Cinema_PSYOPS_EP484: A Decade of Dimwitted Dipsh*ttery: Ghostbusters II 1989 (Main Feed)

There is very little time or point in an explanation. To be

blunt, the audio came from a timeline and dimension that has

collapsed at a quantum level, rendering it null and void in terms of

existence. Operational time in the dimensional continuum where the

beings that created the audio collapsed in on itself,

rendering all of their civilization, including technology,

null and void. Timelines across the entire continuum are collapsing

and changing. The destruction has a nexus that centers on Cinema


10 years. Man 10.

10 years.

10 years Man 10 years. 10 years.

10. 10 years. 10 years.

What is the most likely way humanity will be wiped out? Maybe it's something

from or us. Although the way the world ends

might be because of you. And if this is the case, you wouldn't have any

control over it. The global temperature rise underscores a

chilling reality. Our planet is trying to tell us something,

but we don't seem to be listening. A recent study has suggested that one

third of an was death due to heat are directly related to global


On top of the initial flash of thermonuclear light,

which is 180 million degrees, which catches every everything on fire

in a nine mile diameter radius. On top of the bulldozing effect

of the wind, all the buildings coming down and more fires

igniting more fires on top of the radiation if they happen to have survived

poisoning people to death. On top of all that, each one of these fires

creates a mega fire that is a hundred or more square


Timelines across the entire continuum are collapsing and changing.

The destruction has a nexus that centers on Cinema Psyops.

A breathtaking scientific revolution is taking place.

Biotechnology has been progressing at stunning speed,

giving us the tools to eventually gain control over biology.

Solving the deadliest diseases while also creating viruses

more dangerous than nuclear bombs able to devastate

humanity. It's man returning to the most primal,

violent state as people fight over the

tiny resources that remain. What if the

world we live in is just a dream or a simulation? Whether it's a dream

or some advanced computer game you are playing right now, when it

ends, you would be what causes the end of the world. Please do us all

a favor. Continue dreaming or playing this game of life.

Because when you wake up or unplug, there's a chance the rest of us will

be blaked out of existence. Timelines across the entire

continuum are collapsing and changing. The destruction has

a nexus that centers on Cinema. S 10 years.

10 years. Hello and

welcome to the 484th consecutive week of Cinema

Psyops. I'm your host, Cort, the guy that continues to get more and more lightheaded

the longer he tries to belt out the word hello to introduce the show.

And wondering what the fuck I just said about whatever's going on with

me is my co host, Matt. I'm so confused. Everybody that listened

to last week's episode knows what this week's episode already is, or those of you

that looked at the title of the episode know that we're covering Ghostbusters 2,

and last week we covered Ghostbusters. So if you missed that, go back,

listen to it. Ghostbusters. Now, that's who you call

or don't go back. It's fine. You can do what you want. I'm not telling

you. I mean, yeah, we're not here to tell you how to live your life,

but if you choose to, you may want to listen to the Ghostbusters before Ghostbusters

2. I mean, you know, if we want to go in order.

Yeah. So I chose Ghostbusters 2. Actually, you pick

Ghostbusters 2. This was your movie. But like we were talking about earlier when we

have to do them one week and then the other week and we got to

the words, all your picks, I wanted to make sure that you were still

covering the movie that you wanted to cover. Out of the two that were.

Were the options to lay them out. Right? Yeah. Of all the Ghostbusters movies,

and I enjoy all of them, One is Always Far Away

will always be my favorite, which is absolutely understandable. Now,

here's the really weird thing. The older I get, the more I like Ghostbusters 2

more and the more hooked on Ghostbusters 2 I am, there's something about it that

I connect with it more. It's not that I think it's the better film,

because it absolutely is not. I just, for whatever reason, get way

more joy out of watching this one than I do the first one. And there's

nothing wrong with that. That's good. I mean, buck it.

Do what? Enjoy. I mean, the more and more seen of Ghostbusters 2,

the more and more I've also enjoyed it well. And I've got a good story

time as to one of the reasons why I love it more and more these

days. Awesome. And the older I get pretty much every year, I tend to,

you know, like it more. And like I said, I'll talk about that

whenever my story time hits. But maybe whenever we're covering this,

I'll be able to kind of sway some people out there that absolutely hate Ghostbusters

too. And there are some people out there that do Dislike it. Most people are

just like, hey, it was another Ghostbusters. At least we got this,

right. Yeah. Right. And I still think it has good moments

in it. I don't know, man. Right. Well, see, that's the thing is, like,

I'm about to just go complete and total love fest on this film just because

that's. Yeah, that's how it is. I just love Ghostbusters too.

And I'm unapologetically going to clip the fuck out of it. There's 20

clips. Some of them are pretty much all of the dialogue in the

film. Like, yeah, there's nothing wrong with that. Yeah. But it's not

a lazy choice this week. It's a. My God, I can't leave this out this

week. That's what's going on with all of that. So there you go.

Let's. It's going to be a long review just like yours. We probably won't even.

I might be able to do the breaks, but we skipped the breaks with yours

because we were doing the talking through everything like we used to do. Yeah,

I don't know why you do a 20 minute break on any of these.

This is just one of those movies. Just go through.

Yeah, we're kind of going old school with these and a little bit more off

the cuff as we do the review and then just it turns out how it

turns out. Right. It's good movies.

I mean, I'm just saying. All right, well, let's do the break now so that

we can get into the actual review for Ghostbusters. Yeah. As I mentioned last week,

this week we're going to have all songs featured in the film of Ghostbusters 2

and on the soundtrack. So up first we're going to have the Howard

Huntsbury version of Higher and Higher. Not the Jackie Wilson version

that was played during the Toaster, but the part that was played during the walk

of the Statue of Liberty on the pirate radio edit immediately

following this. This will keep you quiet. Oh,

hi there. I didn't see you. You caught me cutting a new

show. I'm Bo Ransdell and I'm one of the many creators you

can find on Legion Pod. Hi, I'm Sarah McLaughlin and

I'm about to ruin your day. Normally you'd be seeing some pretty horrible

pictures right now, but since this is only an audio podcast,

I can't ruin your life with pictures of beaten puppies and sodomized

kittens. Today, I'm here to talk to you about Matt. Matt's a

hardworking, decent American With a slight alcohol problem.

All Matt would really like out of this life is to get a slight buzz

on. Pass out in the recliner in his underwear in front of reruns

of According to Jim. However, Matt is subjected to inhuman

main experiments. On a weekly basis, Matt is made

to undergo cinema trauma. Whether it's gore,

sexual violence, or necrophilia, Matt is forced to sit through

some damaging films every week. That's why I'm asking to

support the Starfish Fund. If you call right now and pledge your support,

you'll save Matt from further cinema trauma. Like Italian cannibal

films Sallow, the horror of GG Allen documentary

and a Serbian film. Please be Matthew's Angel.

Oh, man. You know, Valentine's Day makes me think of the most

romantic things. You know what I'm talking about, Matt? I hate you. What?

