Cinema_PSYOPS_EP493: Giant Monsters FSU: Daimajin (1966) (Main Feed)
There is very little time or point in an explanation.
To be blunt, the audio came from a timeline and dimension that has
collapsed at a quantum level, rendering it null and void in terms of
existence. Operational time in the dimensional continuum where the
beings that created the audio collapsed in on itself,
rendering all of their civilization, including technology,
null and void. Timelines across the entire continuum are
collapsing and changing. The destruction has a nexus that centers
on Cinema PsyOps.
10 years. Man 10.
10 years.
10 years. Man 10 years. 10 years.
10. 10 years. 10 years.
What is the most likely way humanity. Will be wiped out? Maybe it's something.
Or us. Although the way the world ends might. Be because of
you. And if this is the case, you wouldn't have any control over it.
The global temperature rise underscores a chilling reality.
Our planet is trying to tell us. Something, but we don't seem to be listening.
A recent study has suggested that one third of annual deaths due
to heat are directly related to global warming.
On top of the initial flash of thermonuclear light,
which is 180 million degrees, which catches every everything on
fire in a nine mile diameter radius. On top of the bulldozing
effect of the wind and all the buildings coming down, and more fires
igniting more fires on top of the radiation if they happen to have
survived poisoning people to death. On top of all that, each one
of these fires creates a mega fire that is
a hundred or more square miles.
Timelines across the entire continuum are collapsing and
changing. The destruction has a nexus that centers on Cinema
PsyOps. A breathtaking scientific revolution is
taking place. Biotechnology has been progressing at
stunning speed, giving us the tools to eventually gain control
over biology. Solving the deadliest diseases while
also creating viruses more dangerous than nuclear bombs,
able to devastate humanity. It's man returning
to the most primal, violent state as people
fight over the tiny resources that
remain. What if the world we live in is just a dream or a simulation?
Whether it's a dream or some advanced computer game you are playing right
now, when it ends, you would be what. Causes the end of the world.
Please do us all a favor. Continue dreaming or playing this game
of life. Because when you wake up or unplug, there's a chance the rest of
us will be blaked out of existence. Timelines across the entire
continuum are collapsing and changing. The destruction has a nexus
that centers on Cinema syn.
10 years. 10 years.
Hello and
welcome. Welcome to the 493rd consecutive week
of Cinema Psyops. I'm your host, Court, the guy
that's really stoked to be talking to you about kaiju movies that take place in
a non historical version of feudal Japan. And joining me in the
joy of jumping through history with Kaiju as my co host,
Matt. Man, it's great. We're not even in the nuclear era.
It's just this great kind of medieval era. But you know,
it's. It is. It's kind of Japan's medieval era,
if you will. But with kaijus, there is some rifling
and there is some gunpowder. True. There is some rifling. Right,
right. They've. They do have guns. It's around like their revolutionary
war period because they have rifles, like muskets. They seem more
like muskets. Right. But they're still very much. This is where muskets
and guns were starting to overtake the samurai and make
the honor code kind of go away because people. But they're still samurai
swords. Baby katanas, man, that's fucking awesome. Yeah, we got a lot of fucking sword
play fights in this as well. Oh, it's so good. Yeah, I kind
of spoiled it for you and texted you that I was excited to talk about
these because they're very uni when it comes to country films. When you. When you
texted me that I was already in the middle, I had already watched yours,
it was in the middle of my own doing my notes. And I'm like,
yeah, man, I'm for it, dude. This shit's good. Yeah, I'm glad
you're stoked. We have diamond this week from 1966.
I think these were all filmed back to back then. Next week you're going to
be covering Return of diamond, also from 1966.
And then the following year you pronounce it Diamond. Diamond.
Yeah, they say in the movie. In the dub magin, but it's Diamond.
Yeah, Diamond. All right. See, because. Yeah, again, it was me trying
to realize how I'm supposed to. You can say it how they say it
from the dub because you are just saying the name that they say in the
dub and I have no problem with that. It's just going to go diamond.
I know because I didn't even really understand it in the dub, just to be
honest. Oh, okay. Well, that makes sense. And they also, in my movie use two
different names for what they merge. In your movie is the same deity?
Yeah, no, like throughout both movies, I just. I never heard
diamond, so. Or anything that sounded like how the word looked
to me. And I've never heard of it before. So they just say.
They just say they Just see. Okay. See? And so I.
I didn't really get that, so I just thought they were calling it something else
that I don't see. So there you go. All right, well,
that's. I like. I like learning.
All right, so I've got about 16 clips to get through, which is
the entirety of my movie. My movie runtime was longer than yours at
an hour and 24ish minutes. So all
of my stuff, I was. About an hour and 18. Yeah. I'm going to break
mine up into 28 minutes, give or take. All right, so on the
pirate radio edit for this week, all songs released in
1966, and the same for every movie that's released
in 1966 for the next three weeks, counting this week. So up first,
Nancy Sinatra, because much like dimajean,
her boots are made for walking. And that's just what they'll do.
But in dimajean's case, one of these days, those boots may walk all over you.
Yeah, that'll be right after this on the
pirate radio edit. This will keep you quiet. Oh,
hi there. So what's this cabin like,
man? Well, we're getting it for free, so, you know, as long as it's got
four walls and a ceiling and nothing leaks. Well, I'm pretty sure that it's
all going to leak. No. I don't know. It might actually not be so bad.
Probably a real kid who the asked you. Yeah. You know,
it might actually be kind of nice. Yeah. Are these people even coming with us?
What the. Were you. Were you supposed to get out of the car? The last
stop. God damn it. The girls can stay. I don't know.
Are they going to keep singing? No. All right. Best part
about this cabin is that it's super free. Oh, yeah. I mean,
you're really starting to make me nervous about how you just keep saying it's free.
It's Shamir's place. Oh, not Shamir.
They promised they wouldn't be here. They were here last weekend, so we may
have to clean up after them. Oh, God. Dude, that's gonna. Let it be a
lot of peyote and shit. All right, they said they
would leave the key under the map.
Wait, did they mean you? Oh, no, there's nothing underneath me.
Wait, hold on. Yeah, my back pocket. I didn't get a fucking key in my
back pocket. I don't, though, but try it on the door. Let's see if it
opens up. It works.
Oh, my God. That poor swing will not stop. It's so. God. Okay, that was
Creepy. It just stopped just because you opened the door. That's weird, right?
I'm convenient. Yeah, whatever. It. God, this place smells
funky. It's like patchouli and ass.
Oh, my God. It smells like what you think the underside of a
floor mat on a cab would smell like? It's like a fish concert
if they all got diarrhea. That's what I'm saying. All right,
so the upstairs is pretty echoey, man. I don't think we can set up.
Yeah, you're right. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah,
it's pretty bad. Yeah. Let's check the cellar.
You first. Well, the trapdoor is right by you. Go ahead. Yeah. One, two,
three. Not it. You're coming with me, though. I'll be
right behind you where you usually like.
Okay. Sounds decent. Down here we've got just enough
portable dampeners for the sound that we can make this work.
Is there weird that there's a projector and a screen down here and
what is obviously not enough room or what is obviously
used to watch a snuff film? Well, it is Shamir's cabin,
so it's probably not a snuff film. You don't think we have the.
