Cinema_PSYOPS_EP486: Giant Monsters FSU: Godzilla Raids Again 1955 (Main Feed)
There is very little time or point in an explanation. To be blunt,
the audio came from a timeline and dimension that has collapsed
at a quantum level, rendering it null and void in terms of existence.
Operational time in the dimensional continuum where the beings that created the
audio collapsed in on itself, rendering all of their civilization,
including technology, null and void. Timelines across
the entire continuum are collapsing and changing. The destruction
has a nexus that centers on Cinema PsyOps.
10 years. Man 10.
10 years.
10 years Man 10 years. 10 years.
10. 10 years. 10 years.
What is the most likely way humanity will be wiped out? Maybe it's
something from or us. Although the way the
world ends might. Be because of you. And if this is the case, you.
Wouldn'T have any control over it. The global temperature rise underscores
a chilling reality. Our planet is trying to tell us something,
but we don't seem to be listening. A recent study has suggested that
one. Third of an was death due to heat are directly related
to global warming.
On top of the initial flash of thermonuclear light,
which is 180 million degrees, which catches every everything on
fire in a nine mile diameter radius. On top of the bulldozing
effect of the wind and all the buildings coming down and more fires
igniting more fires on top of the radiation if they happen to
have survived poisoning people to death. On top of all that, each one of
these fires creates a mega fire that is
a hundred or more square miles.
Timelines across the entire continuum are collapsing and changing.
The destruction has a nexus that centers on Cinema Psyops.
A breathtaking scientific revolution is taking place.
Biotechnology has been progressing at stunning speed,
giving us the tools to eventually gain control over biology.
Solving the deadliest diseases while also creating viruses
more dangerous than nuclear bombs able to devastate
humanity. It's man returning to the
most primal, violent state as people fight over
the tiny resources that remain. What if
the world we live in. Is just a dream or a simulation? Whether it's
a dream or some advanced computer game you are playing right now,
when it ends, you would be what causes the end of the world. Please do
us all a favor. Continue dreaming or playing this game of life.
Because when you wake up or unplug, there's a chance the rest of us.
Will be blaked out of existence. Timelines across the
entire continuum are collapsing and changing. The destruction
has a nexus that centers. On Cinema s 10
years. 10 years. Hello.
And welcome to the 486th consecutive week of Cinema
Psyops. I'm your host, Cort, the guy that's super stoked to be talking
to you about the next giant monster fucking shit up film
in our series. And joining me in the joy of covering Godzilla raids again
from 1955 is my co host, Matt Woo. I love
Kaiju. Slowly but surely, over the course of our podcasting
career and me exploring more and more breath control,
I somehow have turned into an auctioneer podcasting.
Like, I just rattle shit off, like so fast. I hope people.
Yeah, like, if I ever do a review with that fucking just speed it up
as fast as I can go. Like, I'd have to really practice and like,
learn everything I write in advance and, like, not do notes when I'm
fucking stoned. Right. Yeah, right. Like, I got a double story time
for you. Like, you will not believe about the kind of fucking week that I
have had. Right. Oh, I. It's. I can imagine. I can't wait.
There's certain things that I obviously cannot talk about because,
yes, this show is all about escaping living in the stupidest
fucking timeline that has ever existed for at least as long as
we can make the show last. That's. That's our goal from here on out.
We're just going to talk Kaiju movies and try to have as much fun as
we can for the time that we have left in this stupid fucking timeline.
The dumbest fucking timeline that has ever happened.
Yeah, I didn't want to believe it. I'm very resistant to it. But now
I fully accept that I am living in the stupidest possible timeline
that has ever existed. The dumbest fucking timeline
we've ever been in. Well, yeah, that is absolutely true,
because this is the only timeline that we've ever been in. But this is the.
You don't know that. This is the dumbest of all timelines that we could have
ever been in. There you go. This is the dumbest fucking timeline
we ever could have been in. Yeah, for sure. Because again,
we're only in one timeline that we are aware of at any given point in
time. Unless we have the dumbest fucking one.
Absolutely no one is arguing that. But anyway, let's get back
to enjoying some shit. So Godzilla raids again is the follow up.
It's the next giant monst monster fucking shit up. Godzilla was a huge rage.
They got really, really popular. It was beloved all the
world around. Whenever it got released, it was renowned and they
decided to do it again and they decided to resurrect Big G, but they
do it in a really unique way. I'm going to do my best to
try and go with the notes as I can on this. I forgot
which movie I was actually doing the notes for until this morning. And I'll explain
why, because again, that's part of the week that I've had. So I actually
did notes for Godzilla without paying attention to the scheduling doc and
fucked up and then realized it this morning after getting
very little sleep that I needed to do the notes for Godzilla Raids again.
So this is going to be a fun episode to record because a
very, very sleepy, sleep deprived court took notes for Godzilla raids again and
is trying to 100% do this show. And I'll explain all
of it on my story time. Let's go.
Yeah. All right. So up first on the pirate radio edit,
before we get into Godzilla Raids again proper, we are going to have Bill Haley
and his comments with Rock around the Clock immediately follow. Following this.
This will keep you quiet. Oh, hi there. I didn't see you.
You call me cutting a new.
What the is going on,
dude? Millicent found out that we were made part of the
Legion Podcast Network, and now she's pretending like she's
possessed to try and get your attention again. We're on the Legion Podcast.
Yeah. Isn't that great, dude? We're on the network. The Legion
Podcast Network. We're in there with Cinema Beef, the Podcast
Stairs. Duncan and Bo come correct.
All these great shows, the Hail Ming Power Hour,
like everything, dude, that's in the Legion Podcast Network.
We're now a Legion Podcast Network
podcast. We're not alone anymore. We're not two scumbags
just doing a podcast. I've seen this porn.
Yeah, well, that's just because you're watching the lab video while she's doing this stuff.
Where the is Igor at? He usually takes care of her in this situation.
Is she sterilizing that crucifix?
That doesn't sound sanitary at all. You know, if she's trying to bring
you in on this, she's really going about it the wrong way because this is
actually more for me. I really think so.
By the way, could you throw a blanket over your lap, man? This is.
That's just. It's telling. Stick your cock up her ass, you motherfucking
worthless cocksucker. Okay, now she really is trying to entice
you. That sounds a lot like my wedding night. Anyway, so back
to this nature podcast thing. This is way awesome. I'm so
stoked, man. And we've worked with. With most of these guys. That's just like us
going home. Yeah, absolutely. Him. I don't want to Millicent,
Jesus. Me? No, I don't think that's going to work. Stop making
eye contact with me. It's just horrific,
man. It's a good thing that we have her tied up. Yeah, no kidding,
man. Those are good reinforced rope you got, by the way. I've always wanted to
ask you, where'd you get all this thick rope? Wholesale, at Home Depot.
