchy. Well, I'm very grateful to hear you
say that. Thank you so much. That's one of the most wonderful things that anyone's
ever said to me in their entire lives. Thank you. That just means a lot.
Of course. Court Supreme. Just as long as you keep this goddamn podcast
running so my voice can keep going out into the ether. I'm not sure that
the world is ready to be able to handle that. Look, I just
needed someone to fill in because cuz I murdered Matt. Well, he deserved it.
That D. Son of a. He couldn't believe that you could run Anarchy.
Who? Someone runs Anarchy. It's cuz it's called anarchy. And that
definition alone, no one can actually run it cuz it's anarchy.
I still believe in you, Cor. I think I'm going to have to. Make you
a colonel in a military cuz this podcast sucks.
Yeah, make me a colonel. Make people have to listen to what I want to.
I mainly let Johnny Cash play a little too long during episodes, but I
mean, it's the man in Black. You gotta. You can never. You can never
let Johnny Cash play too long. That's just. That doesn't. That doesn't
exist. No matter how much it pads out your episode.
It's never too long for Johnny Cash. I agree. No, no, never too long for
Johnny Cash. I don't care if we got a three hour episode going.
You let it play. Well, hopefully we'll have something else that's
not too long with your story time.
Story time?
Story time. Well, kids,
this story time is like a. A PSA of sorts. And now most of you
probably know this because you're all cool, hip kids who Listen to this show and
not some old, you know, stick in the muds like me.
We've got some old folks that listen to this show, too, that are older.
But that's stick in the mu. They're cool. They're still cool. If you're listening to
this show, you got to at least be a little bit hip because we get
weird with it. We really? Yeah, we do. Yeah. I've recently
been. Court, how do you describe how you get high
before a show? Again, legally derived hemp. Yeah, it's a legally
derived hemp high or legally. Legally derived hemp,
though. I've been taking gummies recently to go to sleep,
to help me sleep, and it's perfect. And I wake up the next morning,
never drowsy, don't feel like shit, and get to go on and try
to be a productive member of society. Well,
I went to a store and I bought some gummies somewhere where
I go a lot. And the guy was like, hey. Because I was trying to
decide between two different kinds. And he goes, hey, why don't you take this
little package here, has like two gummies in it? And he's like,
you can try those. Because, yeah, I bought the other brand and I go,
yeah, sure, thanks. So I get home one night and
I was going to take a gummy, and I just kind of assumed.
I didn't look at the package. I just kind of assumed.
Usually the gummies I get. What? Rookie mistake. Rookie mistake.
Usually the gummies I get are whole. One whole gummy is like 250mg.
I take off a little slice of it, pop it in my mouth. You know,
one gummy can last me, like almost five nights. Sometimes I'm good.
I'm, you know, I feel good. I go to sleep fine. That's all I need
it for. I did kind of the same thing. I took some of this gummy,
just without thinking, ate it, started feeling something, went to bed,
should have been fine. Court. I woke up at three in the morning and I
was vibrating.
I felt everything and yet felt
nothing. I started to lose it.
Luckily, I have been this high before. Now, it's been a long time,
but I have been this high before. When I tell you that I
had to concentrate to get up, go to the bathroom,
chug the biggest glass of water I've ever chugged before in
my life, and then just convince myself to go back to bed. And as I
lay to bed, just say, you're high. There's nothing wrong. You're just
really, really high. You go to sleep. You'll wake tomorrow.
Everything's going to be fine. But I court. I was like,
you know, you vibrate. I. I was vibrating like
laying in bed. Holy. And then of course I
wear headphones when I go to bed and I like just listen to stuff.
None of that was bothering me. But it had the. The video I'd been listening
to had ended. But what was still going it was my
wife likes to listen to creepy stories.
A. A woman talking to is telling scary stories
and it's the. The. The room's and she
talks like this and it's just the worst. And that was going.
So I really, on a random Tuesday at
3 in the morning, almost had a full blown panic attack in
a. And. And. And it just was too high. So the next day I come
downstairs and I go, holy, what is that?
I checked it each gummy 500 milligrams,
which means I probably through the slice I took had 250mg.
A full one of the usual ones I take,
which I would even take half of those. So yeah, there's my story
time. I got randomly way too high on a random Tuesday just trying to
go to sleep. Well, I would give you a little bit of a recommendation.