Have the video of what happened to Millicent? Yeah, in the lab
with the robot. I don't really want to look at this. Right? I don't either.
It's. It's bad. It's bad. Dude, look at this. This really cool little tape recorder.
Oh, look at that. Oh, it doesn't work, though. No.
Once again, it only really takes one boot. Cuz diamond just.
Yeah, a boot. And really, that's more than enough to walk
all over you. Yeah, well, I mean, listen, I don't
even think my wife needs boots right now to walk all over me.
Just. It's just a withering look is all it takes. In Matt Siops
case. I mean, it's not even that anymore. That was
just like a flippant, like, hand gesture and I'm.
All right, well, let's talk about things that make other people done.
Daimajin, 1966. Yeah. The opening title
flashes before the screen with a thundercrack during a lightning storm
that starts everything off. We have some opening titles set to very serious and
dour sounding music that feels very familiar to another Kaiju,
but I can't quite place where it's from. No, it's Godzilla. It's fucking
Godzilla's theme. If you watch the movie again and keep in mind the theme
from Godzilla, they're very much trying to emulate that with time machine.
Oh, okay. I didn't get that. So there's something I didn't really get.
It's important to note that this is a different company. This is DIA and they're
taking shot at just another Kaiju. They are
the ones that did the Gamera films. Just a heads up. And I
prefer Daimajin over Gamera stuff. So. There we go. Gotcha. Those credits dissolve into
a composite shot of a human eye inside of a rock cliff face that
shrinks and fades away to show the rock cliff as the camera pans along
it. I realize this may be a model as the Howling Wolf was animated.
If so, that is some stellar model work. Yeah.
N. The same goes for the set of the village in the next shot.
And then it crosses into a hut where a woman is singing. And that is
the start of our first clip. There we go. Listen.
Mart. Gene's there. What? Those are his footsteps. Oh,
no, no. He's trying to break loose from
the mountain. Then it's true about the evil spirit. The priestesses
has been imprisoned in Wolf's Canyon. Is it? Then he'll
get out.
Tuck it, tuck it.
Come with us. We're going to pray that Majin doesn't
come out. We're coming,
Father. Father, is Majin of the mountain
really going to come out now? You're a samurai,
son. Be brave. If we pray to our good God, he will keep
him locked up. Is the good God a samurai? Of course. Every good God
is a samurai. Shino is the good God in the mountain. He and Majin
have been fighting in that rock for all eternity. Shino fighting to
keep Majin imprisoned. Majin trying to get out. Shino's the one
we talk to and we say our prayers. That's right. So there's nothing to be
worried about. Now I think you should go to bed. Your permission? You aren't still
frightened, are you? You mustn't be. Here. I'll give you something. If you take this
to bed with. You, you'll be safe. Is there really
a Magin like they say? Of course. You've been to the shrine, haven't you?
You've seen his footprints there. If you're not blind. Really great setup there where
you have the paranoia of everyone wondering why the God is getting
angry. And I think it's like earth tremors or possibly that they
live in the shadow of a volcano. And the shaking of the volcano is
what makes them think that diamond is angry. And up.
Up until you actually see the God come out of the fucking mountain.
You would think that that would be the case, that they carved that figure there.
And every time that the volcano is shaking the island or the
land that they're on, you would think that it's because it's a volcano
and not just that the God's getting angry. Yeah, no, exactly. Logically speaking,
my mind does not automatically go to, oh, yes, that's a God. Whenever the earth
travels, tremors. I just don't. I'm starting to get that way. But, you know,
it is what it is. Well, I mean, given the amount of fear that's in
the world right now, I don't blame you at all for reaching out to a
God to try. You feel better. I'm just not going to be able to do
that. I'm just like, hey, can we just not fuck everything up?
But no, I get what you're saying. Yeah. I'm raw dog in the apocalypse is
what I'm saying. There's no God on my brain. That's right, Raw dog.
All right. The end of the clip leads to what I assume is part of
the ritual of supplication for Din, where they prey on
the aforementioned God who holds him captive.
Whatever it is for it is elaborately put together and
quite entertaining to watch. Part of the ritual seems to be the depiction of
the capture of diamond through what I call ritualistic interpretive
dance. I don't know how else to refer to that. Very nice.
Seriously though, it was a pretty fucking decent sequence, and I am just too lazy
to do a play by play of it and how the dance was laid out,
but it was basically them capturing him and fighting him, and he's like. Then turned
into a straw effigy. That's what ends up happening at the end of the dance
when they capture him. They sort of do a magic trick to make him a
straw effigy that they take off. I assume that that is
supposed to be like we said. Daimajin and the chieftain guy
explains the plot of this interpretive dance
to of us in the second clip. They've begun
their ceremony already, my lord. I think you should go try
and talk to them. Calm them down. They are terrified. Terrified of Magin.
If you go as my messenger, I think it would help. As you wish,
my lord. Go Judo. Come. Ready. Is everything ready?
Yes, sir. Every the castle is just waiting for you to
take it, my lord. And Majin chose tonight to become active.
Hmm. I have to remember to thank him. Go.
Go on. Lord Hanabusa.
Who is it? But that's Gonduro and Samanosuke.
Semanosuke. What does this mean? Lord Hanabusa. Listen. As of this
moment, your palace and all of your goods and treasures belong to
me. What? Semenosuke. Have you gone out of your mind? Seminosuke.
You came here in poverty. Our lord took you under his roof and raised you
to the position of chamberlain. Why this hatred? Why betray a kind master?
I have neither hatred nor loyalty. The castle is mine. Trace.
My men will now surround and destroy you, beginning with our
noble lord. Never. Help.
The castle's being attacked. Help. Defend the
castle. Young Lord. What's the matter,
Gantha? Hurry, you two. Princess. Here.
Bunjuro. Don't bother fighting.
We'll be killing all the Hannah boozers tonight.
Gogeta. Hurry, Hurry, hurry.
Okay. What a dick.
During the clip, the ritual actually ends with the burning of the damaging
straw man effigy that we mentioned earlier. And as you heard,
there is a tremendous samurai coup battle that takes place as the
proverbial storming of the castle takes place during that clip as well.
Yes. It sounds as though the ruling family is about to experience communization
in a let them eat cake, Romanov kind of way, if you know what I
mean. And I think you do. Well, sometimes that needs to happen, I guess.
And those untimely threats of death lead to our third
clip. My Lord. Our children.
Protect our children.
My. My children.
Gagantha. What's going on outside? And why isn't Father here? Please don't talk,
Young Master Chuma,
we must. What about Lord Hanabusa? I see. Where's Father? I want
to know where Father is. Young Master. Parade. Take them away. Come.
Noko. Genta. I'm going to stay here. I'm the son of a samurai. I'll stay
with Father. No, you can't. Here they come.
Look out. Go around to the side.
Set. Fire.
Koganza. I'm afraid. Kill them as soon
as they come out.
K. Inside or out, we don't have a chance.
We'll hold them off. Chuma. Yes.
Go now. Guard them both well.
You can trust me. Don't forget what I told you.
Contact me tomorrow night at the very latest.
Oh my God.