No one asks any questions, huh? No, you would think that the weird combination of,
like, you know, knives, box cutters, saw blades,
powerful acids, all the stuff that I buy, but they never even blink twice.
Me, Yeah, I. I get it, Melissa, you're not going to get us
into this. It's just not going to happen,
man. In 1955, I don't think people were ready for that kind of shredding
on the guitar, but their kids are going to love it.
They weren't ready. They weren't ready for that.
Yeah, okay. Yeah, I get that your kids are going to love it. Yeah,
I know. It was a reference I had to do. Why not? Why not?
What the hell? Yeah. While we're speaking about things that we need to get going,
why don't we talk about Godzilla raids again?
Word up. All right, so the film opens with a
guy flying a plane, guiding a fishing trawler.
So he's, like, spotting schools of fish for them to be able to harvest out
of the ocean. He notices the subtitles. It's spelled
B O N I, T O. I'm thinking Bonito is the type of fish I
think is how that should be pronounced, maybe. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. So another
pilot has engine failure, who is also spotting fish,
and makes an emergency landing on a nearby island. The hero,
which I'm not going to try and pronounce the name, is sent to rescue the
guy who crashed, which I will pronounce the name of Kobayashi.
If I don't think I can do it, I'm not going to do it.
I'm just going to nickname people because I am terrible at Japanese, like,
pronunciations for names. I'm so. I really do. I.
If you notice, I could really only do the kind of the three main characters
of my last movie. Right? I could spell it out phonetically in my notes
and still fuck it up. Like, I'm just not even going to try. Like,
and it's just the only way that I can try and be respectful is to
just, like, name the characters. Like, I always do when I don't want to learn
names. Agree. Same. Okay, so they
both are there on the island whenever our Hero sets down to rescue him.
And they both encounter two giant dinosaur monsters locked
in the battle. So it's the big G, somehow is back.
Like, this is obviously Godzilla. That's who. They know him from the previous movie.
This is after they did all of that. And then there's this new stegosaurus
or like aliasaurus kind of mixture looking creature
that runs around on all fours that's battling us. The pilots barely
escape as the monsters are fighting. They actually fall into the ocean.
And I'm assuming they continue to fight underwater. It's just that they're away from these
two guys, so they feel safe and take off. Yeah. The pilots travel
back to Osaka to help the professor from the first movie,
which I don't remember his name, and I just refer to him as the professor.
And if I tried to write his name down again, probably couldn't pronounce it.
So therefore he is the professor. The Professor. Yeah. He is with the authorities who
are investigating that encounter with the new monster. They go through this whole
entire description of how the new monster could exist and what era he
may be from. It is identified as an Ankylosaurus or is
just named Anguirus. Yes. I can name the monsters because I hear the name so
many goddamn times. Sorry. Right.
The doctor who's doing the presentation is
Yamane, another zoologist that's doing this. He shows
the authorities footage of the first Godzilla attack and notes that it was killed
by the Oxygen's destroyer. But the inventor is also dead. So we're getting a
recap of what happened there in the first film. And he bas or
lays out that they are shit out of luck to defeat this particular Godzilla
and the new monster that shows up this Anguirus. Yes. Our professor
from the first film suggests that issuing a citywide blackout
and evacuations of areas closest to where he would land
or possibly take a path through the city to be able to go to the
other side to cross the land. However that's going to be.
That needs to be evacuated. And then he also suggests that they
could probably lure Godzilla away from heavily populated areas
using drop flares to lure him, because he's very sensitive to light.
And they noticed that from the first film that he's very reactive to light.
And that's a strategy that they could use. Why the professor didn't
do this in the first film, I don't quite get.
They just realized about it. Yeah. They didn't give it
enough time. They just jumped right to let's murder the giant thing. And now they
have to find a way to live with it. Because they can't get rid of
this one. Yeah. Because, well, shit,
we don't have a big bomb. Yeah. Our main pilot
hero's girlfriend Tom about her fear for
Osaka to him, and he talks about how he thought
about her when he thought he might die on the island. They watch as the
Japan Air Self Defense Force take
off to find Godzilla. But the scientists discuss that it is going
to be tough finding Godzilla because Godzilla is
probably hiding somewhere in the caves in the seabed. When Godzilla is
finally spotted heading to the Key Channel, the pilot's
boss states that if Godzilla wreaks havoc in those waters, their fishing
company will lose money because it will damage the ocean stock of
fish. The reports from the. It's all about money. Yeah. The reports
from the radio are trying to predict Godzilla's path and call for evacuation
in areas near where he is suspected to be heading. The whole of
the people in the room within this fishing company are worried
about their livelihoods, while one comic relief lady
is sad about not being able to actually eat the fish if they're not captured.
We then see it, as predicted, that Osaka and Koby can sigh with
relief as Godzilla appears to be moving away from them. This starts a
sequence of the city all lit up at night, and a sweet crooning
slow dance happens with people out for what appears to be dinner
and dancing, having a lovely time and just being all romantic.
And I think our main dude pilot is there with his lady, who is very
clearly into him. And they are very into each other, obviously.
I mean, come on, man. Love. I declare this in my notes to be some
serious film padding. Before I can really write even that
down, you basically get this because. All right,
so it's a little bit of padding, but at the same time, it is.
You have to see the life that is at stake. They still have to ground
you in the reality of it. And this is their way of life now,
where they're all just trying to exist and be happy. And once again,
that horrible monster with its atomic power comes looning
over them once again. Godzilla is still us here, folks. Yes,
Godzilla's still here. He's still with us. You may be in love,
but Godzilla's also in love with destruction.
There's alert issued for the Osaka region as Godzilla changes
course back for Osaka Bay. They're guessing it's probably because the city was all
lit up at night. The jsdf, or Japan Self
Defense Forces cut off the lights in the city and
lure Godzilla with flares away from the city. While this is being announced
to the people fleeing in the dance, they're kind of cutting back and forth.
This then starts into a montage of the lights going out,
fighter jets flying over the bay and the city city, heavy artillery vehicles
and tanks being wheeled into place to be able to shoot at Godzilla if
he were to arrive on land. And that is the end of the first third
of the film. Good times. A good opening
third. Much like the original Godzilla.
Fucking open strong, kept strong, is strong.