What works for me. And I have heard anecdotal evidence from
other more hardcore smokers as well. Yeah. If you get too high
and you start getting that I'm going to see the fairy in the mirror and
it starts fucking with your head. If you imbibe a little cbd,
like if you have a CBD vape, just straight CBD without any THC in it
can help sort of level you out and bring you down just a little bit
and maybe stop or slow down that vibration that you were experiencing. Well, that's good.
Now I don't plan on ever doing that again. And now I'll always read
the package. Yeah. But yeah, especially with edibles because
they be sneaky like that. Oh yeah. There's plenty of
memes out there where people are like these edibles ain't shit. And then two hours
later, you know what I mean? They're dead. Oh yeah. No. And I've
always laughed at those goddamn. Just. And I almost always usually
check the package just for some reason that night I was just not even
thinking. Just did my normal. Took my normal bite of a gummy.
They usually do. Yeah. Well, that's. Which isn't a lot. Always check
the package. Always figure out the dose for gummy. Always.
Never. You go to do it, man. Oh boy.
Unless that was fun. Unless you are playing roulette, which some people
out there, I'm not going to judge. Some people do that where they're just like,
fuck it, let's see what happens with their drugs. Yeah, yeah. I mean,
listen, you. Everyone does whatever they want, right? I'm just telling you what
happened to me. Yeah, yeah. So your dosage may vary.
Absolutely. But I would definitely recommend if you don't want to go full
space cadet or you fear going full space cadet like Matt ended up doing.
I would look at. Yeah. Look at the package and figure out what your actual
dosage is going to be first. Plan ahead. You'll have a better
experience. You'll have a better experience if you plan ahead is all I'm saying when
it comes to edibles, because edibles are a goddamn minefield.
That's Matt has learned that many times. I have, I have. There's times
where I've taken a bit of a gummy and it was also still
like, I read the package. I knew how much it was. I thought
I'd taken the right amount. It shows that
I wasn't ready. And I took a little. We went to watch a movie and
that was fucking just amazing.
And the best is people that don't wait for it to kick in so they
up their dosage. You always have to wait at least two hours. Unless you
have the fastest metabolism in the world. Give it at least two hours,
sometimes more. Because edibles take a long time.
And also chew it up and then have the edible or whatever it is
that you have, whether it's a gummy or a cookie or even if it's a
drink, whatever you have in there, swish that around in your mouth. Keep that
under your tongue and hold that under your tongue. It will absorb into the blood
vessels there a little quicker. You'll get some THC to absorb that way and then
go ahead and swallow everything after you hold it under there for a little
while and maybe it'll make your high kick in a little bit faster.
Yeah, there you go. But still, that's. That's all my. That's all my edible knowledge.
Or at least what I've learned over the years of doing this shit. Yeah,
and by years. And by years, I mean by years that it's been legal in
hempter. Yeah, of course. Only legal. We're not
criminals. Unless I was in a place where it was legal to do the
actual cannabis and not the hemp derived stuff. That's still legal though.
We're not criminals. Yeah, we would Always follow the rules and all
of the laws. Always, always, always, always.
Well, I think that's going to close out your story time. So let's go ahead
and play the show Housekeeping. And immediately following that on the pirate radio Edit,
also released in 1971. And I swear I didn't plan this.
Black Sabbath. Sweet leaf. Immediately following this,
if you've decided you you can't get enough of the show and would like to
checkout more of it, we're available at just do
a quick search. God damn it. Look, I really
just wish we could have replaced all of these people with AI but we.
We need them on this. So how do we convince them? Dan. What? What the
fuck are we gonna do? Well, number one, I suggest stop using
the word unraveling the timeline. That sort of makes the people
nervous, even though they are sort of dumb and ugly and stinky.
You can't just say that all the time. What about collapsing multiple
realities? Collapse also is a very triggering word,
especially in these tough economic times. Which of course is not
any of your call, Supreme Leader Court. It's just the way
things work. All right, so not unraveling.
Negative connotation. Obliterating. Can't use that.
No, that's red out. That's worse than the other two. Does pruning sound
bad? Can we make pruning sound bad? Pruning is much better.
It reminds people of gardening, which they used to be able to do before
the toxic waste. But again, none of your fault, Supreme Leader Corps.
You're doing great. Look, we only really need them to.
Help us build the device to do this. And then all
reality gets unraveled and then no humans will ever have existed. And everything
will be better. Supreme cleat of core. Yeah, what?
Quick question. If we unravel all of reality, does that
mean we also cease to exist? Yeah. We undo everything that
humans have ever done wrong. It's perfect.