There they go. After them.
Everyone leave this place and go home. You are on holy ground.
Listen now, old woman. From this day and
forever, your lord is summon Osceodata. And he orders you to go
home. He cannot order as he pleases. He can order as he pleases. So from
now on, hag, you are not allowed to gather unless
it is his wish. No. Go home. No. You have no
concept of the abomination you are committing. You have dared to sully
a religious ceremony whose aim is to keep Majin locked inside
his mountain and to assure our people's safety. Would you put a
stop to it? His orders. Shall I tell him I
had to kill you? You disobeyed. All of you.
May Shino forgive the. May Shino forgive.
The end of the clip. Called her a hag. That's some cold
blooded shit. The end of the clip has footage of what is left of the
burning effigy collapsing. And that very fucking stern
warning from the priestess was the harbinger of impending doom.
All foolish mortals must ignore before being crushed under the heel
of living Demon Mountain. Basically, a demon in a mountain.
Mountain Demon Demon. Mountain demon of the mountain Demon made of mountain
whatever. Mountain demon. The next day, some dudes
are sorting through the burnt rubble of the conquered village. And that leads to
our. Did you find the children, Gojoro? No. But my Lord.
I am certain they were caught in the fire. They escaped.
They're only children. They can't be far away. I want you to find them.
The entire family must be destroyed. Yes, my Lord.
Gha. Do we go straight ahead now? Yes, hurry.
Have you seen them? No, sir, not yet. Well, keep looking. Try over that ridge.
Go. Go. Genta. How did you manage it? They just never
found us. Thanks to Shino. I heard all that went on.
Oh, I was so frightened that you wouldn't be here. We must leave this place
before. Even so, they'll never stop looking for us. We'll have to hide them
in some secret place. Do you have a place in mind?
Go. Run back. You two, come with me.
What are you doing? I am a servant of the great Shino of the Mountain.
Do not soil his place with your filth. We're on a search. What do you
hope to find, Gunjuro? Nothing that would be of any importance for you, unless you
happen to have it. Go on, Search the house. The two of you, hurry.
Yes, Lord. They're not here. No sign.
Listen. You'll be beheaded if you try to shelter them. This is sacred ground.
You will anger Shino if you continue. So go now, all of you.
I see someone going over the hill. Go. Follow them.
Follow Kogenta. Where are you
taking us now? Over to Majin's Mountain, I'm afraid.
Kagenta. It's all right. Shinobu. Isn't it forbidden for anyone to come to this place?
Isn't it a shrine? There is no other place. We must
ask Our great Shino, to help and hope that he will show his
mercy to them. Kogentha, look. What's that?
The God of the mountain, the great Shino, who has imprisoned
Majin in the rock. The statue Majin is shut
inside there. Yes. I am taking you up there.
Shino will protect the Prince and Princess. Come. They come to
a terrific composite shot of a breathtaking waterfall. And at the top,
carved into the side of the mountain, is the supposedly entrapped damajin.
And they make the long, long climb up the waterfall
to the top of the hill where the large rock visage is carved.
And that leads to our fifth clip. I pray to Shino,
may he take you in his embrace and protect you forever.
Come, come. Who lived here in
this cave? They say our God dwelt here longer ago than time itself.
You must wait and have patience. You must pray to him now.
Samanosuke's followers will never think of looking for.
Yes. I'll bring you everything you want. Don't worry for now.
Kogentha, come here. Look how close the statue is.
Hurry. At the end of the clip, we then transition to a certain amount of
time that has passed. There's a section in here where like, they turn from,
like being kids into adults coming up very quickly.
And like, once that actually happens, like, I wanted to know how many
years pass, but I can't quite figure it out. I'm guessing it's like 10 years
or whatever. It seems to be about that, yeah. 10, 15 years.
I know they go from being kids to adults, but it's like, like young adults.
So. Yeah, and I know that there's like a little overlay on the river
that says, but I didn't have the subtitles on and I forgot to go back
and look. So we then transition to a certain amount of time that has passed
roughly about 10 years to where the children are now adults.
And then we see the grown up version of the princess is
brushing her hair by the waterfall and she is singing. The camera
shot follows up closely to her as her song continues. Her song and grooming
is then immediately interrupted by the return of two hunters. One being her
brother, the other being the man who has raised them that has also not
miraculously aged in any way, shape or form,
confusing all of us. And that leads to our sixth
clip. He cut out meat and dairy. Kozasa,
look what I cut for supper. All right, I'll go start the fire.
Good, I'm hungry. Come on.
Follow. Follow. You.
Hurry up. Get going.
You two. Fire.
Get going. You what are you looking
at? Move. Get fucking.
Dada. Are you all right?
Fool. Take him away.
But where? Away. Take him to the sick house.
Take. What are you doing here? Go home.
Quick. Quickly. Go home. It's Mother. You have to come home.
What? What is wrong? She's dying. Please.
Please come home. Please. Father. Hurry.
Father, I have to go now. It's my
wife. She's sick. No. Get back
to work and send the brat home. Hurry.
Hurry. Father. She's sick. Go home.
Take. Do as I say. Go.
Go now.
Come back. Take. Never mind.
Grandfather. Come here. Come here.
Until we finish building the fort, nobody.
Nobody is allowed to go home. You know that. Go now, Taki,
and look after her. This girl. Cruelty. This cruelty
can't go on much longer. The God of the mountain is watching over
us. The mountain Guards, capture those two.
Take. Hurry and go home. Go. Go. Take care of your mother.
Are you the ones who are still faithful to the Lord Hanabusa? Yes.
Down the rope. Leave the rest to me. Thank you.
Come. Hurry. Down here. They escape
Outside. Quick. Yes, Lord. Well, then, why did
you help them escape? I had to. Why? They said.
They said that if I didn't, they would kill. Why didn't you tell us?
They said they would kill me. But you showed them the rope, didn't you?
No. Come here.
No. He didn't do it. I gave them
the rope. He didn't do it. Damn you.
I don't care if you're sick or not. You cannot defy our warlord.
Forgive me. Thank you for saving my life outside.
I wanted to do it for.
Forgive me. Wow,
things got really bleak really fast in this movie, didn't they?
No kidding, man. They're going for the jugular,
just like the original Godzilla. I feel like this is very heavily influenced
by Godzilla only. Oh, yeah, Yeah. I think he's a much more traditional type
of deity or entity or whatever it
is. In this case, he's supposed to be like a demon that is trapped
by a God. But also, the God can inhabit the body of the demon and
then use it to take out his vengeance, I guess is what they've been saying
through these clips. Okay. And on that very upbeat and
happy moment, we have reached the end of the first third of the film.
So we are now pretty much the first third through there. Oh, there's. There you
go. Good. That was a lot.
Yeah. As close as I can figure it, there is a feudal
lord who was in charge of these
people, who were under the protection of this mountain God,
who also was the captor of their biggest tormentor,
who is the Magin or Daimajin demon.
And they try to appease the God whenever
he's upset. And the reason the God was getting upset is because of this plot
to overthrow the emperor guy, or not emperor,
but the main feudal lord that's in charge. That's what was upsetting the
God apparently. But then after the overthrow happens,
the mountain kind of goes quiet and just lets the bad guy keep doing bad
things because he's more fixated on protecting the children. Now the legacy,
the monarchy is held intact in this case.