The monsters just showing up and having the battle that they
have where you just see them like their very first appearance
is just them throwing down and trying to murder each other is
a really bold choice, but is actually really cool because it gives you that same
shock of when Godzilla pops his head up over the mountain. It kind of recreates
that really well. And while I am not going to deny that there's a
lot of things that they're like doing the greatest hits from the previous movie,
I can't say I blame them because they're going with what works. They made the
film ever so slightly shorter. And most of the film was devoted to
the monster fights. They last for a very long time in this.
And I cannot complain about any of that. No, like you said,
go with what works, man. Go with what got you here A lot
of times. And I get don't do the exact same thing, but also don't
do 180. It fucking doesn't help. No,
this. Go ahead. It usually destroys your fucking
base. Fans who, you know what they want.
I like what they're doing here where they're not adopting as dark and as
somber as a tone because they're now trying to find a way to live with
the monster that destroyed them using atomic power, which is us.
We are the monster, which is us. They're trying to figure out how to live
with the United States. Yeah, that's essentially what we're talking about here.
Like how do you live with the thing that's going to constantly be a threat
of killing you? One of the things that we need to mention, I keep saying
the Japan Self Defense Forces after
World War II, they weren't really allowed to have a military again. Like that
was part of the peace treaty. But they're allowed to have Self
Defense Forces. They're allowed to have like coast guards and things
like that. That's why they're referred to as Self Defense Forces. They may look
like military and have military equipment, but it's literally just
for them to be able to Defend themselves. The whole deal was we be their
military, the United States. Right. And so considering
that Godzilla is showing up and fucking shit up
for them and they have to use self defense forces against them,
this is very thinly veiled. Yes,
yes. That maybe they're not so happy that they're so beholden to
their former enemy. Yeah. I mean, Nakasaki and Hiroshima
alone should have been like, you know, enough for them to
hate us for all eternity. Right. All eternity. Right.
We dropped two nukes on them. I mean, it can take a long
time to get over that kind of shit. Yeah. And the devastation that nuclear
attacks actually bring is. I mean,
no one had any idea what was going to happen before the first one.
Everyone knew what was going to happen after the second one. And the second one
is the one that is far more egregious because you already know how awful and
devastating it is. Yeah. And the oxygen destroyer is an analog of that.
And yeah, I mean, listen, we. We made a big go boom boom.
And before we knew what big boom go boom boom could do, we decided to
fucking use it. And yeah,
probably not Responsible war makes people
do crazy shit and corruption makes people do crazy sh. So there
you go. Yeah, and we had plenty of both for that.
Okay. We brought the dour back into this film, so why don't we get back
into the fun parts of the film? All right. The middle third
starts with Godzilla being spotted in the bay and the Air Force
using flares to attempt to draw him away from the land as the
ground artillery gets prepared to gun at him as a deterrent.
They're hoping that if they throw enough gnats at him, he'll get annoyed and just
turn around. He'd be like, yeah, why do I want to go over here,
man? Look at all the gnats. Fuck that. The bigwigs are informed that
areas are being evacuated. And these areas that are being evacuated
are the ones that they suspect Godzilla is headed in the path currently.
And we witness this mass migration away from those
areas that are suspected to be stomped, as it's all happening here.
Right on screen, Godzilla is led away from
the city successfully by the plans with the flares. And we see
our pilot hero dropping his love at her home for safety
and then leaves with his pilot buddy to meet the boss, her father, at his
cannery. This blackout seems effective, as everyone at the cannery
is happy at what's going on. And they cut from this to
convicts on a transport jump the guard in back with
them, grab his gun, shoot out the lock on the door and make
a break for it before the truck even comes to a stop. In what turns
out to be a shootout and foot chase with guards in the front. They run
off on foot and lead police and guards and more shootouts.
Some get shot and get caught and dragged back to the truck. Three break right
and two more break left. And are pursued by two more guards on foot.
The three that break right we see steal a big ass oil
or gas truck of some sort. And the cops commandeer our
pilot hero's car to chase after them. That chase
ends with the convicts crashing into an oil refinery,
triggering a giant goddamn explosion. That explosion
obviously lures Godzilla back to Osaka, forcing the
Japan self Defense Force to attack Godzilla. And Geras
emerges and fights with Godzilla. This is suspected to
be because of the flares. Later, the monsters create
a gigantic battle throughout the industrial park
and completely flatten everything within the bay, destroying the cannery
with Godzilla's blast. This is an epic monster fight.
They roll around and wrestle like. This is the start
of what people think of when they think of Kaiju movies of
two people in a suit rolling around through a model, destroying cities and stuff like
this. This is the very first one. And it does. It feels like
wrestling of the time a little bit with the way that they're doing throws and
moves and some of the attacks, but they're also attacking like anim animals with bites
and everything like that. Yeah, it's good,
man. This is what you love about giant monster fights.
It's exactly what you're looking for. And it set the standard.
And every kid who has watched these and saw that it was just two
people in a suit smashing into each other and into models that are surrounded by
them. Wanted to do this and do it on film themselves. They wanted to
start building shit out of cardboard and do this. Yeah. And then destroy it.
I mean, a video game was made out of it.
Multiple video games were made out of it. But I mean, you know the popular
arcade game Rampage? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Rampage.
Yeah. And that was made into a goddamn movie.
So the cannery boss states that Anguirus was attracted by
the flares. This is his suspicion that were meant to lure Godzilla
away. My guess is it's probably either the explosion or just
Godzilla being up on land and stomping. Or maybe Godzilla just
came here and Anguirus was pursuing Godzilla the entire goddamn time. There's really
no way to fucking know. I think they just give you one possible explanation.
Because when giant monsters are fighting in a city and destroying it, if you question
the route rationale that maybe the flares actually attracted the second one. You're looking
at the wrong stuff. Yeah, you're not. You're not doing this right.
Most of the city is getting leveled by the monster fight. As this is a
real. What I have in my notes as Kaiju slobber knocker.
It's a Kaiju slobberknocker.
Right? I mean, that's a little hillbilly of me, but yeah, that's basically what happens.
I mean, but it's exactly right. Then thrashing around
and smashing land and the bay alike somehow causes a
flood in the subway, killing the convicts that were fleeing through all
of the entire time and thinking they were going to get away in the chaos.
Yeah, everyone really thought that they were going to be able to do something
here. I don't know the name of this place, but I think it's a temple
of some sort. That's where Godzilla and Anguirus end up.
It's something that. It's an obvious historic landmark. This place gets destroyed
multiple times in these films. Right? So it's constantly. Yeah,
so it's obviously a historical landmark that they keep coming back to in
Osaka. And Godzilla and Geras are battling in towards
the historical landmark on the outskirts of it. And then Godzilla
kills Anguirus with a massive neck chomp with blood and everything.