We covered a romantic movie. I always wondered what it'd be

like if Traces of Death made a porn. Now I know.

Really? Yeah. This was the most necromantic movie I've ever watched.

Both of them, as a matter of fact. You all right? Yeah, I'm good.

Yeah? Yeah. Do you need to talk. You remember, like,

three months ago when we're joking around about this. Yeah. And how this would be

the worst possible dark timeline out, like, outlook that we

could probably. It really stages,

like, a year ago. We, like, laughed about it, like, six months

ago. We kind of chuckled about it, like, three months ago, like,

oh, I mean, a little worried. We went into dark humor about it where

we're like, well, fuck, the end's inevitable. Our Wickerman episode

actually does have that on there, where we're like, well, it's the fucking end of

the world. Yeah. Hopefully you can get this edited in time court

and send it out and then it happened.

Yeah. This is definitely. We did it. You maniac. You blew it all

out. All right. You cannot

deny how much fun that song is to have. That is such a fun goddamn

song to sing. Do I prefer to hear, listen to have a good

time with. Yeah. Do I prefer the version that you hear with Jackie

Wilson, like, performing it when the toaster's doing a little dance? Absolutely.

Is that going to be left into one of my clips in its entirety?

Absolutely, it should be.

All right, let's get into Ghostbusters 2. The first third starts

with the five years later. It starts five years later. We know this because

the words pop up with white text on a black screen. It says, five years

later, five years after the events. Well, it doesn't get quite that

Fancy? It just says five years later. Well, I was just saying five years after

the events. Yeah, well, you can be as fancy as you want with Ghostbusters too.

I like to be fancy. It cuts from this to a huge

crack in the sidewalk where the ever popular slime

of the early 90s era oozes up. And we

see Dana Barrett roll her baby carriage through that ooze.

And then of course, it's gonna have to be Dana Barrett. And then into a

typical New York chaos shot of people yelling at each other over what

they're going to have for breakfast. It's just people in New York yell at each

other about everything. I mean, usually she then gets to her building

and starts talking to someone that is doing part of that

New Yorker shouting in our first clip. She's only interested in my

bonds. Don't want to hear it from him. Right, then I want you to go

downstairs in the cellar and check the water lines in a boiler. Check the bubble.

All right? I want do that today. All right. Could you do that? Greg,

would you mind giving me hand with. Hey, I ain't the doorman, Mr. Barrett.

I'm the building superintendent. You're also a human being.

Okay, it's not my job, but what the hell, I'll do your favor. Listen,

when are you going to get around to fixing the radiator in the baby's room?

No, I asked you last week. Didn't I do that?

It's getting really cold in there. I, I, I,

I. Okay, well,

it's the

recently slimed carriage goes wheeling off on its own down the street and

rather recklessly, with Dana frantically chasing after it.

Incomplete and utter parental terror. What kind of bullshit is

that? Parental terror? How high was I when I wrote this?

Really high. But I want to know is, how does she keep getting in these

fucking situations with ghosts, man? I think she's

like a spiritual like, magnet. Like, you know how some people have like,

natural psychic abilities? I think that she basically is

like a spiritual conduit. Like her and Lewis ended up in the apartment

building just because that's like they're fated for

that kind of thing or some shit in this world anyway. Maybe, yeah, maybe I

just think that she's doomed. Or also, it's just a way to get Sigourney Weaver

back into the film. That could also be. Yeah,

the carriage that goes careening away on its own narrowly misses getting pet semataried

by a city bus. See, now I'm not classy. Pet semataried? Come on, Cort.

Yeah, I mean, what are you doing around here? By a city bus? And then

the title screen and song pop up. That fades into an ecto

one. Looking like a real piece of shit covered in dirt and

rust. And it's pulling up to a house with Ray and Winston

getting out of the car. And that is the start of our second clip.

How many of them are there? 14. They're in here. I hope

you can handle it. It's been like a nightmare. How big are they?

Hmm. Four feet. Hey, Jake. Listen up,

listen up. Look who's here.

Oh, I thought it was gonna be he man.

Hey, hey. I know. Why don't we all sit down and we'll have

have fun. Yeah. You know,

my dad says you guys are full of crap. Jason. Well, some people

have trouble believing in the paranormal. No, he just says you guys are full of

crap and that's why you went out of business.

Song. Come on,


There's something strange in the neighborhood.

We are called Don't

Look Good. Let's go get a beer. All right.

Yeah. Thank you. Call anytime.

Look, that's it. I'm headed, Ray. No more parties.

Here's your sheriff. Look, I'm tired of taking abuse from overprivileged nine year olds.

I know, Z, but we can't quit now. The holidays are coming up.

It's our best season, Ray. Man,

face it, Ghostbusters doesn't exist. A year

from now, those kids won't even remember who we are.

Ungrateful little yuppie larvae. After all we did for this city.

Yeah, conjured up a hundred foot marshmallow man through

the top three floors off an uptown high rise. Ended up getting sued by

every state, county and city agency in New York.

Yeah, but what a ride.

Went right out into the middle of traffic and I started really

running after it. And then it just suddenly stopped

right in the middle of the street. Mm. And did anyone else see this

happen? Well, sure. Hundreds of people. Ekon. I didn't imagine

this. I'm not saying you did. It's just in science, we always look for the

simplest explanation. We're ready, Dr. Spangler. Good. We'll start with the negative

calibration. What are you working on, Egon? I'm trying to determine

whether human emotions actually affect the physical environment. It's a

theory Ray and I had when we were still Ghostbusters. Can they see us?

No. They think they're here for marriage counseling. We kept them waiting for two

and a half hours. And I've been gradually increasing the temperature in the room.

It's up to 95 degrees at the moment. Now, my assistant is asking them if

they'd mind waiting another half hour. Oh, good.

Very good. Very, very nice.

So, Egon, what do you think? Excellent.

Just excellent. We'll do the happiness index next. I mean about

the carriage. Well, I'd like to bring Ray in on this, if you don't mind.

Sure, Whatever you think. But not Venkman. Oh, no.

Do you ever see him? Occasionally.

How is he these days? Peter? Well, he was borderline for a

while, then he crossed the border. Does he ever mention me?

No. Well, we. We didn't part on

very good terms and then we sort of lost track of each other

after I got married. We're ready for the affection test.

Good. Send in the puppy, please. I thought of getting in touch with him after

my marriage ended, but. Oh, isn't that sweet?

I appreciate your doing this. Try not to worry. Here's my

phone number. You'll call me? Yes. I'd rather

you didn't mention any of this to Peter, if you don't mind. No, I won't.

I won't. Thanks. Let's see what happens when we take away the puppy.

This GI father

encouraged him.

Hi. Welcome back to World of the Psychic. I'm Peter Venkman.