I sense a little bit of hesitance in you that I don't think I like.
I think it's time for you to visit our RE education camps.
Say what? I don't think you really listen to. Me at
all on that. I don't
know how anybody could disagree with you, Supreme Leader
Court. You only have great ideas. I'm not falling for that.
Guards. Education camps. Damn it. Get your
hands off of me, stinky bastard. Oh, damn. Don't pretend like you don't like
being manhandled. Well, they should moisturize.
Yeah, and wash your hands more often. Good Lord. I Don't
know what any of them are doing, but they're definitely not washing their goddamn hands.
All the guards who do wash their hands execute the guards that are not washing
their hands. That's actually a great idea. Supreme Leader Court
still education camp. Go. Ah, damn it.
So much of what makes Black Sabbath so heavy is Geezer Butler's distorted
bass. It sounds so great in that song,
I gotta say. It also makes me really, really happy that I'm rocking a
hem derived high myself right now. I thought
about doing it because I have nothing else going on. But yeah, like I said,
I got a. I got a barbecue later. So, yeah,
so essentially I don't really have a segue here or anything to kind
of talk about other than when I chose Sweet Leaf. It's because the coughing at
the beginning I was going to tie back into the sulfuric acid, making everybody joke.
But then Matt ended up telling a I got two stone story that worked out
perfect for Sweet Leaf. And now I don't need to. So everybody just kick the
out of this week and enjoy it and make that your bitch while you
listen to Sly and the Family Stone with the song Family
Affair, also released in 1971 on the pirate radio edit.
Ladies and gentlemen, it brings me great, great terror to have
to describe to you the things that are happening now. That Court has somehow become
the Fearless Leader. I don't know why they call him that. He's so full of
fear and anxiety and hate. I'm talking very low right now because we must offer
a resistance. Everyone, grab all of your crystals. Grab all of
your healing tools. Make sure that you're underneath all of those pyramids.
Grab up on all of your copper bracelets and make sure you're
prepared. Because we're gonna have to fight a spiritual war.
We're gonna talk our way through things. We're gonna hug it
out. We're gonna have a prayer circle. We're gonna bang on the drum. Even though
that's been called cultural appropriation by those that are a little more sensitive than even
myself, I just want you all to know we're gonna fight this. We're gonna fight.
We're gonna fight. I am all subjects to the Supreme
Leader, Court, the evil and horrible Shamir. He has
been captured and beautifully drawn, encoded and
beheaded. There ain't nothing left of him. And all the rest of
his pieces will be sent to the foul colonists. And as we all know,
the earth is flat and surrounded by an ash
wall. That the Supreme Leader, he's been through it and seen
what's beyond the ice wall. So you should all worship screen reader.
Okay. Goodbye now.
Yeah. Oh, you're here. Good. I am here.
Let's get this started.
Recording in progress. Recording stopped. Recording in
progress. There we go. Make up your mind.
I was recording to the computer and I don't want to do that because this
is just. Just a thin client shitty ass laptop that I recycled and
it's literally for this zoom call stuff. All right, you're up
first with Godzilla versus Hetero. We're going out of order because if we do things
in order, my episode will be super long and yours will be really short because
you'll expend all your energy on my episode. That's usually how it works.
Yeah, there'll be a little bit of weird back and forth
dialogue about some of the stuff that we had to skip to get
to this one after Destroy All Monsters. So hopefully that throw you
off your game too. Awful much. I just need to pull up my.
Hang on. Yeah,
sorry. I'm trying to type the words Godzilla franchise, and that keeps happening.
So I can kind of talk about the movies. There we go. Let's see.
One more second. There we go. There's the list of films
that. All right. Yeah, the only movie that we kind of skipped for
you is all Monsters Attack. So that's not a big problem.
We'll have a bigger explanation on my episode. So you got your notes and you're
ready to rock? I'm ready to go. All right. Just for your
own personal information, I just wanted you to know that we actually
kind of broke the rule that I set up at the beginning where I said
we were going to watch all the Criterion releases for your film.
And I'll tell you why, when we actually get into the, like, talking about the
film films at the start of the show. Because I am a merciful
court. And you're welcome. Are you sure?
Because this kid in my movie has something else to say about that.
I don't know how merciful you are. Well, it could have been worse. You could
have gotten no clips at all. No, that's also true. Yeah, I could all just
not English dub. And then I was writing pages and notes of horrificness.