So it's very much like a Romanovs kind of let them eat cake
thing going on here. Yeah. Won't someone think of the children?
Right. But like instead of the overthrow for the betterment of the
village, it is an overth road for the complete and total enslavement
and torment of the village. And they're literally forcing men to
work to death who were able bodied and then forcing them to stay
away from their families. And they're in a prison labor camp to build up
this fortress and make it more of a fortress so
that they can become an even more powerful force to start taking over more lands
and do more of this stuff. Basically the entire time the
God of the mountain is just protecting the kids. That sound about right? Well,
yeah, that sounds. Yeah, I think you pretty much got. Everything there, but only the
royalty. K. Because as you can see, the kid that went to go get his
dad whenever his mother was laying in her deathbed and was not allowed
to was basically kicked and shoved away by the guy beating
his dad and forcing him to carry a guy that's about to go die.
Well, I mean, I'm just saying, listen, pull yourself up by the bootstraps.
And then whenever some guys that are trying to undo all this horrible shit that
these people are doing are on the run, our main guy
there that's, you know, working himself to death that his kid was unable
to get him to be able to leave that haul the other guy to the
death house. It's the same house, but let's face it, they're just being laid there
to die. Yeah. On his way out, he lets those guys escape and
then he almost gets killed for that. But the guy that he was carrying to
the sick house ends up giving his life for him. That was how our clip
ended. And wow, that was very Japanese.
Yeah, like there's a lot of like honor and lack of
honor and how the people with honor are shown in such a heroic
light and the people without Honor continue to be the heels of the program and
make us hate them even more. And they're really driving, like a sort of
traditional Japanese cultural story to it. And we're waiting for the
monster to do something about all this. And, man, it just keeps getting to the
point where you almost are like,
okay, too late, monster. You don't redeem yourself by killing these people. It's almost
that bad. By the time we get well, it's. You know, it's like the Klingons.
It's probably what the Klingons were based upon in Star Trek.
Were the Japanese for honor and stuff.
Glorious death. Matt, you ready to go into the second third of the film?
Let's do it. All right. So the second third of the film starts with our
seventh clip. The villagers are forced to work. Yes. Since he
murdered your father, everything's gone well for Samanosuke.
He has luck, it seems, will never end. He is
either subdued or joined with all the most powerful baron.
He's going to Kyoto soon to form an alliance with Lord Ishio.
The new fort he's having built is to have greater protection from
the enemies around. And for this work, he needs all the men in town.
And he's taken everyone's crops for taxes, so there's not enough to eat in most
homes. No, that bad. Go, Genda. We've got to go there now. But, my lord,
we can't just wait here and hope that something will happen. Can't we can't let
Samanosuke go on living. Not another day. You know, I feel the same way,
my lord. But there are only two of us, and two of us are not
enough men. Why not? Even if you and I died in the attempt, we'd save
human lives. What more than that can you ask? I know, but you must think.
What if neither of us succeeds? Then it would all come out to mean nothing.
There must be. There must be other men in town who feel as we do.
Of course, there are many. I know them. How do we get in touch with
them? I don't know. The town is so heavily guarded, so. We'Re all the more
careful. Here's the plan. I'll go first and I'll try to find whatever men I
can in the village. After that, I'll come back. Yes, that is the best way.
If anything bad should happen to you, my lord, it would mean our precautions
and careful plans would have been in vain. Garganta, be careful,
please. She's right. Garganta must go alone. Very well, Garganta.
You may Go. Yes, I will try. I'll come back with good.
The God of the Mountain is angry. He will not permit this
cruelty to go on any longer. Samanosuke will be called upon to pay
for his inhuman acts. The God of the Mountain will deliver judgment.
I just heard the report from the Captain of the guard. He's noticed a great
deal more movement than is normal over the past three or four weeks.
Nothing to worry about, I hope not. If Hannibus's son is
still alive. He's 19 years old today. I believe it's impossible.
But double the watch. Yes, Lord. Nothing will escape our eyes.
Tala, more wine. Yes, Lord. They cut from this to the dude out scoping
for reinforcements. And he is set upon by the bad dudes in our
eighth clip. Over there. Get him.
No, no. I didn't do anything. He's carrying no weapons.
I see. Where are you going? I caught those pheasants. I'm taking them over
to my mother's house. Your mother, huh? They're nice and fat. I'll take
them. But. Go. Yes, Lord. Look, it's Gunjuro.
You. It's been a long time, gta. If you're alive,
then so are the children. Where's the prince? Where is he hiding?
Get him. Get him. Get him.
The man flees from the murdering, robbing asshole guards after straight up gut
stabbing one of them and being shot. They chase him as
it cuts from this to some construction workers nearly dropping
a ton of rocks on the bad guy, Robert Guardfoot. And they
stopped to demand. And they stopped to demand the main dude
who is. Who is exactly that husband and father who
was not allowed to let go. And I think it was the guy he was
trying to drop rocks on was the guy who wouldn't let him go. I think
he was trying to get a little petty revenge there. Good. They're pointing at
him. And I again, I think it was because not letting him go
check on his dying wife, which makes sense. And then he is now going to
be arrested. The wounded hero makes off towards a rocky hillside
and falls only to be surrounded by the bat guards. They cut from
this to show the dude getting arrested is in fact the husband.
And the child comes up screaming. And that was so annoying. Everybody has to
suffer through that in our ninth clip. Father. Oh,
Father. I told you never to come here. Mother's dead.
Oh God. Leave him alone. Leave him alone.
Oh, she's dead. Now she's dead. What could have
happened to Kogenta? I don't know. Do you think anything went wrong?
Well, this should make you speak. Where are they?
Quick, another one. Yes, Lord. That's enough.
If you don't speak under torture, it's certain you're guilty.
Kinta, don't worry. I promise you we'll find them.
Who's out there? Who are you? I just came here to ask a favor from
the God of the mountain. Then pray here. You know you're not allowed to go
too far into the mountain. You could be punished. No. I want to ask the
God myself. No, you mustn't. I've got to go or they'll kill my father.
Who will kill him? Tell me. The High Lord Samanosuke. My father
got caught for helping a man get out. A strange man too.
A man you've never seen? Yes. And after they caught my father,
they caught him too. They hung him by his heels. Near how long ago?
About noon time. Do you know what the stranger's name is? Did you see him
up close? I think his name was Ko. Kogenta?
Yes. What's wrong? Seminosuke said he was going to kill anybody
who tried to rescue him. What's the matter? Listen to me.
I am the priestess of the God Shino. He will be merciful. He will grant
your wish. Now go on home. Go. Well, I. Don't.
Stop. This mountain belongs to my Jin. He'll be very angry if
you stay here. Go. Go home, please. Now.
They cut from this to the young prince viewing the man hanging
from his ankles and asking him to bear the pain until tonight.