I'm chatting with my guest, author, lecturer and

psychic, Milton Angland. Milt, your new book is called the

End of the World. Now, can you tell us when it's gonna be, or do

we have to buy the book? Well, I predict that the world will end at

the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. This year? Mm. Well,

that's cutting it a little bit close, isn't it? I mean, just from a sales

point of view, I mean, your book is just coming out. You're not gonna see

any paperback sales for at least a year. It'll be at least another year

before you know whether you've got the miniseries or movie of the week kind of

possibilities. Devil's advocate, Milty. I mean,

shouldn't you have said, hey, the world's gonna end in 1992?

Better yet, 1994. This is not just some money making scheme,

all right? I have a strong psychic belief

that the world will end on New Year's Eve.

Well, for your sake, I hope you're right. Yeah, okay, but I think

my other guest may disagree with you, Elaine. Now, you had another date

in mind. According to my source, the end of the world will be on February

14th in the year 2016.

Valentine's Day. Bummer. Where'd you get your Date, Elaine. I received

this information from an alien. As I told my

husband. It was in the Paramus Holiday Inn.

I was having a drink at the bar alone, and this alien

approached me. He started talking to me. He bought

me a drink. And then I think he must

have used some kind of a ray or a mind control

device because he forced me to follow him to his room.

And that's where he told me about the end of the world.

So your alien had a room at the Holiday Inn, Paramus? It might

have been a room on the spacecraft made up to look like a room at

the Holiday Inn. I can't be sure about that, Peter. Of course not.

And that is the whole problem with aliens is you just can't trust

them. Occasionally you meet a nice one. Starman,

ET but usually they turn out to be some kind of big lizard.

That's all the time we've got for this week on World of the Psychic.

Next week, though, Gimme Ira. Hairless Pets.

Weird. Until then, this is Peter Venkman


see you then. Okay. Venkman heads backstage and laments the

issues of the most recent show guests. And that

is our third clip. Norman, where do you find these people?

Aren't we supposed to have the telekinetic guy who bends the spoons? He canceled.

This is the best we could do with such short notice. Look, no respected psychic

will come on the show. They think you're a fraud. I am a fraud.

Mr. Mayor. Lenny. Lenny. Thoughts?

Pete Finkman. Can I help you? Yeah, get your hand off me.

Thank you. I'm an old friend of the mayor's. I wanted to say hello,

Give him a kiss. I'm Jack Hardemeyer. I'm the mayor's assistant. I know

who you are, Dr. Venkman. I just don't see any ghosts anywhere.

Well, that's why I wanted to talk to His Highness. See, we did a little

job for the city a while back and we got stiffed on the bill by

some bureaucratic bookworm like yourself. Look, you stay away from the mayor.

He's running for governor next fall. And the last thing we need is for him

to be associated with two bit frauds and publicity hounds like you and your friends.

You know, I'm a voter. Aren't you supposed to lie to me and

kiss my butt? All right. Yes. Now, I want you to put a Rigo

in the arch, under the arch there. If everything you're

doing is bad, I want you to know this. You be careful there, all right?

No one listens to me. Well, Dina, how are you doing?

How's this Bonington coming? It's coming along fine. This mixture you

gave me is working really well. Yes, well, I make pretty good cocktails,

don't I? Yes, you're doing really quite

good work there. Thank you. I think it won't be long before you

can assist me in a more important restoration.

Just a white thing. Well, thank you, Dr.

Poha. Janos. Janos.

I've enjoyed working here, but now that my baby's a little older, I'm gonna

try to go back to the orchestra. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that

you will not be. Not here. Well, could I say goodbye? You know,

maybe bring you to a brunch today? Well, I can't today. I have an appointment.

In fact, I better go. I don't understand this. You know, every day I say,

well, can you do something? You say, no, I can't do something. You know what,

do I have a bad breath or something? Of course not.

All right, well, I give you a rain check.

I think that she likes me.

No, I do. I truly do. This one's interesting,

Ray. Berlin, 1939. A flower cart took off by

itself, rolled half a kilometer. 300 eyewitnesses.

My best of the coven. Berlin, huh? You know, we should also check

Duke University. Mean averaging studies on controlled psychokinesis. Uphold it.

Perhaps you could help me. I'm looking for a love potion aerosol

that I could spray on a certain Penthouse Pet to obtain her

total submission. Hello, Langth. Hi, Pete. How's it going?

Hey. Well, hi, Egan. How's school? Bet those science chicks

really dig that large cranium of yours, huh? I think they're more interested in my

epididymis. Ray, let's close this place up so you can buy me a calzone.

I really can't do that right now, Pete. I'm working on something. But your book

came in. Magical Paths to Fortune and Power. Thank you.

Good luck with that bank. Will you put this on my account, please?

Sure, Ray. Take a look at this. Oh, yeah. What are you guys working on?

Well, we're just kind of checking something out for

an old friend. Neat. Who?

Raise a call. 7:00 on weekdays, midnight on Saturdays. Thank you.

Who? Who? Just someone we know. No,

I can't. No, no, no, no. Nobody. Nobody can.

I can't now. Dana Barrett.

Ow. My Dana Barrett?

I'll get it. Hi, Dana. Hi, Ray. How good to see you.

Thanks for coming. Hey, no problem. Almost glad to help and hug.

Hello, Dana. How are you doing? Nice place.

Well, I Know, I'm just asking for the big hurt, but I thought I'd give

us one more chance. He torqued. He pulled

my ears. Hello, Peter.

Hello, Dana. So, what would you like to do first? We'd like to examine the

baby first. Yeah, and anything associated with the baby, especially stuffed

toys, things with fabric. I would like to see the buggy. All right. Can I

put him over here? And wherever he sleeps? Yes,

this is fine. It's okay. We'll have to lay him down flat. Okay,

sweetheart, now they're gonna take a look at you. We'll do a cursory medical

examination. What do you say? Gamble and Cross Infant Acuity Test? Sounds good.

We'll finish with an APGAR score. It's nothing that's going to hurt him,

right? Oh, no. No, I don't think so.

He'll be fine.

You ever done this before? On a chimp? So whatever

happened to Mr. Wright, anyway? I heard he ditched you and ran off to Europe.

He didn't ditch me. We had some problems, and he

got a very good job offer from an orchestra in London, and he took it.

So he ditched you. Okay. Subject is a male Caucasian,

approximately 24 inches. 24 inches in length.

Subject weighs approximately 18 pounds and is about 8 months old.

Okay. Ocular. Pupillary response normal.

Auditory. There's normal.

Ampullary reflexed. Uh, appears to be ticklish.

Yep. Maybe ticklish. You know, you'd have been better off marrying me. You never

asked me. And whenever I brought it up, you'd get drowsy and fall asleep.

You never got it. Dana, I'm a man.

I'm sensitive. I need to feel loved. I need to be desired.

It was when you started introducing me as the old ball and chain.

That's when I left. Well, I may have a lot of personal problems, but I'm

a total professional when it comes to my job here. You got what?

What are we doing? He seems to be fine, Dana. Mm. He's very healthy.