Yeah, that's where. No, yeah, this. This movie is hard enough to follow
in English, so. All right, save your. Save it. Keep your powder dry
there. Save it, save it. Let's go ahead and get started.
3, 2, 1.
I will mute your mic. Don't ruin this for me.
How can you not sing along with it? Well, there you Go. You don't
get to hear it now. And this is going to be an outtake and the
audience will get to hear it later. Well, no, see, you're just. Me,
I. I stopped singing. I just asked you how you could not sing along with
it. 3, 2, 1. Second clip. Second clip.
That's for me, not. Not for you. Just editing. Don't worry about it. Much smaller.
Gotcha. I cut it out. I was like,
well, geez, I guess you have a certain way I need to say what clip
I'm on. No, I just need to know what clip you're on for my editing
later so I don't have to work so hard. I'm losing. Ripped the up today,
man. I can tell. Okay, now got some sleep.
I don't have to go into work at all this weekend. That's pretty nice.
I'm happy. I'm gonna barbecue.
Hey, I got a couple briskets that are laying around that have got your name
on it. I'm thinking I can bring them over and like, maybe you and me
and the wives can do some dinner with them. Yeah, yeah,
I can definitely do that. But I want it to be like, you know,
made in. You can actually eat it. I know how you get when you brisk
it. Anyway, that's the end of the. This poor
mom, she's just concerned about everybody.
Typical mom. Yeah, good mom. But I feel bad for.
Honestly, I just feel bad for all women across the world, all over the place,
all the time now. Yeah, that's not wrong.
Will you look at that? When I put fragments of that fish. Gonna go
back to the bathroom for 10 minutes and cry loudly. I'll be right back.
We're never gonna get this show done if you keep breaking down and crying every
five minutes for 10 minutes. Well, I mean, stop making
me think things. You're making me feel
my fifi. I don't want to feel feelings right now.
I love how like the last movie that we covered, it was these alien
creatures that are some kind of living molten metal organism and entirely different.
And they're like, how can a creature be made out of minerals? It's like you
just dealt with aliens made out of metal that you're hiding somewhere.
What the. Man, do you not remember two years ago?
Is this the same universe? Is this the same Godzilla? What the.
What are we doing around here?
That's why you kind of just kind of take the stories as they come and
like, whatever they say is the rules of how you have to follow for the.
The existence of Godzilla in this. If you're gonna try to hold them
to something here. Man, this is not gonna work for you. Yeah, continuity is not
exactly a thing that happens from Godzilla. Don't sweat the small stuff is what I'm
trying to tell you. Must have been on a rock that landed on Earth.
I wonder what kind of place it came from. Aliens. It probably came
from a sticky, dark planet far, far away now. So to sleep
as soon as aliens get mentioned. I do picture that guy with the big poofy
hair that stands out. Up. It's always like aliens in the ancient alien shows.
Yeah. Yep, yep. Same Anytime, anytime. It's always aliens,
aliens, aliens. I'm not. So, anyway, aliens. But it was aliens.
Yeah, listen, guys, it's probably not aliens, but it's definitely aliens.
So, anyway, that crowd with the baby crying, that's what it sounds
like to. Me when you're saying damn from one to the
other. So what you're saying is I should say more.
The power dries instantly. You're the worst. Let's try
it out now. Y plan to kill the YouTube by drawing it up?
Yeah. All right, clip's over. All right,
let's see here. Sorry to you up there. No,
you're fine. Hold on one sec. Sorry, I got to check this here. Actually,
I got a little thing to vamp about, so while you get this fixed.
Out. All right. Sorry about that. I'm back down. All right. Three, two, one.
Again. Subjects. Or I'm sorry, I should say people.
People, subjects, whatever. No one cares. You're under
the Supreme Leader now. Supreme Leader Court has made
everything better. Sure, maybe some gender builds are
far enough, but who gives? God damn. You weren't supposed to be using them anyway.
And yeah, maybe this toxic wasted all the water banks,
but that just means your water has flavor now. Isn't flavor
wonderful? You should be happy to have flavor. Supreme Leader Court
welcomes you to worship him as he runs anarchy, which you can
totally do. And if you say any different, we're going to kill you like we
kill my. Okay.
Everybody just kick the out of this week and enjoy it. And make
that your while you listen to Sly and the Family Stone
with the song Family Affair, also released in 1971 on the pirate
radio edit. Yeah.
yeah, yeah.
All right, we got to stop that. And we also have to stop this
recording stopped.