After plowing his ass through the historic temple tower, he runs into
him and just shoves him and then pushes him up against the tower.
And you watch the tower break. They do animations on the tower to make it
break. And then you see the suits go through it. And then as he hits
the ground, he gets ahold of Anguirus in such a way that he does that
massive neck chomp where it's the whole of Godzilla's mouth all over his neck.
And in this you actually get to see the blood flowing out. Like they go
full on gore in this with it too. Yeah, it's just awesome. Like it's all
in one motion. Then he drops him down to the ground, lets them sink into
the ocean, fires off the atomic breath everywhere and
just burns God damn everything in sight
before returning to the sea. After making sure that Anguirus body is burned
and pretty much burns everything else around that area with his atomic breath just
to kind of let off some steam. Then they cut from this to the
aftermath with the cannery boss moving operations to another
area. I think it's Hikado. I couldn't pronounce that. I didn't hear how they Pronounced
it to try and get that in the notes. And they're going to make full
use of the fisheries in the cannery that is there and they have some office
space and everything. So it was a two location place where
they were running the boats out of. They're just going to run the boats out
of one bay now and move everybody there to try and
keep their production going and to not lose any money. And our hero pilot is
immediately sent out to guide the trawlers to begin work. There they begin
cleanup sequences, really driving home the horrific devastation
that these creatures are capable of once again. Luckily we don't have to see all
the widows and orphans and the wailing and the mashing of the teeth. It's just
enough to see the destruction of the buildings and they let us realize how serious
things are with that. So it's not quite as somber of a tone, but it's
still like, yeah, people are dead. Lots of people are dead because of this.
Yeah, lots of, lots of people are not having a good time right now.
And yeah, it's all fun and games and I,
you know, in the newer, I guess in the newer
Godzillas like or Kaiju movies, they don't really pay attention
to the human devastation like these older ones did. So I appreciate the
older ones showing kind of like, hey, it's all fun and games and the monsters,
but you're, you, your family, everyone's all having a bad
time right now. Well, in some of the movies, depending upon where they go,
people start living around the monsters by having shelters and
things like that. And they actually show better evacuation and detection processes.
And in some of the movies they literally just leave the monsters on an island
to battle it out and stuff. So. Yeah, but you're not wrong there.
All right, so after, after some talk of how inept at love the
Kobayashi dude is with the people in the company,
they all laugh and pile in on him making jokes about how terrible
he is at finding love. And he's just digging all of this and fine
with the attention, even though they're all making fun of him. And it cuts to
the new base of operations and a snow covered one at
that. There are more jokes being leveled about the marriage prospects of Kobayashi
and how he's so helpless he needs a go between to negotiate with women to
marry him or something along those lines. Some cold blooded shits being
told here. Yeah, but he, he's even throwing shade on himself in this. Like he's
like a real king of self deprecating humor. Yeah, I mean it's fun.
As long as he's doing it, you know, then it's fine.
It's like I can give myself shit, but if the rest of you guys keep
giving me shit and I'm not enjoying it, then I got a real fucking problem.
It cuts from that to some plane flying action and then cuts
back to the boss and then to a ship about to harvest a massive amount
of cod. They all see the Kobayashi guy flying above them and
wave at him for reasons because they all like him. Then there is
talk of a special nuptial sake and a dinner of some sort from the
father because apparently he has accepted a marriage proposal.
Possibly. And then there's more flying and ships out fishing when
a message is dropped that is a complete waste of resources.
Kobayashi, why would you fucking do this? Because it just says I hope it's
a big call. That's it. You didn't help them spot anything. You just wasted their
time to say you hope. It's just like, thanks a lot for
all your assistance. It's impressive that you were able to drop a message onto
the deck of that plane so precisely while flying above it
at such a speed. That is very impressive, Kobayashi. But couldn't mess
with that. You should be celebrated for that.
Yeah, absolutely. But it's just a waste of your resources to do such a thing.
Just to tell them you hope it's a big haul. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean,
you know, sometimes you got to have the waste so you can just show shit
up. Kobayashi gets a call to return to base because
the young lovers are making their way to the dinner.
And this dinner must have something to do with that whole nuptial spiritual
sake thing that they were talking, talking about. And there's some kind of a talk,
a surprise for someone at the dinner that's happening for the company and that
leads to the end of the two thirds of this flick. So we're two thirds
of the way through and we're going to have our final push after this.
Yeah. All right. Well, I mean, and now you're getting a lot more
human story still. The Kaiju battle was epic.
And you know, that's just what you want.
And how. How you what all of that to how
you always want your giant monster battles to go. That's my favorite part
of Kaiju is two different Kaijus all fight one
another. That is exactly how I want that.
I like a monster free for all battle where like just everything's
getting wrecked and multiple monsters are fighting. Yes. I'm not
a huge fan of like needing, like the entire universe of monsters on earth
to battle off one giant monster. That's, like,
incredible. And then seeing that same monster come back and then Godzilla defeats
him on his own, you know, like. You mean like King. King.
The way they handle King Ghidorah is weird. Yeah. It's like, follow your
own rules for how powerful your beasts are that have to. That Godzilla has to
face. But in the end, Godzilla pretty much always has
to win whenever Godzilla is the good guy. And in this case,
Anguirus being destroyed by Godzilla and watching it
just die in front of them. I'm not sure who Anguirus is
supposed to represent or if there is some representation of that other than just one
atomic power defeating another atomic power, while Japan is just left
in ruins in the wake without getting any help and having to constantly
rebuild. What year was this again? 1955. Korea.
1955. Yeah. You're in the middle of the Cold War. Yeah. Like, it's.
It's. So that. That could be. That could be definitely, like,
well, shit. Right. Like I said, I'm not so sure that
this is a sequel is really as heavily on the allegory. I think they're dropping
the allegory parts of this. And it's more or less just
the allegory just exist in that these giant monsters represent man's
ability to destroy itself through its own stupid
means and just creating more and more horrific ways of destroying itself.
Like, that's. That's what these creatures represent. And I like that it's
us trying to live around the. And, you know, sort of lure
away and distract the problem from destroying us
again. Like, that's. That's. That's probably the allegory right there
is we have to entertain the giant monster and shut off all the lights
and keep it from noticing us. Otherwise. Yeah, Right. Come back and
destroy us again. Like, there's some symbolism there that I think may have gotten
woven into the story. And of course. Yeah. The two monsters fighting
one another, you know, Russia has the bomb, so we could all die
again, just because these two countries, who we don't have a problem with either
one of them, decide to say fuck it. Yeah, that's very, very much.