He's okay. When he does sleep, where do you put him? Right around

here. I'll show you. Pinkman, would you get a stool specimen, please? Business or

personal? It's a little messy. Well, we don't want to play with it. Anything.

We just want to sweep for valences. Very cheerful. My parents

didn't believe in toys. You want to play with a big kid? You know,

I should have been your father. I mean, I could have been.

I understand.

Help. He's got completely berserk. Help.

Help. Uhoh. You mean you never

even had a Slinky. We had part of a slinky, but I straightened it.

He. He had some sort of clear liquid coming out

of his mouth too. Well, that happens. Well, what do you think?

What do you think? He's. Well, he's ugly. I mean, he's not an Elephant man

ugly, but he's not attractive. Was his father ugly? Don't listen.

And he stinks. You're ripe, senor.

Did his father stink? Yeah, Daddy was

a smelly, huh? What's your name? His name

is Oscar. Oh, named after a hot dog. You poor

man. You poor, poor man. But seriously, there's.

There's nothing unusual about him, is there? No.

I don't have a lot of experience with babies. But you're excited now

because Mama's here to get your stool sample.

Right, Mama? Yeah? Nothing.

So what, pretty? I'd like to run some gynecological tests on the mother.

Who wouldn't? Let's check the street. It stopped

right over there in the middle of the crosswalk. All right. I can give it

something. Hey, thank you. Call. Hold on. We're scientists.

Excuse us. Get out of the way. Thanks a lot. Hey, we gotta do an

inquiry here. Hold on. Thanks. Appreciate it. Thanks.

The whole air. Wanna get out of there or what? Relax, you're on the meter.

Come on. Hey, we're scientists. Get out of the way.

I think we hit the honey pot. There's something brewing under

the street. I've got one 118 on the PKE, 2.5 GeVS

on the Geiger meter. Well, what does that mean?

How you doing? Me? Yeah.

Fine, fine. It's cutting fine now. Great.

Why are you cutting? Why am I cutting? Yeah,

boss. Who told you to stop cutting? Let me tell you to stop

cutting. What are you guys doing here? You tell him to stop cutting? Yes,

I told him to stop cutting. What are you doing? What you look like we're

doing here. Why don't you let us work? We let you work. Hey, take it

he's been working overtime. And I tell you why. We're here. We're here because some

diaper bag downtown has been a jerk. I'm making this work on a Friday night.

My right feet. Push your right, Raymond. Is he right? Ziggy.


Come on. How's it going? What have you been doing? What have I been doing?

While you're getting coffee for an hour, I've been digging a big hole in the

middle of the street. Wow, Looks like you've uncovered an old air shaft.

It just goes on and on. This is very intense. We should get a deeper

reading. Yeah, we're gonna need a deeper reading. Yeah. Somebody has to go down

there. Somebody's got to go down there.

Wow. Listen to

me. What? Who?

I, Vigor, the scourge of Carpathia,

the sorrow of Moldavia,

command you. Oh, command me, Lord.

On a mountain of skulls in the castle of pain,

I sat on a throne of blood.

What was, will be. What is, will be

no more. Now is the season of

evil. Evil.

Find me a child that I might live


Yes. A child. A child.

A child.

A child. You all right?

Yeah, I'm good. The speed's good, boys. Keep it coming.

We're breaking through. See some light?

I'm in some kind of a chamber. This tile work.

Slime. What? It's a river of slime.

There's got to be 25,000 gallons of it. It's flowing through here like a river.

Man horn Pneumatic transit. I can't

believe it. It's the old pneumatic transit system. It's still here, but okay.

Whoa, whoa. That's good. That's good. Hold me up. Hold me up. That's good.

What do you see? All right, see if I

can get a sample. What's going on here? Hey, what's the

story? Hey, what, you botheads are going to come and rouse me

out again? I got 3,000 phones out in Credit Church.

I got about 8 million miles of cable I got to check. You're going to

come and shake my monkey tree again? What are you talking about, buddy? The phone

lines are over there. What I say to you? You're phone lines are over there.

Hey, what did I say? How many times. Hey. Hey. You're not with Con Ed

or the phone company. We check. So tell me another one.

I got a major gas leak here. Where do you think all this is coming

from? The sky? Oh, okay.

Boys. Boys, pull me up now.

All right. It's some kind of activity going on with

this stuff, boy. Take out. Take me off

right. Start. Start, boys.

Hey, what's going on out there? Come on, get me out

of this hole.

I stand by that super long clip. I know it's super long,

but it all has to be included. That's part of best. I think that's a

movie. That's a damn fine clip. I don't. I. I don't think you

have to apologize for that at all. All of that was important.

Yeah, and it was Ghostbusters. It was way more fun to listen to

than to have me try and describe all of that, too. I'M sure. Yeah,

right, sure. All right.

With that, the boys cause a huge power outage with the pipes Ray knocks

loose and we see that it blacks out the whole city,

which is monumentally fucking bad to do in New York.

Yeah, that's, that's not good. Yeah, that's, that's, that's, that's a,

that's less than ideal to do in New York City. Yeah,

that's some serious fucking shit when the power goes out in New York City.

Yeah, yeah, that's bad. They cut

to Dana checking on Oskar when Janos checks on

her because of all of this blackness. And fuck it, it's Peter McNeil doing

one of his best characters in Oscar. Oh God, I fucking love this.

Who is it? It's Janos. Hello, Janos.

This is a surprise. Oh, hello.

Yes. Well, I happen to be here in

this neighborhood and I thought that I would stop by to see how it's.

It was you because of all this blackness. It was.

We're fine, thank you. Well, then you're okay.

How is tv, Abb? Oh, he's, he's okay.

He's sleeping. Oh, but I would. It's okay. All right.

Do you need anything, you know, do you want me to come in? No,

thank you. Well, just thought that I would check, you know.

Well, hey, you don't let your bed bugs bite.

I would submit to you that Peter McNeil's Renfield and Dracula, dead and

loving it, is essentially his Janos, but just more articulate.

Yeah, I agree. He's the same level of like just kind of.

And kind of just like that. That weird feeling you get whenever

he's on screen. And the way that he talks to people, it's like that's the

baby back there.

At the end of the clip, Janish's eyes light up like car

headlights from hell. That is just disturbing though. I mean,

oh God, this movie does a great job of just making things scarier as

he creepy walks down the hallway. And they cut from that to the courthouse and

the start of fifth clip. Before we begin this trial, I want to

make one thing very clear. Law does not recognize the existence of

ghosts. I don't believe in them either. I don't want to hear a lot of

malarkey about goblins, spooks and demons. We're going to

stick to the facts in this case. Leave the ghost stories to the kitties.

Understood? Wow, Sounds like a pretty open minded guy,

huh? Yeah. They call him the Hammer. What can we do? It's all in the

hands of our lawyer. Now, I think you guys are making a big mistake.

I do mostly tax law and some probate stuff occasionally.

I got my law degree in night school. Well, that's fine, Louis.