They cut from that to the would be orphan boy who is returning
home by cutting through the creepy forest. He starts seeing spirits
floating around and then has skeletal arms grabbing at his
clothing. When he gets free, we see the skeletal arm he saw was
just in branch that he got stuck on. And then more ghostly
spirits start surrounding him. Then we see more ghostly spirits that
we are to assume are also part of his imagination. As he's very frightened in
the forest. He has a few more freakouts before finding his way into
the cave where the princess lady is. And that leads to our tenth clone.
Goddess. Goddess, please save my father. Save my father.
There's no reason to pray to me. Are you a real person?
Yes. If you're a real person, why are you here? I'm afraid I
can't tell you that. I understand. I came because I wanted to pray to the
mountain God. And you did too. That's right. They cut from this
encounter to the prince making his way to rescue the dude hanging by
his ankles. And this is a very long Sequence of him sneaking
and crawling around through the ground and up over rocks at night,
hoping not to be noticed. He is very slowly, as if patting
out the runtime of the film, crawling his way up and then
lowers the man very slowly hanging from his ankles so
as to not make noise and then also to not arouse suspicion from the man
slowly being lowered. And it's obvious that this is a trap
even before he gets caught in our 11th clip. Ga.
Thought I was your friend, Ghenta, didn't you? Where is he?
You haven't changed much. Who are you?
You know. I'm Gunjuro, the chamberlain of the castle. Are you that?
It's gonna take more than a baby like you to scare me. Tomorrow we'll
kill you and Kogenta together. Where's your brother? Kogenta was away
so long he got very worried. I'm sure he went down to the town.
The enemy is waiting for him in town. Then what of my brother? He could
be caught by now. What can we do? I'll go see Samanosuke
tonight. Well? What is it?
You must tell me. Listen to me. Have you ever heard about the gods
Majin and Shino? The ones who live in the mountain?
Shino? Majin? Yes, I have. What about
them? You have tortured all your people and you have profited by them.
If you don't stop, vengeance will be taken upon you by the
God of the mountain. Who? Shino. Do you think I believe in
your God? You must release the people now, at once. Put an
end to their torment and their pain. Or else you will incur
the terrible wrath of the God. Old woman. Who sent
you to my castle? Hanaboose Daughter. No one sent.
I came to tell you of Shino's wishes. Then you did
not come here to save Hannibus's son. You did not know that
I have captured him. Stand in fear of Shino. Don't talk
nonsense. I am not a superstitious man. Go.
You refuse to obey Shino's command? A statue on a
mountain cannot hurt me. He can. He can and he will.
I have the power to summon him in time of need.
Very interesting. I am warning you for the last time. If you do not
repent, great trouble will befall you. Is it really true
that you can call this God of yours? I think I'll try to
kill you. Let's see if he'll come to your rescue. I'm about to find
out. If you have faith in his protection, or have you been
lying all this time? It's all the Truth? Very well.
Let me test you.
I forgot to load it. If I put in the powder, you'd be dead.
You will learn the fear of the gods. I have heard that
the image of a warrior spirit had been sealed up in.
I want to know whether this legend can be true or not. Shino is
that God. The God I have served all my life. What if I should tear
down that sacred image? It would destroy us all.
That ridiculous statue that holds the few remaining Hanabusa
followers among my villagers. If I tear it down,
I tear down their last support. You would destroy the God
along with his wretched priestess. Let him
curse me if he can. May Shino's
curse be on you.
Mark and jibe at the great God if you dare.
Accursed Samanos. Send your men to
destroy his holy image on the mountain.
You will release the terrible spirit of Majin.
Oh, Samanosuke.
You will know the terrible wrath of our God.
You will have a merciless death.
A horrible and an everlasting one.
You will see. My Jin.
My Lord. Gunjuro. My Lord. Take your men with you and go and destroy the
image of the God. But if something should happen. Silence. The old fool.
Just trying to frighten us. Go now. Yes. Ooh, it's getting spooky now.
Yeah. With the last. Ah, they're talking. With the last attack,
she falls to the ground and prophesizes at the end there of the main bad
guy's death at the hands of Damajin. And the men are sent to destroy
the image of the God. It cuts from this to the Princess
and our 12 Kusasa man from the castle
Ujuro. I know its orders, but to destroy the gods
here. Nothing to be afraid of.
Hurry. The statue. Are they going to
destroy it? Kusasa, where are you going?
Over there. Yes, Lord.
What's wrong? Looks like they're lost. Come on.
Gunjuro. There's no path. Which way? Forward. Yes,
Lord. Did they give up, do you think? I hope so.
Look. They're coming. Coming.
I found something. What? What is it?
This doesn't belong to any commoner. Start looking for her. Hurry. Take.
Run. A girl. A girl.
Kusasa. Hurry. Princess Kusasa.
Well, I'm not a princess. I don't know who you're talking about. This tells me
I'm right. Was that old fool Shinobu hiding you all these
years? I don't even know who you mean. Who? Who is Shinobu? You're sure
you don't know? Eh? Yes. Well, in that case. What I
have to say to you won't mean anything to you, will it? Both Kogenta
and Terafumi will be executed tomorrow morning
in front of the palace. Why are you so upset?
My brother and Kogenta are to be executed. How did you find them? It was
easy. But that's not all. Lord Samanosuke killed the old priestess.
Shinobu's dead. This is
the same little boy who's always coming into town. Must be some sort of contract
for them. No, Leave him alone. He hasn't done anything. Hey,
Kassasa. You will lead us to the statue. No.
Then I will kill the little boy. No, wait.
Oh, please. It's this path.
Wow. These evil fuckers are just like, hey, do this or I'll kill the kid.
Like they just. He goes right to you. I mean, that's the first thing is
just killing kids, man. God damn. She decides to save the boy and take the
bad guys to the shrine they want to destroy. And that is the end.
End of 2/3 of this movie. So we are 2/3 of the
way through the film already. Emilio, not for nothing but respect.
I said I was gonna clip all the dialogue and I fucking did. And it's
more for the fact that it tells so much of the story
and there's so much drama even in the dub. There is so much drama
in the acting with the voice play and how this is set up. And I
actually prefer the way the dub just delivers the dialogue
relatively flat. They don't try to throw too much more on
top of it because it adds to the st. Stoic nature of the people that
are involved in this film. Every single character is extremely stoic.
And just the fact that there's less emotion in the dub voice makes
them feel even more like they are weathering this storm as best they can.
And I wanted to point out here, at 2/3 of the film, down the final
third, getting ready to start, no, the God has not unleashed his fury.
And yes, the God in this film is very much fucking real.
Yeah. So fury lit.
Here's the thing. The people have endured the hardship so
much that the God has not actually been summoned. They haven't actually
needed him yet. They haven't been pushed to their brink. And I
kind of used to all this suffrage, right? But if you think about it,
right, it's like 10 years of being enslaved and tormented and
beaten and starved, and their God still hasn't shown
up yet. And yet they're still telling the guy it's going to happen.
But the thing is, is Their God doesn't show up, obviously, until they've had too
much, until they can't take, until it's really. It's like the Matrix
for the Autobots. It won't open until shit gets real.
And it's like, it can look bad. But it's still not going to open.
It has to be real bad. Right, right. And that's the thing is, like,
everything that these people are going through, no one is going to argue that it
is 100% absolutely horrible. And any God
should have stepped in before now. But then you see how
these people are weathering this storm. And you have to realize that it's
not time yet. And that's the part that gives me goosebumps before we start the
third act. Yeah, agreed. Good stuff.