Could be what's prevalent on their mind with that as well.
Yeah. Again, even if you just take it at that, it's just two giant fucking
monsters fighting and there's no symbolism in it at all. It's still the
idea that not only did the world fuck up, the world
fucked up so bad in creating an atomic giant Monster,
but also an equivalently sized giant monster of different origin
also has now surfaced and is battling. And.
And now you got double the dose. And I gotta confess,
whenever Anguirus is killed, I lose interest in this film because then it's
just them trying to find a way to subdue Godzilla again. And we've seen that
before. You know what I mean? Like, that has happened before. You just
kind of. Now you're just kind of. Oh, shit. All right, here we go.
Back. I mean, I think maybe the other giant monster
could hung out a little bit longer. Yeah, I feel like.
I feel like the stuff where they're getting ready to go to the restaurant and
the stuff that happens in the restaurant and all of this stuff, it's. It really
is like you get to see them try to get their life back to normal.
Yes. But also it kind of like, once you get the big monster fight
that you have and Anguirus is dead, it's all kind of a letdown after that.
And it's like, why draw this out anymore? You should have had
that fight after the shit at the restaurant. Right. Like,
they decide to go on with life even after everything is destroyed,
but Anguirus is still alive. And then there's one more fight with Anguirus, and then
they try to trap them both, but Godzilla kills Anguirus before they trapped.
Right. Or something. Yeah. You know? Yeah. No, I mean, you're. You're exactly right.
It's just. Yeah. It's just in Garrett's. That should have been like a
boss fight. I mean, it was a boss fight. It's just the boss fight happens
way too early. And then we're. Yeah, yeah, we're back to more of the same.
Like, well, how do we. How do we trap or deal with Godzilla? Right?
Like, how do we distract Godzilla? And I guess when I say
boss fight, I mean like the end fight. That should have been the end
game. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. We're saying the same thing, just in a
different way. Yeah, sure. Why don't we. Yeah. Why don't we move on to the
final third and finish this off? Let's. Let's. Let's do it. All right, so the
final third starts at the company dinner we were mentioning earlier,
where there was supposed to be some type of nuptial sake for some special
surprise. And the main pilot guy
reunites with a friend of his who I think is Tayyama or Tejama, a friend
who is from college, and they were together in the war.
Kobayashi hints to Hideme, the daughter of
the cannery guy that he has fallen in love with
a certain, certain woman and that he can't reveal it at the
dinner just yet. The dinner is interrupted by news that a ship
was sunk by Godzilla. And then they cut to the following morning.
Our main hero dude helps with the Japan Self
Defense Force searching for Godzilla and tracks
the location of the monster to Kimiko Island.
Kobayashi departs to aid our main hero pilot,
but leaves his notebook behind that he's been hinting at that there's a special
woman that he's fallen in love with. Hide peeks at the notebook and discovers a
picture of herself inside of it. So we know that he was actually going
to propose to her, but she was very much more interested into the main hero
pirate instead. So that's a little bit of extra heartbreak. Another love
triangle. Kobayashi attempts to stop
Godzilla from escaping, but is struck by
Godzilla's atomic breath. And then he crashes his plane into the mountaintop,
which ends up killing him. The crash creates an avalanche that engulfs
Godzilla, inspiring the Japanese Air Self Defense
Force to bury Godzilla with a much bigger avalanche
because they lack the firepower. The Japanese Air
Self Defense Force returned to base to reload missiles and Tayami
reluctantly accepts Tatsuki's request to
take him with them. The Japanese Self Defense Force creates
a wall of fire to block off Godzilla's escape using a bunch of barrels,
while they also trigger avalanches at the same time
blasting the mountaintop so they have fire underneath to continue to melt the snow
away that they're trying to bury him in as well. I'm not how that would
work, right? Yeah. I don't know if that's. I don't sense that being
good. Godzilla exhales one last massive atomic breath
before being completely buried by the last avalanche triggered
by our main hero. Relieved. Our main hero lets
Kobayashi's spirit know that they have finally defeated Godzilla
with a final passing phrase. And then we roll Credits.
Cinema PsyOps 10 years.
10 years. Again, a little bit sadness
there, because one of the love interest guys and you do feel like
the jami or whatever her name is the daughter of
the cannery guy. Which again, before it was the professor and his
daughter with the other guy that wanted to marry her and Serizawa she was pledged
to be married to at the time as well. And there was that love triangle.
And then Serizawa dies. In this case, there's two guys that were suitors.
One that went through the proper channels and actually asked. And then the other
one who is bucking tradition and we're seeing it again,
a bucking of tradition where they should be marrying for love
and not by prearranged marriages. So, yeah, a lot of stuff
being worked into here to kind of like modernize
and talk about the more modernized version of Japanese society,
I guess, is what's happening here with the monsters dragging them back
to the Stone Age and destroying their shit, which once again is us.
Yeah. And then, you know, trying to get through their
own fucking deep rooted misogyny. Right.
There's all of that built into this film as well. And it's.
It's a lot deeper than you would definitely expect for just a movie about
giant monsters fucking shit up. Which is again, one of the things that I absolutely
love about Godzilla movies, their ability to do just that is to
take stories of such a high concept nature and
then wrap some allegory around it if you really look for it. And most,
if not all of these films have that where it's very much Grimm's Fairy
Tales, where it's very dark, it's very gruesome. But there's a lesson
to be learned there if you make it through the story. And oh, did I
mention you get to watch giant monsters fuck shit up. Which is always awesome.
And there ain't nothing wrong with that.
Yeah, this film is definitely a step up in special
effects. There's a lot more stuff that they build and smash up.
They. This is kind of the template that you'll see later on. There's even some
discussion whenever they talk about Anguirus, where they actually set
up, that these giant monsters actually need more than one brain cluster
to be able to operate because they're so big the signals won't be able
to travel. So they actually have multiple brains. Like they mentioned that
with Anguirus, where he has like one nerve cluster that acts
like a brain, like at the base for his back legs and things like that,
and one that is at the top and that that's why he keeps moving,
taking excessive amounts of damage or something along those lines. And they end up
kind of retconning that into Godzilla's physiology in later movies as well,
where they try to explain that because these creatures are so giant,
they actually need what we would consider brain clusters in
multiple sections of their body to keep it all communicating at once and in sync.
Yeah. If it's like these like nerve pulse modifiers or
something like that that like sort of like amplify the signal
all across the body at once and work in conjunction, which is interesting,
you know. Yeah, no, I Agree. And I always.