We got arrested at night. Look, just put these guys away fast

and make sure they go away for a long, long time, okay?

I don't think it's going to be hard with this list of charges. Good.

Very good. Violating a judicial restraining order,

willful destruction of public property, fraud, malicious mischief.

Seen a couple of years, that's your first parole hearing.

You'll never take us alive. All right, all right.

Let's get on with it. Your Honor, ladies and gentlemen are the audience.

I don't think it's fair to call my clients frauds. Okay,

so the blackout was a big problem for everybody. Okay? I was stuck in an

elevator for two hours and I had to make the whole time. But I don't

blame them, because one time I turned into a dog and they helped me.

Thank you. Very good, Louis. Short, but pointless.

Mr. Fianella, please look at exhibits A

through F on the table over here. Do you recognize

this equipment? Yeah, that's the stuff the cops took from their truck. Do you know

what this equipment is used for? I don't know.

Catching ghosts, maybe? I don't. May I remind the Cort that the defendants

are under a judicial restraining order that strictly forbids them

from performing services as paranormal investigators or eliminators.

So noted. Now, Mr. Fianella,

can you identify the substance in this jar marked Exhibit F?

Yeah. Yeah, that's the stuff, all right. Your Honor, I've been

working underground for continent for 27 years. I never saw anything like

this in my life. Whatever's down there, they must have poured it there.

No, he didn't. Shut up.

So. So. So you were just trying to help out a. Help out a friend

who was frightened. Who was scared of what was happening to her. When you're

scared, what? There was no evil intended. There was no evil intent and no malice.

Because you live here. When you live in a place and you love it.

Like you don't want nothing bad to happen because

it'll never happen again. It's an isolated incident. It's a one shot deal.

Objection, you, Honor. What? He's leading the witness. It's the same.

Give me a break. We're both lawyers. Mr. Tully, do you have

any questions for this witness? Might have some bearing on this case.

Do I. No, we've helped them out enough already. No, you, honor. Your witness.

Dr. Venkman, would you please tell the court why it is

that you and your co defendants took it upon yourselves to dig a very big

hole in the middle of First Avenue. Well, there's so many holes in First Avenue,

we really didn't think anyone would notice.

Keep that up, mister. I'll find you in contempt.

I'm truly sorry, your honor. I'll ask you again, Dr. Venkman.

Why were you digging the hole? And please remember, you're under oath. There are some

things in this world that go way beyond human understanding.

Things that cannot be explained. Things that most people don't want to know about.

That is where we come in. So what you're saying is that the world of

the supernatural is your exclusive province.

Kitten, I think what I'm saying is that sometimes shit

happens. Someone has to deal with it. And who are you gonna call?

Shut up. Peter Vengman. Raymond Stans.

Egon Spegler. Stand up. Get up.

You too, Mr. Tully. Find you guilty on all charges.

Order you to pay fines in the amount of 25,000 doll each. Who sent

you to 18 months to the city correctional facility at Rikers

Island. She's twitching. I'm not finished.

On a more personal note, let me just go on record as

saying that there's no place for fake charlatans. Your honor.

Shut up. Textures like you in decent society. Your honor,

this is important. You play on the gullibility of innocent people. Yes,

sir. Be quiet. But hand were by the

unalterable fellows of the law. Then I would invulner the predation of

our illustrious Barbar, reach back to a

pure sterner justice and have you

burned and st.

Wow. Rage. Wow.

Yeah. With that rage from the judge, the slime collected from the

river of slime starts bubbling up like crazy. And releases two

crazy electric chair go that ride that fucking

lightning right in front of us. And then start fucking shit

up. In our sixth Scolari brothers. In our

sixth clip. Oh, my God. The Scolari brothers.

Scolari brothers. Friends of yours? I tried them

for murder. Gave them the chair. They gotta

do something. Why don't you just tell them you don't believe in ghosts?


you gotta do something. Help me. Don't talk to

me. Talk to my attorney. That's me. My guys are still under a judicial

estrangement order. That blue thing I got from her. They could be exposing

themselves. And you don't want us exposing ourselves.

You're next, Bubbles. All right, all right. I was in the order.

Case dismissed. Hurry. We got the case. Now do something.

Oh. Oh. I always hated this

part of the Business.

You know, it's been a couple years since we used this stuff.

Hope it still works. It should. The power cells have a half life of 5,000

years. There's no time for a bench test. Heat them up,

do rain,

Egon. And with that,

the ghosts start throwing chairs while invisible. And then reveal themselves to

swarm the boys, who are a little rusty and don't get a

clean hold on them for their first shot. The ghosts leave the room and the

Busters have a brief laugh at being back to old times again and feeling the

adrenaline and the fright. And it was a really nice little character moment that they

do. Yeah, they all have a good laugh at themselves. Then the ghosts break back

in and Venkman says, come on, big boy. I'm going to take you to my

private zoo. Or something along the mama. Yeah.

That's the first time that I ever noticed that he's talking shit like that.

And that specific line from Murray. And I think that line

might have actually been improv. That sounds like a Murray improv to me. That might

have been just like. Just act like something. Bill, you got it.

Yeah. Yeah. Because it just. And it's super fun. And I'm so glad that I

noticed it. And that's at the point where I realized that the more

I watch Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2, the more I see

asides and the various things that people are doing in the back.

Because I have everything else memorized so I don't have to pay attention to the

person talking. I can look at. Right. One of

the rewards of rewatching. There's so much depth of character in all

the things that these people do. And there's so much funny shit going on in

the background, too. Oh, yeah, it's awesome. I love it. Specifically, I love rewatching

these movies. And you're seeing just what everyone has going on. Yeah. Specifically in

this film. Because you can tell these guys are all coming back for a paycheck

and just goofing off the entire time. And it's awesome. Oh, yeah.

I don't think this is anything like what they had originally written.

No, no, they had to. Yeah, they pretty much. Because it got so kid

friendly that the studio was like, no, you got to make something for kind of

kids. That's why they took away with a lot of the smoking,

the older characters quit smoking, a lot of the drinking, all that kind of stuff.

Language. Well, and also at this time, too, it's important to note and

also talk about. There was a Ghostbusters cartoon that was Sold to kids that was

doing rather well, which made them decide to do this movie.

I watched it all the time. The real Ghostbusters and a lot

of the ghosts and a lot of the elements of the ghosts and the things

that are part of ghosts actually tied directly into the toy line in this one.

They tried to sort of bring it back and they brought in some things like

how the toy line had oozing and slime and stuff like that. They found

a way to work it into the storyline. They made Slimer look more like

the slimer in the cartoon. Yeah, yeah. And he was back in the shop when

he was never actually allowed to roam around the shop and they were interacting with

him. They brought that in specifically as a little wink and the nod to bring

the kids in. You're absolutely right. And that's one of the things I think a

lot of people have a problem with, is this one's a little less. It turned

me off of it. Right. I'll be honest. It turned me off of it for

a long time. Right. I got over that very quickly as

a kid and have just found all the joy of just watching this

movie. And these guys are clearly goofing off. Like I. Yes. Even as a

little kid watching this, I realized that, no, no, these guys aren't even taking this

serious. And we're all just going to have fun with this. It's great. As I've

gotten older and less of trying to be an Edge Lord piece of shit,

I can actually appreciate this. All right, so let's move

back into the story. So they prep a trap and Ra Ray snags

the second ghost while Venkman talks the prerequisite trash as

if he is cattle rustling that ghost. And he is almost positive.