Yeah. The final third of the film starts with the bad guys on their way
to the shrine to destroy it. And that is the start of our 13th
clip. Look forward. Yes,
Lord. Yes, Lord. No. No. Let me go.
Come on, now. Get up there. Faster.
Get to work. No. You mustn't
do it.
Forgive them. Please forgive them.
It's no use. We better have the spike up here. He's right.
Give us the spike there. Here.
Go ahead.
What? Blood. What?
I absolutely love that the princess is still begging for
these men to be forgiven for what they're doing here. Even though they've
been nothing but absolutely horrible to her, she still has that kind of mercy and
gentleness in her heart. Yeah, she's still a very good person. Yeah. Much better than
I would be. Oh, same. At this point, I'd be
like, all right, let's fuck these people up, please. Yeah, at this point, I'm like
that. Now, and nothing near as terrible has happened to me.
Right. I'm praying to this God for fucking vengeance in the hope that it might
actually be real after a while watching this film personally
in my real life. Yeah, yeah, same.
All right. With the bleeding of the statue, a huge storm sweeps the mountain,
and the men run in fear. We see they hang the kid from a tree
by a rope they tied around his waist and his arms to hold him still
as he begs the princess for help. And then the princess collapses from
the magnitude of the storm. Rock begins to fall away from the mountain.
The path splits into a giant chasm that all of the bad
guy soldiers immediately fall into and try to keep a grip on
the side, but with all of the shaking, they can't. And they all start to
fall in, except for the last guy that commanded them to go
ahead and start destroying the statue. Then a strange yellow light glows
in the open wound that used to be that path. That last guy
falls in. And then the rock path just slides back together.
More landslides and rock formation falling from the mountain
is shown. And they cut to the home of the main bad guy.
And our 14th clip. My Lord, your men have destroyed
the statue and the God has cursed us. She was right. The priestess.
She said the mountain God would take revenge too. You believe her rantings?
No, it's not that. But. I mean. You old fool.
Yoshio. I'm hungry. Forgive me, my Lord. My blunders brought this on.
You too. Try to forgive me. We're not giving up Kogenta. No, not yet.
We can't. For the people's sake. Shino's there. Sheena will not forsake him.
Oh, Tuck. I brought you some water.
How did you get down? I don't know. The rope broke
and I fell. But I wasn't hurt. Maybe the God broke it for
me. Then it. It really happened,
didn't it? The God became very angry.
Yes. Yes, he did. Tomorrow morning,
my brother. Shino. Listen to me.
Please help us. I. I ask you to save Kogento and my
brother. Come out,
Kogento. Shino tried to hear me this once.
You see, I'm not like Shinobu was. I'm not a priestess.
I don't know how to pray to make you understand
what I tell you. But I ask you to show your divine
mercy. I ask you for safety for
Kogenta and the prince. This morning,
they are going to be executed by the evil lord's men.
And once they are dead, who will take vengeance
for the people? Shino. The following day, the men are marched to
their place of execution with townsfolk and tortured villagers
begging for things in tow. They cut to more prayer in our
15th clip. Oh, please. What should I do to make you listen
and understand? If I. If I offer to die for you.
What are you doing? I'm going to offer him
my life. I know he'll stop.
Let me go. Take it.
It's the God. Kazasa and Shino.
Come back, Kaza. With that, another quake
happens, with the trees falling directly in front of what appears to be
an actually imprisoned statue, as does all of the rock holding it in place.
And lo and behold, it is not just a statue carved out of the mountain,
but was in fact a statue that was trapped by the mountain and has now
been released. Released by the mountain.
We see the statue take several steps forward and transform
into a Full demonic form of Damajin. They cut
from this to the crucifixion of the prince and his protector in the town
square or wherever this culture does their crucifixion. These movies
are big into crucifixions. Yes,
absolutely. Just say it. Just say it. And that town square
crucifixion execution is the beginning
of our final clip.
I thought you'd be lonely dying up there all alone.
So I waited for your father's loyal vassals to try to
save you. But as you can plainly see,
not a single one of them came. I don't blame
them. Filthy. That's enough. That's enough.
Yes. Yes, Lord. It's Majene.
It's Majin. He's coming down from the mountain.
It's true, Majin. He just walked out of the rocks.
Be careful. It's Majin.
Tie up that boy. Run away. Daki. Hurry.
Osasa. Look. Rescue the prince.
No. Oh, wait.
So, my lord, at last you have a fitting escort for your
death now.
Yes, lord. Look. What's that?
It's Matisse.
The clip ends as a large green orb flies in on a storm and
the giant diamond materializes in the globe and the storm.
He begins stomping his way through the oversized fort on
a vengeance quest. He walks through and. I mean, right the
through. Dude. Yeah, he just. It's over. I mean,
it's just. He just croaks through everything. Just amazing.
Out of everything. Yeah. Through the outer wall and
several buildings. Stepping past a guard tower with terrify guard
staring at him. He stops, gives the tower the side eye,
and then turns to smash the shit out of it,
sending the men inside scrambling. He turns and makes his way
towards a large battalion that charges in at him and then
is forced to the ground by a strong wind die machine.
Kaiju stomps one of the dudes and flattens him.
A whole battalion of gunmen fire at the Kaiju, leaving only dust.
Mark hits where the bullets connected with Daimajin. He presses
forward. All of the baddies continue to back up and flee in
fear as you fucking would. Oh, yeah. I mean,
a giant fucking Kaiju God thing who's really
pissed at everything you're doing with your life is coming after you. Yeah,
you fucking. You leave. That's. That's reasonable.
Daimajin steps up to the crucified dudes and grabs a hold of the cross
the prince is strapped to and just wrenches it to the
ground. I have to also admit the shot of the suit man walking
up to the cross was done so well, it took me a second to realize
the cross was a model with an actual like doll strapped to it. And then
it's nice it sell. It sold the perspective of the mini dummy they were shaking,
moving around. That it wasn't. That it was an actual person and not just
like a cross composite shot. And it was so well done. I was kind
of the same way. You know, I'm gonna say kind of my movie.
We'll get into it when we do my movie. But yes, it was great effect.
Okay. And that's when I realized that it was in fact a suit actor who
grabbed and shook the cross. And then I realized that it was just that fucking
great effect that we were talking about. We then see the baddies all flee behind
a gate and try to shut it in an effort to keep out a giant
fucking monster. That is fucking shit up, homies. You just.
I mean, this is valuable time. You could keep fucking running.
That's all I'm gonna say. Keep fucking running. I'm gonna
close my gate even though it's a fucking thing the size of a, you know,
nothing I've ever seen before. The gate's gonna stop it. He's taller
than the gate. I wrote my notes literally right after that.
That is not their best plan. No,
that's when it comes to Kaijus, man, don't think your gates are
going to keep it out. You just. You just run. All right, maybe see if
you can hide. That's your best. That's your best deal is to try to
do a little hide and seek. That's it. Daimajin approaches and very, very quickly
dismantles the gate, the giant fucking wall and the sloped and protective
roof of everything in just one goddamn punch.