One thing I really like that you said in last week's
movie about how we're Godzilla, you know, we're the nuclear
fear. And I didn't really think of that. And then to watch this week's
movie and then put together that, well, now it's 1954, Russia has
the bomb, the height of the Cold War has begun, and now Japan
has to worry about two huge monsters battling each other.
Have no problem with Tokyo or Japan or anything, but because they hate
each other, it could lead to the destruction of Japan. And that's
actually a really fucking cool fucking meaning and shit like
that. I like that. Yeah. It's 1955 when this is released,
and that is definitely when the Cold War really starts amping up.
And Japan is literally locked in between these two
giant monsters with nuclear powers. Yeah. And they're the. And they're
uniquely qualified to think this, seeing how they're the only country we
ever anybody's ever used nukes against.
Yes. Jesus. Yeah,
sorry, guys are bad. Yeah,
yeah, it's. Do they make a card for, sorry, we nuclear
obliterated two of your cities? I don't think they do. I don't think Hallmark has
that. If they did, it would be an extremely poor taste anyway.
Yeah, probably. I don't know. I don't know how to do this stuff,
so I'm just uncomfortable. No, it's totally fine.
Like I said, you can dig into those deeper levels if you really want to,
but when I was watching these as a kid, I was just watching giant monsters
fucking shit up. And you can absolutely enjoy it on that level as
well. The one thing that I will not accept as an argument is
that you cannot enjoy how well done
these special effects are for the time and how much the pseudomation
stuff actually works in tricking your brain in watching giant monsters.
And it does it on,
like, the very serious premise of when you watch it,
you know how much fun the actors are having in the suits, even though they're
suffering to make this stuff happen. It's also going to be a shit ton of
fun to pretend you're a giant monster and smash buildings that are smaller than you.
Everybody loves that idea. And that's part of what makes these films so
enjoyable and so rewatchable is just picturing being
able to be in that suit and do that wreckage, even though, you know you
would suffer to be doing it. You know, that has to be a. Shit ton
of fun sometimes when they say people suffer for their art.
Right. But I usually, no matter how hot the suit is, no matter how miserable
it is, no matter, it's got to be fun. No matter how many times they
set you on fire, the first time you get to smash into a giant fucking
building and just wreck that shit and just like get to see the playback
after you jump out of the suit is going to be so much goddamn fun.
It would be worth it. You know what I mean? Well, think of people who
cosplay. It's the same thing, more or less. It's a way to have
fun and pretend to be something that you're not to feel. Yeah. Does it,
is it probably uncomfortable sometimes? Sure, I'm sure it
fucking is. But I come on, man, let's have
a good time, you know, but it's also fun. It's. You have to dress up,
you get to be somebody else and that doesn't fucking, you know,
happen a lot. Yeah, I'm glad you're pro cosplay as well like this.
Just sometimes I would never be able to
do what they do because I do not have the temperament to like
try to get everything together and I do not have the artistic ability.
But fucking A, I respect the ones who can. It's good shit. Yeah, I absolutely
agree. All right, so let's get into my story time. So we're going to take
the break here. We're going to play on the pipe pirate
radio edit from 1955, the band the Platters with the song
the Great Pretender. And when we come back, we'll have my storytelling.
Father. Yeah, I gore. Well, it's about goddamn
time. Where have you been? Keep away. I take care
of her now. Yeah. Please now kindly undo
these scratch. Don't get her on a door. I do.
Good job. I feel like I'm watching relatives
having sex right now. This is weird. You kind of create both
of them. So it's like you're watching your children have sex. It's awkward
for you. I know, it's really weird. Hey,
mother's in here with it. Would you like leave a message?
She's talking about on IM. I don't know how Ms. Would has it,
but she's got a laptop opened up with IM on it. Wow, she's really
good at male multitasking sex. This is weird. Your mother sucks
in hell. Oh, she's doing dirty talk for
him to make him finish faster. I gotcha. I've never seen
a put together man laid pipe like that. You, you build yourself a fine
man there. Oh God.
He is very good at using him. Oh, why is she looking at me when
she's saying that. Him. She looking at both of us.
I'm not climbing in there. I'm not. That's not happening.
Man. That song really got me sucked in there. Yeah, me too,
dude. Holy shit. I was like, whoa, this is good. Yeah. Yeah.
There's a lot of really great fucking crooner songs from the late 50s that,
like, we just have forgotten about because it's goddamn so long
ago. Right. Yeah. I mean, what a. What a.
I mean, not for everyone, of course, but what an interesting
time that would have been to live back in the 50s. Yeah.
Interesting. I guess mainly for you and me.
Not. Not. Not so much anybody else. Yeah. White straight
men. It would have been great for. But everyone else would have probably had a
bad time. Yeah. Interesting times are not always the best to live. And I would
much rather. There you. There you go. And that's it. Yeah. What interesting times to
live in. And that is the best way to put it. Not good.
Not good. Just interesting. Let's hear about my current living in interesting
times story and our. Yes. Story time.
Story time.
Story time. Okay, so I already said that I got
very little sleep. So this is basically how it happened.
I woke up on Friday, we're recording on Saturday this time
around. And slammed down two espressos
that I made myself here at home. Yeah. Work from home on Friday.
Slammed out a bunch of work. Got caught up as best I could
after having. Well, what everybody else in the United States
is probably feeling is one of the worst weeks that they've had in a really
long time and really had a hard time getting motivated previously.
This Friday actually was feeling pretty good and I was getting caught back up for
some of the work that I missed, for some shit that I had to deal
with. Let me just put it that way. A lot of things,
everyone. Yeah, Stuff and things. Right. And as
anyone knows, it's a very turbulent time where I currently live
in Earth.
Yeah. I was always sad that I can never do my.
I suppose I could have, but it just wouldn't make any sense. But now that
the. The queen has passed away. But usually
during those times, I always like to do the post a picture of her
meme and say, the colonies are getting rowdy again. And the colonies
definitely got rowdy again. Yeah. Yeah. And it made
life rough for me for multiple reasons.
For the last two weeks, it's not been great, and I'm not going to really
get into that. But anyway, woke up, had a really good day.
There was a friend that wanted to get together because he also has been having
a very bad couple of weeks. So we all got together
and I bought. Bev wanted to stop
off on the way to this friend's house at the new store that just opened
up in town. There's like a total wine that just opened up here in Omaha
and they had to like spend $100, get $40 off coupon.
That's of course going to get booze hounds in the door. Of course you get
$100 worth of booze for 60 bucks. Well, they happen to have
Delta sodas there, and I've been sampling a few here and there.