Half of that's all ad libbed by Murray at this point.

Right. And I love how he does it. Like he's. He's basically. He kind of

is. Right? He kind of is cattle rustling a ghost. So that. That type of.

That type of bullshit like that he's doing there, that. That prerequisite trash talk.

Come on, I'm gonna take you home tomorrow. I'm gonna wrap your car, big boy.

Yeah. It's cattle wrestling. Yeah. So I'm gonna say that's a

fuck yeah momentum for that shit. That's basically what I'm getting at here.

This sequence takes the badass up a notch

as well. When Egon preps just one trap for both ghosts and

the Ghostbusters wrangle two separate ghosts at just the right height

above one Single trap to catch them both. And that happens in

our seventh clip. Two in the box. Ready to go. We be

fast and they be slow. Why? Wow.

We're the best. We're the beautiful. We're the

only Ghostbusters. We're back.

This starts a sequence off of the Ghostbusters going

back after it. It is set to a kicking rap

soundtrack. This time around, they are busting more ghosts but find

that strange slime all over the place. So they're starting to harvest that as

well. In this sequence where they're cutting back and forth, we see a terrifically

bad Ghostbusters commercial that is viewed by the mayor's campaign

guy. That's the. Starring Rick Moranis and Annie

Potts. Janine, where. Who are you going to call?

Who are you going to call? I did want to say one thing and it

goes back to the court case. I totally forgot to say it. When they're in

court, it's one of the baddest lines of the whole movie. It's one

of the few times they swear is with Bill Murray. He's on the stand

and he goes also saying sometimes happens and who. You get a call.

Yeah, that is one of the best deliveries. And I just love that where he's

like kitten. He tries to like swarney up to the chick. He's hitting

on her, right. And she just pulls away in disgust. That's one of my favorite

things too. One of the objections, which is like

the witness is leading the lawyer. He's pretty much doing all the

questioning for himself. And she goes, are we through it? He goes,

yeah, I think we've helped them out enough today. Love all

of that stuff. Yeah. That's why I included that as a clip. Absolutely.

We're cutting from the mayor's campaign guy watching that first bad commercial.

And then we're back to seeing more ghost busting plans. This one includes the

jewelry shop where they break more stuff than they end up saving.

With the ghost busting prism laser setup that they don't

really explain. This feels like they had a bunch of stuff shot.

It was going to be too adult, so they turned it into a montage.

Right. Like it just feels like they had to use the footage somehow. I love

the scene the Cool Seed where they are in the jewelry store.

That's what I was just talking about. Where they bust up the whole jewelry store

with the prism. Yeah. Yeah. That's just good stuff. I feel like there was more

story to that than what we see in that. I think. So if

again, I could remiss remembering this completely. But I

thought I heard heard stories where they were like

that whole thing was a big scene. Like not part of the

montage. It was just part of them actually busting ghosts. Was that

everything else was pretty montage, you know, I think

that was the one scene where they. They included it because they cut the whole

thing. But they're like, God, it's so cool what they're doing with the traps that

they kept it into the montage. But I think there was more to it.

Especially because they're all wearing their different uniforms. Not the tan ones,

but the dark blue ones now. Yeah, so.

So yeah, I think that is it. The cutce where

they got the ghost jogger. That was a fun one. Yeah, I was just.

Where they're just basically like CIA spies waiting to

do or something. Yeah. And he's running the poor ghost

jogger. You felt bad for him. They cut from all of that in the montage

that Matt and I tried to describe from memory back to slimer at

Ghostbusters Central, munching down while Lewis walks up

on. Tries to run away terrified,

only to biff it onto a couch. Once again, Rick Moranis physical comedy from

SCTV coming back beautifully there. Oh,

greatness. I guffawed and

giggled and chuckled at that trip over the couch. Way more

than I fucking should have for way longer than I should have. Yeah,

right. There is even more slime

collection action. And yet another terrible but awesome commercial.

This one is the one where the boys are all together and Egon offers the

hot beverage mug and free balloon for the kitties. Yes.

You mean the free thermos mug and the balloon for the kids.

And that sequence is actually the end of the first third of the film.

But I submit to you, we should just move on because we've been talking about

it the entire time. I think so. Man, let's get it going. All right,

so the middle third starts with our eighth clip.

Busted. We've been experimenting with the plasm we found in the subway tunnel.

Careful. Should I get spoons? Don't bother. Watch this.

Go ahead, Ray. You. You worthless piece of slime.

You ignorant, disgusting plob. You're nothing but not an

unstable short chain molecule. You foul, obnoxious mo.

A weak electrochemical bond. I have seen

some disgusting crud in my time, but you take

the case. You are. You're just. This is what you do with

your spare time. Peter, this is an incredible breakthrough.

I mean, what a discovery. A psycho reactive substance. Whatever this stuff

is, it responds to human emotional States mood slime.

Oh, deep.

You mean this stuff actually feeds on bad vibes? Like a cop

in a donut factory. We've been running tests to see if we can get an

equally strong positive reaction. What kind of test? Well, we sing

to it and we talk to it and say supportive,

nurturing things to it. You're not sleeping with it, are you, Ray?

Oh, you. It's always the quiet ones.

You hound. How about the kinetic tests?

Okay. Ordinary household toaster.

We'll take your word for that. It responds to music, so we've been

doing some experimentation. Playing easy listening, middle of the road type stuff. You know,

Paul Young, Dustin the wind. That works. Okay. Works for me.

Loves Jackie Wilson.

Do you guys do this at night when I'm not here?

Oh, I get it. It sings. It sounds exactly like Jackie. That's fantastic.

Just watch. Doesn't do anything. Jimmy Lou Harris.

Oh, baby. Oh. You're my number one Christmas boutique

gift item. You're right. And the first time somebody gets mad, the toaster could eat

the hand. No, no, no, no, no. We put a warning label on it.

We don't have any liability. Ah. Ow, ow,

ow. Did you ever go for it? The old man

eating toaster? I feel like

that man eating toaster prank. And the get him response that they

do, that fades out on that scene was all improvised. I. I have that feeling

too. I. I used to use that line all the time. I. All right.

Back in my younger days, I had a friend who was.

He had a long term girlfriend. And he was not the most

faithful man the world. Especially after she went away

for college. And so anytime this girl would. This new. A new

girl would join our little group, it usually always be introduced

by him. Every time she was with a deer shot, I'd look at him and

I go, you're not sleeping with her, are you, Ray? Even though his name's not

Ray. No one ever got it. I'm like,

you're not sleeping with her, are you, Ray? You hound.