Proving once again, not their best plan. Sorry. Making you laugh.
Makes you choke at the same time. He presses forward through the
rubble that has trapped so many soldiers. And we get yet another
bad guy scene that made me extremely happy.
Yeah. Yep. Yep. The next attempt to stop the giant monster that is currently fucking
shit up is to stretch chains across all of these massive support beams of
the buildings and humongous trees around the village through the street
the monster is currently walking through. This seems like an okay enough
plan to slow it down or trip it until you realize he tore
up the biggest fucking goddamn protective wall they had ever built in less than one
second with a half hearted swath of his arm. Again, it's like,
just keep running. Not your best plan, folks. Just keep running.
Yeah. That go well. Dymachine gathers up all the chains,
he walks into and pulls them as he presses forward and essentially flattens
every fucking structure by pulling out all of the beams wrapped in chains.
And adds another insult to the injury by continuing to drag the accruing
rubble behind him, which knocks over more structures and uproots
even more shit. He essentially Kaiju plows through
the whole of the town, tearing up every structure with the help of this
really tremendously failed plan. Yeah, it's like, yeah, just again,
I don't know what else to tell you people. Yeah, just run. That's it.
Just run. That's it. They try hurling huge boulders at die machine
using constructed catapults. Each strikes the monster in turn and is barely even
an inconvenience to the beast as he continues to press forward. They try to use
fire necks with huge burning carts of hay and other things,
which do seem to slow it down and somewhat hurt it,
or maybe just slightly inconvenience because Daimajin
just stops at all the fire, places his arms up in front of his face.
The main baddie declares they are safe now. And then Dimajeen
drops, drops his arm in a dramatic sweep that puts out the fires.
Oh yeah, that's right. He's a God. Your powers have nothing against him.
Yeah, it's a God thing. I wouldn't bother trying anything else.
Daimajin presses on as the main baddie flees and tries to hide.
He sees Daimajin's hand crushing one of the men into
the wall and screaming in agony through the window of the hut
he is hiding in. Daimajin notices him watching and looks straight
at him. Reaches into the building like kong and shit.
And the man thought that he could get away from Daimajin, but Daimajin
grabs him and drags him out of the window. Our main
heroes reunite and they see Dimagin walking with him in
his hand. Di machine walks over to what is left
of a still standing structure and finally pulls the spike
out of his own head to drive it through the main baddie and affix
him to the broken structure by spiking it right through his fucking
chest. I think that is what's left of the giant frame of the forge structure
as well. That was splintered into sort of a makeshift
cross to kind of drive the point home that everything he tried to build has
been basically. Basically the cause of his demise. Yeah, yeah,
right. With that death done, Dimajin then begins to
vent his rage on the villagers. The prince begs him to spare the villagers,
supplicating himself clutching at Daima Jean's hand and is only
thrown to the side as gently as that monster ever could do.
The child then begs for Dimajin to stop and is thrown to the
side and then almost stomped before the princess throws herself
on top of the kid to protect him, which somehow stops the monster.
She offers her life again to satiate the demon's rage. Her tear
drops onto the leg and foot of the beast, which has the
exact same effect she was hoping for when the first tear dropped from
her face that summoned him. He transforms back into stone and
the orb is now white as it flies into the storm clouds.
The storm clouds then clear up the stone structure of Dine
then becomes extremely brittle and then crumbles apart.
The prince declares his sister solved the problem with her tears.
The film holds on to a shot of the rubble that used to be the
demon. The end pops up and they roll those credits.
Cinema Silence.
10 years.
Wow. What a movie, dude. Yeah,
epic. Epic. Yeah. And when we get to your movie and we actually discuss
it, they. They maintain, I think with the next film there's a lot more
human drama, lot less Kaiju stomping.
They clearly blew a lot of the budget on this one. And yeah, thankfully they
didn't just reuse scenes in the next movie to get. No, I mean,
you reused a lot of the same kind of storyline and stuff at
the end, especially the ending part. But right. With how the.
With how the Kaiju gets announced or called and all that.
Well, we'll get there when we get there. Yes, but I mean, that's going
to be a reusable story because that's kind of what they do. Even with Godzilla.
Whatever. Some. It kind of becomes the same thing over
and over again. But with Daima Jean's case, it's whatever people worship him,
are suffering is so great that he shows up and just fucking flattens the
people doing it. And I love that the
whole time that the main baddie is running, Daimajin always clocks
him in every group. Like just looks right at him and it's just
really terrifying to think that that could be. Yes, he does. It can find you.
Yeah. It's almost like when Ghost Rider's
getting ready to do a pen and stare at you. You just know numbers up
and you're fucked. And like that bad feeling coming over you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly. Yeah. It's really
fucking great. Some amazing fucking effects. Some really well done
models, some really terrific sets that match the
models. Even the miniatures of people that
were crucified looked like the people that were crucified.
Like, when they had them on the set, like, they really. It was very
convincing. And a lot of the force perspective and the composite
shots really tricked your eye really well in this. And this is awesome.
Possibly the best day film of this era for suit
acting is this. This film. Like, I'm not a huge fan of. I said dia,
but I think it's dia or whatever. But I'm not a huge fan of Gamera
movies. They were geared more towards kids. They didn't really appeal to me.
And a lot of them are really low budget because I don't think they had
as much money as Toho. And I haven't. I've not really seen an
older Gamera film that I really enjoyed like, a lot other than just to watch
it as, like, hey, this is wacky fun. You know what I mean? Yeah,
yeah, yeah. I don't enjoy it on the level that I do Godzilla, and it's
just. That's. It's just not as much for me. However,
Diamond Films, I 100% enjoy as much as I do on the
same level as I do the Toho Kaiju films and particularly Godzilla movies.
This really resonates with me and I really dig it. And it's
such a great film, and I highly recommend it. And check it out, folks.
Everybody give it a shot, everyone. Everybody check it out.
All right, I think I'm just going to go ahead and skip a story time
for this week. Let's skip it. Okay? Skipping it's fine.
Then I have less songs that I need to actually play, so. All right,
since we're going to go ahead and skip it, we'll close out the show here
with our show, Housekeeping. And immediately following that
on the pirate radio edit, we will have the kinks with a well respected
man right after this. If you've decided you can't get enough,
dude, look at this really cool tape recorder. Oh, look at that. Oh, it doesn't
work, though. No. Wow. Oh, I can fix this. Look, I wouldn't.
No, there's like four or five tapes here, man. We're solid, dude. I feel
like I've seen something like this before and that it didn't turn
out good for the other people who did this. Check out this book,
man. And he's not gonna listen. Dude, this thing is cool. Look at this.
Here we go. Oh, wow. Oh, God damn it. This feels
like leatherized human flesh. How do you know what leatherized
human flesh feels like? Just ignore that. That's not a big deal.
Okay. Oh, check out this really cool dagger. Dude,
I swear to God, I've seen something like this before. I can't place
it it, but I feel like this is like deja vu.
It has been a number of years since I began excavating
the ruins of Kandar with a group of my colleagues. Now my
sweet counselor Dan and I, I retreated to this cabin in
the solitude of these wonderful mountains. Here I continued
my research undisturbed by the myriad distractions of
modern civilization and far from the party life of Burning
man and all those wonderful places that we were. I believe that we
have made a significant find in the Kandarian ruins.