And you remember how I told always been finding some that are weak or not
great or whatever. Yeah, it seems like they're all about 5 milligrams of
THC, even if they're delta 9. That's hemp derived. They're about 5
max of THC per each of these sodas. So the more liquid you
have and the only. More like with only 5 grams of
THC in there, the less effective they're going to be. So I actually
found these smaller cans that were five and five. Five that CBD and
five, that's thc. It's legally hemp derived. Was able to buy it in
the store here locally in Omaha, and we went to my friend's house with it
and I bought two four packs because I was like, oh, yeah, I'll try them.
I'll see them later. But then I thought, well, there's other people there that might
want to try them too. So I just was like buying them for everybody.
You know what I mean? Yeah. I didn't realize this,
but the THC drinks were iced tea flavored
and then Arnold Palmer flavored. They're Hop the Wave. They were actually
pretty decent. If you want to check them out and find them yourself. They're online
somewhere. You can get them and I think you can legally order them that way.
By the way, I'm not being paid to shill for them. This is just a
product I tried. And if people are interested, go for it. That's it. Yeah,
I ended up liking it. But what I didn't realize is because it's tea,
there's also caffeine in it because all I read was the carbs. That's all I
was concerned about. So I had three of these things at
the party, more or less with caffeine in it. I had two espressos.
When I woke up that morning, I had more than 4
liters of soda throughout the course of the Night, because I was up
for quite a while. And so when I get home from my friend's house,
all of that caffeine with just the little bit of THC that I
have in my system kept me up till over 3 or 4 in the
morning last night. I get up, homie, Yeah,
I go to sleep about 3 or 4 ish in the morning.
Finally I'm having sinus problems and stuff like that.
And there's just multiple reasons why I couldn't sleep last night. So I get
up at like 7:30 this morning, I give Mac a shot for his insulin
and everything, and I finish up my notes on Godzilla.
Now everyone knows that Matt was doing the notes on Godzilla.
I started my notes on Thursday on Godzilla without realizing I
was supposed to do the notes Godzilla raids again. Like a fucking.
I get up this week at 7:30 thinking that
all I gotta do is just watch Godzilla raids again and then finish up the
notes on Godzilla, which I do. And then immediately as I
start Godzilla raids again, I get the sinking feeling in my chest that I fucked
up in some way. And what if we both did notes on Godzilla? So I
opened our scheduling document. Can you imagine this morning if you'd have been like,
so you did a Godzilla raids, right? I've been like, no,
Right? So that's why. So I opened up the scheduling document when I realized
that right as I'm starting Godzilla raids again, again thinking that all I gotta do
is just stay awake long enough to watch the movie and then I can go
to bed. Right? Because you're gonna do the notes. Well, I verify no,
Court, you really fucked up. You have to do the notes for both movies now.
And Matt's already done his notes, obviously for Godzilla, because he knows
to follow the scheduling document that you, for some reason having really fucked up
weeks, forgot that that's what you need to look at for sure and
not just do the notes of any goddamn movie you choose between the two.
You really took this Court runs Barter Town fucking seriously,
didn't you? I almost was like, dude, do you to do the notes for
both weeks? Like, I almost. I seriously was like,
we should just fucking do that. I put in the fucking work. I know you
did too, but I was like, you know what? No, I didn't even refer to
my notes. Those notes are gone. You know, there's. There's an alternate universe
somewhere where I did both notes, right? Like it exists somewhere for
both weeks somewhere, some alternate universe where I'm just. Sitting here going, you're right.
Cort. Yeah. Kaiju Woo. That's it? Yeah, just like it was when
we first started the show. I did, literally. Yeah,
exactly. Yeah. But anyway, I realized
that, so I kind of of go back and I start taking the notes really
quick for Godzilla raids again and I try to pay as much attention as
I can and I'll. You'll hear some of the fuck ups that I did in
the outtakes and stuff. But I am obviously exhausted.
I get the notes done and Matt's like, basically I need a
little extra time to run an errand. So I'm like, cool. I'm going to just
take a nap. I'm going to go back to sleep and try and get some
sleep until you're ready to record. Cut to what, like 12:30
ish? You text me and say, okay, I'm ready to rock. And then 40 minutes
later I get another text that says, hey, are you even awake yet?
Well, yeah, I was just like, hey, I'm just checking in because it was like
about 45 minutes later. It was like almost like 12:57.
I'm like, hey buddy, is everything okay? You awake?
I'm like, I think you might. I was like, oh, am I going to have
to like message your wife and be like, hey,
you alive or what do we got going on here? Yeah,
you texted me the second time and the second one woke me up and so
I immediately hopped up and I texted you. I'm like, shit, let me get my
shit together, I'll get the studio ready to go and we'll fucking roll. You know
what I mean? I was like, yeah. So I made two espressos again after I
woke up, got the studio set up while I was drinking. The first one messaged
you to make sure that you were ready made. The second one went
up to tell my wife I was getting ready to record and you know,
make out with her a little bit so that she's happy to let me
record for a little bit longer. And then came downstairs with the
second espresso and I was drinking that and you can hear me getting heavily caffeinated
through the episode with Godzilla last week. And that's true,
that's where I'm at now. So I'm essentially in Nicolas
Cage from The Gone in 60 Seconds remake mode where I'm tired,
I'm a little wired and I'm just raring to go. Like that's all I've
got left, right? And I gotta try and come down from this caffeine buzz
I did to do this show so that maybe I can get Some more sleep.
Because in total, I probably have had about three and a half to four hours
of sleep, max. Yeah. Thank God tomorrow's a Sunday.
You can maybe get a little better sleep tonight. Yeah. And my wife's
gonna get up and take care of Mac in the morning, so I'm gonna sleep
in like a motherfucker tomorrow morning. For sure. Yeah,
me. Probably for the best.
Yeah. All right, so that takes us to the next break here. So on
the pirate radio edit, we're going to have Elvis Presley with the song, I want
you, I need you, I love you. Right after this.
If you've decided you can't get enough of the show and would like to check
out more of it, we're available at Legion. Pod. Damn it, man. She is
insane. No, God damn it. That's not gonna happen.
Oh, that just sounds gross. He is.
Jesus. Oh, my God. Use a dead old damn, man. Well,
I did screen them for all the stuff,
so we're good there. Oh, my God, that's rancid.
That is so gnarly. Oh.
Oh, there's a smell. Dude, it was like a water
fountain that lifted him up off of her when it happened.
What is he eating? Oh, Jesus Christ.
Master Corn, I just wanted to let you know I
have perfected my chili. What is this? What is happening?
Why is that on top of my Millicent? That is my Millicent.