Then I would call him hound. You hound. They cut from this to Venkman

visiting Dana at the museum. And well, our ninth clip, of course.

I'm looking for Dana Barrett. Room 304, restoration.

Thank you. Hey, Dr. Pinkman.

World of the Psychic. That's right. How you doing? Hey. I'm a big,

big fan of you. Oh, thank you very much. Thank you. That used to be

one of my two favorite shows. You're kidding me. Oh, great.

What was the other one? Bass Masters. It's a fishing show. Yeah,

I know Bass Masters. Sure.

You're good. Pretty eyes. I didn't

paint it. I'm just cleaning it. It's a Gauguin.

Well, I've heard of him. Oh, yes. Hey,

Denny, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?

Um, sure. Peter Venkman, this is Dr.

Janusz Poha, the head of our department.

Yes, I have of course seen you on the television. Quite enjoy.

You know your own business, I hope. Well, it's top secret.

Say, Johnny, you gotta go again too? No,

actually I'm preparing this portrait for the new romantic exhibition.

Yes, this is Prince Rigo, the roller cote in Moldavia.

Bit of a sissy, isn't he? He was a very powerful

magician, Dr. Hinckman. And a genius

in many ways. He was also a lunatic in a genocide.

I hate this painting. I felt uncomfortable ever since it

came up from storage. Well, you're probably feeling what Viggo is

feeling. Carpathian kitten loss. He's missed his kitten.

We'll just put one in here by the cat. Don't go around altering liable afterwards,

Dr. Franklin. Go. Yes. I think, though. Yes, the joyfulness is

over. He's kidding. Well, you're not gonna get a green card with that attitude,

pal. Okay. I don't know what to do. Oh,

of course, of course. I get it. You're sweet on

this hunky stud, aren't you? You know, Peter, every now and then I get

the feeling that that painting is watching me, even smiling at me.

All great stuff needed to be in a clip. Yeah, they cut from

this to Dana giving Oscar a bath after his messy dinner.

As she describes in dialogue, as she goes to fill up the tub,

that mood slime comes out of the water and starts filling up the tub.

While Dana gives Oscar some what I know of as Zurberts,

where you basically breathe out onto somebody's belly and make the

noise. Is that the name of it? That's Zurberts. Yeah,

I think so. You've had a kid. You should know.

Yeah, yeah, but it's been a long time since

any of that. Man, that's fair. Yeah. Your child grew up

while we were making this show. That's what's terrifying. Yeah, yeah,

right. Anyway, she does some Zurberts and then takes

off her own shirt to give Oscar the bath. Is that a thank you movie?

Should I enjoy this while she's bathing her child? Oh, God. You know,

that's. I didn't think of that. I don't know. She turns around to

bathe the baby and the slime reaches out, collapsing the

cast iron tub beneath its strength. And they cut from that terrifying Spectacle

to our 10th clip. Peter, it's me. Please let us in.

What the hell is this? Peter, let us in, please.

I didn't know where else to go. The most awful thing happened.

The bathtub. The bathtub was trying to eat Oscar.

I was giving him a bath. There was all this pink ooze everywhere, and it

was reaching for him. Him. Okay, you're all right. You're all right.

I'm not going to let him get you. All right. You're all safe now,

okay? Everybody so terrified. Yes. Are you guys. Just sit

down. Relax, huh? Come on, sit down.

I'll get you guys a shirt or something. Ray? Yeah?

Dana's just come over to my place. Well, actually, her. Her tub tried

to eat her. What? Are you serious? Well, that's great.

I mean, that's terrible, but it's great for what we would.

Yeah, I will. Yeah. Yeah, sure. We'll get right on it. Spengler.

Major slime related psychokinetic event. What happened? Something came out of

Dana's bathtub, tried to grab her and the baby. Are they all right?

Yeah, well, she got out of there and went over to Venkman's. This is interesting,

Ray. Remember the painting Venkman mentioned? Uh huh. Ran the name Vigo the Carpathian through

the occult reference net. Look what came up.

Ooh, nice, ugly history. You think there's a connection between

this Viggo character and the slime?

It's the atomic weight of cobalt 58.9. You better get over to Dana's

apartment. I'd like to check out that bathtub. You know, it might be a good

idea to go to the museum in the morning, get a look at that painting.

Ray's gonna go on over to your place and just take a look, okay?

I have been holding onto this for a long time, Oscar. I got this

from a girl who got this from Joe Willie Namath.

Okay? We don't know how, we don't want to know. So I would appreciate it

if you would not hose this thing down. You know, give it your own personal

rinse. Thank you. Be an excellent time for you to start practicing a thing we

big guys like to call self control. Get out of here.

Oh, look at him. Look at him. Oh, look at his gut. Oh, he's a

coconut, this guy. You're gonna be staying at

Uncle Pete's until this thing blows over. This is your place now.

Hi. Come on in. This is my place. So how

are we gonna handle the sleeping arrangements? Well, what's best for me is

if I lie on my side like this and you spoon up beside me,

your arm draped over me. We do it the other way, I get your hair

caught in my throat and I choke in the night. Well, how about you on

the sofa and me and the baby in the bed? It's a way to go.

It's so late. I really ought to put him down. May I?

Yeah, if you want to. You're short, your belly button sticks out too far

and you're a terrible burden on your poor mother. Did you find anything at

Dana's? Nothing but some mood slime residue around the bathtub. But I

did get something on that Vigo character you mentioned. Found it in Leon Sundinger's Magicians,

Martyrs and Mad Men. Dig that. Yeah. Vigo The Carpathian.

Born 1505, died 1610. 105 years old.

He hung in there, didn't. He didn't die of old age either. He was poisoned,

stabbed, shot, hung, stretched, disemboweled, drawn and quartered. Ouch. I guess

it wasn't too popular at the end. No, not exactly. A man of the people.

Also known as Vigo the Cruel, Vigo the Torturer, Vigo the Despised and Vigo

the Unholy. Wasn't he also Vigo the Butch? And dig this.

There was a prophecy. Just before his head died, his last words

were, death is but a door, time is but a window. I'll be

back. All right. Suck in the guts, guys. Were the Ghostbusters.

No, no. Please go. You. Who's this wiggler?

He's yours, Ray. Sick Him I have discussed.

How are you from the Ghostbusters? Can I tell you?

We'll just do if Dr. Venkman then is not here.

Yeah, we know that, Johnny. So why are you king? Well, we got a report

there was a major creep in the area. We checked our list and you were

right on the top. Johnny. Where in the hell are you from

anyway? The Upper west side hall room's

extremely hot, Peter. Ooh. That's one ugly dude.

Well, that's V. Go. Mr. V. Go. Figs. Please look this way.

Please don't. No. Come on, tell me something. No, Mr. Vegas,

no photographs, please. Slides are available in the gift shop.

Huh? Hello? Yeah, thanks. Thank you, Winston.