A volume of ancient Sumerian burial practices and
funerary incantations. It is entitled Nachos
Duran Manto and as close as I can translate it,
Book of Nachos, I guess. Now the book appears to be
made with some very sturdy deer hot leather and inked
in what I dreadfully hope is not human blood.
But from what I can tell of the blood that gets on paper in some
of our. More, let's just say clandestine ayahuasca
rituals. Well, it looks like advance. This book deals with,
as far as I can tell, demons. And, well, I may
be a bit out of my depth here, but luckily someone else
spelled some things out for me phonetically. I didn't find this
book. The book was left in my cabin. But I'm
going to. I'm going to reread all of the translations and pretend like
I know what I'm talking about. So here we go for that. So these
next few lines, I'm about to resuscitate. Is that the right word?
Shut up, Dan. You don't even come on the microphone here. No, what I'm about
to read, it deals with bringing these demons back. I suppose
these are very dark, very, very depressing rituals.
All right, that is the kinks with well respected man.
And I would assume that that would be referring to the prince
andor, the main lord who got overthrown. He was the well respected man.
Definitely not the bad guy in this film. Yeah, yeah.
No, not at all.
Well, while you're out there thinking that maybe perhaps the response
that Dimagin had for the evil
that men did in his presence was too much,
you would even call it possibly a psychotic reaction. Please kick
the out of this week and make it your bitch while you
enjoy Psychotic reaction by the count five from 1966
on the pirate radio.
So these next few lines, I'm about to resuscitate.
Is that the right word? Shut up, Dan. You don't even come on. The microphone
here. No. What I'm about to read. It deals with
bringing these demons back. I suppose these are very
dark, very, very depressing rituals. But I do hope that
the discovery of this will help fund our latest venture.
There's been some time talk about this giving demons a license to possess
a living. In this next passage that I'm about to read. But I don't
think we're going to have much of a problem. We have our soul eagles to
protect us. Align your chakras, Dan. I'm about to read this.
Shut it off. Conda.
Shut it off. Conda. Shut it off.
Oh, wow. That was really cool. I. I got
a bad feeling about this, Court. What? You wanted to play the
tape, too? No. He did. I was telling you the whole time not to play
the goddamn tape. Well, that's not how I remember it.
Reusing your memory thing on yourself?
Maybe. Why would you do that? For fun. Oh,
my God. God. All right, man, look, why don't we head upstairs?
We got the basement all set up. Yeah, man. It's a good setup. We're definitely
not going to get murdered in this place. We'll get some food together, and then
we'll come back down and we'll record the episode about within the woods.
Got you. All right. You know this?
I sure do. All right. It's not blowing your eard
drums out, is it? No, not at all. All right. And let me get started
with this recording in progress. All right, so now
we have backup recording and regular recording. And I don't think we need triple
and quadruple backups anymore. That would be OCD of you.
Yeah. All right, so I'm up first because Die Machine is
the movie. I enjoy more of the two, so. Yes. I'm a prayer. I can.
I can actually get that, but I. No, let's not blow it. All right,
go ahead. Yeah, don't waste it. Let's. Let's. I'm not wasting it. Let's get.
Let's get. I'm with you. I'm kind of excited about these. I like
this, kind of. This version of Kaiju, so, you know,
you could probably cut this up, throw it anywhere. Let's get going.
It'll go in after they hear the reviewing, and it'll be fine. Yeah, let's go
ahead and start this. Okay. All right. All right. Three, two, one.
My longest clip is like, three minutes. All right. I think we're
gonna have to play all of.
You. Samurai, son. Oh, I was taking so
much Time on the clips because I was shortening all of yours.
I didn't go as crazy as what I did with mine, but I still
cut out a good portion of the time on all of yours.
All the running around, nothing to be worried about. No talking. Got cut out.
Your permission? Yeah. Good. I literally
clipped every piece of dialogue. Of course.
Oh, I'm so excited you're going to be doing the notes for Final Wars.
I just looked at our schedule. When we finally get to Godzilla. Final Wars.
Yeah. You're going to have to do the notes and it's going to be so
funny. Thanks to. Why? Cuz it's like so
confusing and it's every monster and you're going to have to try and sort out
all of their names and that's going to make such a great episode. All that
frustration. God. Right. Is it
dubbed? No, no. You should have at least English for clips.
Yeah, but like, it's literally. He kills every monster he's ever come across in
one movie. There we go.
That's why she's going through this. But anyway, this is an outtake. Three, two,
one. They come to a terrific composite.
I just did four. Did I just do four? All right, hang on. Find the
children. I am taking you up there. Yeah, I just did that one. I have
a red X underneath it. Okay. And we see
3, 2, 1. Okay. I'm like, did I lose you? No, no, I'm fine.
Three, two, one. Oh, yeah. Dude. I said I recorded every bit of dialogue.
You really did. But to destroy the God's image.
Nothing to be afraid of. I'm impressed.
The statue. Are they going to destroy you? I had to work hard to not
work hard. Now where are you going? Yeah. No, man. That's a lot of hard
work not to work hard. Welcome back. Matt,
you're muted. Hello. Hey. Welcome back. Okay, so I'm back.
I'm back to diamond genus. I just read all the stuff. We're done. Machine is
smashing all the stuff. The tower and all the guys go scrambling.
And then I said, I, I. One thing that you may want to react to
is I said that he walks through. And I mean right the. Through the outer
wall in several buildings. My sweet Dan is dead.
I could not bring myself to dismember his corpse. So I.
I buried him in the earth cellar.
Lord help me. I buried my sweet Dan in the
earth. I'll repent first. Fruit. Ella.
Oh, no. Is there somebody in my fruit seller?
Been a long time since I had a gentleman calling on my fruit
seller. I swallow you whole wheel.
Uh, Matt, I think you need to deal with this.
No, no, I have a little bit. You read this fucking book. You go ahead,
you deal with what you did. Yeah, but he has a proclivity for you.
No, you read the book. You go deal with that. I told you this is
a bad idea. You brought Dan back.
He's going to swallow you whole. What's so horrible about that? What, you think he's
going to stop with me? Well, you first. Well,
I go first and you have to go second. Means it's any better.
You're getting sloppy seconds at this point. You're right. I better go first.
Oh, that's okay. You're this.
What, I'm not good enough? Not what?
I mean, I just. I just meant, you know, maybe.
I don't know, Dave, a little bit. Just maybe a couple pounds.
I'm not judging you or anything. Listen to me, you fat.
You're not in any better shape than me. I'm sorry, I could hear. I was
just thinking about step instead of breathing heavy. I really should hit a tr.
Let's just walk up the stairs slowly. He's not even getting anywhere near us.
The response that diamond had for or the
evil that men did in his presence was too
much. You would even call it possibly a psychotic reaction.
Please kick the fuck out of this week and make it your bitch while you
enjoy psychotic reaction. By the count. Five from 1966.
All right, then we'll go ahead and end this shit so we can
get on to the next one and try and get it done before you gotta
flee. I just realized how late it is, so. Jesus, here we
go. Recording stopped.
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