Master Corn, I'm feeling a burning in my heart.
I must grab the weapons and destroy Igor.
No, Whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't do that. Okay, Matpot. I took Millicent's
contrast consciousness and put her into a bot for you, and you two are
happy together. That is not your Millicent. That is just her body
that has been reanimated. Feeling a burning in
my heart. Destroy Igor. Don't do that. That's okay.
I've got the Three Laws of robotics going. He's not gonna do a thing.
Oh, awesome. Besides, I think I know how to fix this. Hey,
Corkbot, that's off you.
Hey, Corpod. Is that. Is that my drink? No, it's my beer.
Don't get your eye. You. Here, piss into this glass, will you?
All right, here you go, You. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. That's like 180
proof moonshine. Peanut, drink my piss. Oh, it's delicious.
All right, Corbot, do me a favor. Can you take Mat bot out, show him
a good time and point him back to the Millicent bot and get them
all up in that. Loving it. Strong. Stick your ass.
What Possessed Melissa said that's what you should be doing.
Mapot. Exactly what Possessed Millicent just said to you.
Go ahead and do that. Okay, Master Gorp, I will do that. Come on,
buddy. We'll find Double Teamer. Yes. Yes, we will.
Yeah. Go to Millicent Bot and take care of that. Okay. Thank you,
Master Cord. Right. As always, you are the
most benevolent breather.
All right, so that is Elvis with I want you, I need you,
I love you, which was probably sung to a very underage girl
because he was a piece of shit. That,
yeah, probably didn't go so well.
It was the 50s, it was a different time. Blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah. He was still a piece of shit. I mean,
damn. All right, all right, all right. Let's all just settle down now, all right?
We're getting crazy over here. Yeah, I'm a bit surly. You're absolutely
correct. Well, while you're out there outraged at me taking swipes
at Elvis for being. The piece of shit, I don't really care that you take
swipes at Elvis. I was just like, wow, that got a hand really fast.
Kick the butt out of this week and make it your bitch while you enjoy
on the pirate radio, edit the harp tones with Life is but a dream from
Who's got to mop this room? God, Matt Pot. As soon as
he's done making his lubricant, mess out there in the back with Melissa
Pot. Awesome. All right, so now that that's all taken care of,
one more time, dude, we are with Legion podcast network.
That is awesome. And I'm super stoked. Yeah, I'm glad,
too, man. That's an awesome honor. I'm excited for the future of
C Ops. We got a home now. All right, dude, now I need you to
get the out of the lab because witches dropping by here any minute, and I've
got a very special date for him. Oh, man.
It's that billet, is it? No, it's me, silly. Get out.
Oh, I'm out of here. Okay,
dude. Yeah, yeah.
I'm not sure. What. What are we doing here? Where's Matt? Oh,
Matt couldn't make it. So I was thinking, you know, we could
just have a little chat. I've got some white wine.
Nice dinner. What are you thinking? I'm thinking that I couldn't pucker any harder if
I tried, bro. Oh, I'm sorry.
I totally misunderstood. Okay, well,
why don't we just do the review then, okay? Just ignore all this other stuff.
I didn't mean Anything by it. I mean, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable.
Maybe we should just. The review. Yeah, I can do that.
Hold on a sec. Oh, you can't hear me. Hello? Hello? Can you hear me
now? I can hear you, but you're not coming through my speakers. Hold on one
second. Sure. I'm still looking for songs for the 1955.
So we're fine. Actually, while we're waiting, let me do this.
Recording in progress. There we go. Hello? Yeah, can you hear me
through the. There we go. Yay. Now we're doing it.
All right, so I'm still looking for songs from 1955. I've gotten
two so far. So round, round, get around. I don't even know
if that's 1955. But we'll get to that one eventually too, because we got other
giant monsters. Shit up movies. I get around I get
around oh, God. I need to find some music quick to get you to stop
singing. I get around Please stop. You're gonna make me
really angry. You know, just enjoy it.
No fair. But Jesus,
what can I say? I'm mean, I'm cruel. Cruel and unusual
punishment. You know, I actually did tell Bev
about the shtick that we do where you sing and then I say hurtful things.
So, like, really, really hurt your feelings. But you know, our shtick. I just basically.
Yeah, yeah. Our stick. Yeah. I'm revealing it now here while we were waiting for
me to do this before we actually start the episode, but. Bill Haley and his.
Holy shit, that was loud. But, yeah, that's. That's the shtick that I'm
talking about. I told her the whole thing and she's like. But like, does it
actually hurt his feelings? I'm like, no, it's the shtick, man.
What do you think? I think I actually have a good singing voice. I know
that ain't real, right? And like, you do that in our real life to annoy
me because you know that it annoys me. So use. Purposely.
Purposely to annoy me. If I had a
good singing voice, I wouldn't use it on you. It'd be useless. Like it would
annoy you at all.
Absolutely. I'm almost there. I'm actually trying to load the YouTube as you hear it
playing in the background, blaring out of the songs that
we're going to be doing for the pirate radio edit this week. So we're almost
there. Oh, man, I'm going old school. Remember when I used to do this where
I have stuff on YouTube to play songs and Then. Oh,
yeah, oh, yeah. And then all the clips were on Quick
Time before I got my fancy machines.
All right, I think we're all ready to rock. So ready to go?
Yeah, let's do it. All right. Three, two, one. I don't
know what that note is. I'm. And obviously too tired, so.
3, 2, 1. Kobayashi, don't you hate it when your. Own handwriting
you up. Oh, this is me typing. And then there's just nonsense in here,
I think spell checks me in this case, or. Yeah. You know,
even sometimes you're just like, what was I trying? What point was I trying to
make with this note? What the.
Sophia Loren? Wait, this says 1960, not 1954.
No, I can't do that one.
It is the podcast equivalent of found footage. The recordings are
raw, poorly edited, and at times incoherent. They focus on
a man living in. A bunker, working his way through the
junk pile that the globe has begun. He finds stuff. He talks about
it. He tells you about it. That's as simple as it gets. Called Witch versus
the Doomsday Clock. Total blast. Every time I get a chance to talk to you
again, I apologize for that little bit of an uncomfortable moment there.
Kick the butt out of this weekend. Make it your bitch while
you enjoy. On the pirate radio, edit the harp tones with Life Is But
a dream from 1955. I don't even think I know that song,
but I'm gonna go ahead and stop. I mean, I still was into
it. Yeah, we're gonna enjoy all the 50s through the 60s and
all the different songs I'll be able to find for sure. But we're not going
to be enjoying it anymore because I gotta do this recording stopped.
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