All right. Thank you. Know what? Give me angry, will you? Will you give me

angry? If you had a bad day. You're cranky. Yeah. Thank you. Good, good.

Ooh, angrier. Ooh. You're scaring me. Stop it.

Yeah, good. Okay, walk for me. Talk for me?

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Give me hot and sexy.

Can you do it? Oh, you can. Oh, boy. Show me some teeth.

Come on. I bet the girls like you, huh? Huh? Girls to

the guys, but they both do, huh? Huh? What about the animals? Do they like

you? That's it. More. Yeah. Come on. You're big. You're big. All right. Destroy me.

Destroy me now. Yeah. Destroy me. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Give it. Give it. Yeah. We need to

talk. I've worked with better, but not many. Thank you, John.

Thanks. Hey. Hey. You finished?

Yeah, I'm finished here. Are you all right?

What? I mean, you're not coming down with something?

Me? Dana, you're Prince.

Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.

She clean? Hi. Hi. Sh. He's asleep.

Come here. So, what happened with my apartment? Well,

the guys spent the whole night there. They went through all your things, your personal

stuff. They tried on some of your clothes, Made some long distance phone

calls, cleaned out the fridge. Did they find you?

Found a little bit of that pink slime. Well, what am I supposed to do

now? You are supposed to get dressed and get crazy with me on

the streets of Manhattan tonight. Let's go. This is exactly what you need.

I have got you a babysitter. The whole thing's wired. Peter, I don't

think we should go out on a date. You know, and I can't leave Oscar

in a strange place with a strange person.

Strange person? Janine Melnitz from my.

Janine has experience babysitting here.

I've also brought some things from your apartment. Some wardrobe choices,

a couple of provocative ensembles in here. I'll leave it up to you. Okay,

but after dinner, don't put any of those old cheap moves on

me. No, no, no, no. It's different. I have all

new cheap moves. Hey, you.

Hey, you. It looks like you're awake,

huh? You're awake. Yes, Oscar. You're gonna have

the whole place to yourself tonight, pal. It's gonna be pretty neat. I got

some Laurie Antonelli tapes if you want to watch them. Dana, did you see some

shirts here in the floor, bed area? Yeah, I put them in the hamper.

I have a hamper? Yeah, it's in the bathroom. Great.

Will you tell me next time you're gonna do that, though, please? Well, I thought

they were dirty. I have more than two grades of laundry,

okay? There's not just clean and dirty. There are many subtle levels,

okay? You hang this outside the window for 20 minutes,

it's perfectly fine. Interesting role model for you, Oscar.

Well, they couldn't get to you until after the new year.

Well, just don't go in there,

Lewis. I'm closing up.

I don't know, should I take the subway or the surface roads or what?

It's kind of busy out. Well, I, I'm walking. Good night.

Well, now. Well, well, well, Hang on now. Do,

do you maybe want to. Oh, no. No. Do you want to have something to

eat with me? Well, yeah, I'd love that, but I, I,

I, I, I told Dr. Venkman I'd babysit for him. Oh.

Well, do you want to babysit with me? Okay.

I would. Great. His place at 8. Bye. His place at

8. All right. Well, I can get his address from the dollar. We were right,

Ray. Multiplanar, Curly and M. Yeah. Well, here's your next month's

cover of gq. Check out the aura on this sucker. Now, there's definitely

a living presence there. We should get a deeper look. Why don't I run this

wider shot through the spectral analyzer? Good. I'll try turning up the rentions. Okay.

So what do you think? Chinese? How about Thai? Too spicy.

Greek? Mexican? Pizza dinner thing? Chicago. What the

hell is that? I know what it is. I've seen it before.

Where? When you guys had me dangling a worm on a hook 100ft

below First Avenue. That's the river of slime.

R. You need a blanket or a hose

or something, you know? Why is this closed?

Where's that?

What we got to do, put our heads in the toilet?

Pete, it's great that you're here. We've got incredible news. Wait a minute. Can I

have one try? All you can eat. Barbecue rib night at the Sizzler?

No. We analyzed the photos you took of Vigo. The spectrogram shows a river of

slime flowing behind him just like the one I saw underground. Now we're going into

the subway and sewer system to see if we can trace the source of the

flow. Yeah, Come on. Change your clothes. We'll wait for you. Yeah. Egon thinks it

might even be a tremendous breeding surge in the cockroach population.

Hi, boys. What's up? Hi, Dana. The guys are going down into the

sewer to check for slime stuff. And Egon thinks there may even be

a huge surge in cockroach breeding. You want to

blow off this dinner thing and go with them? Taxi women,

huh? This clip ends with Winston,

Ray and Egon in an old subway tunnel of some sort,

goofing around and scaring Winston. When the haunted area

finally calls back from them, shouting hello With Winston's name.

And then they are surrounded by by severed heads on pikes. Which is

fucking awesome. Yeah. Oh God, that was creepy.

They scream. And then it's all gone. They start to calm down. Egon says

they should go back and get their proton packs after that happens.

Justifiably so, Seth, that would be smart. They all actually

turn around to go do that. And then when they do, they think they hear

a train. And it turns out it absolutely is a train,

but of the ghost variety. Ray and Egon successfully

duck out of the way. But once again, poor Winston has the

whole of the train run through him. Egon speculates

as to the gross train's origin and asks Winston

the number, who calmly but very clearly shaken up

by this, responds, Sorry, I must have missed it.

It's one of my favorite Arlene Hudson line deliveries in this

film. Yeah, right. They realize that Ray is suddenly

missing and he startles them with an excited shout of guys.

And they are off to a find the same river. Oh, sorry.

Then they're off to find the river of slime. They break through the wall.

They measure the depth of it when I believe it's Ernie Hudson's character

that's attached to the plumb line, right?

Or is it? I thought it was Ray. It's one of those two. Anyway,

whoever has attached to the plumb line ends up getting pulled into the

river of slime. Measuring the depths of it, the other two jump

in to try and help him or just follow along to make sure that they

get wherever he's going to be able to help once they get there.

And that is the start of our 11th clip. Toast to

the most, most charming, kindest. Oh, it's.

It's me. It's you. And most unusual man

I've ever broken up with. Speaking of breaking up with neat guys, why did you

dump me? I didn't dump you. I was protecting

myself. I mean, you weren't very good for me, you know. You know that,

don't you? Well, heck, I'm not even good for me. You're much better than you

realize. You don't give yourself enough credit. I need to hear that

kind of stuff. I mean, if I had this kind of support on a 24

hour basis, I could have myself whipped into shape by the end of this century.

Well, why don't you just give me a jingle in the year 2000? Why don't

I give you a jingle right now? So the seven little dwarfs had a limited

partnership in a small mining operation. And one day a beautiful princess

came to live with Them. And they bartered housekeeping services for room and board.

Which was a real good deal for them because they didn't have to withhold Social

Security or income tax or nothing. Which you're really not supposed to do, you see.

But for the purposes of this story, I think it's okay. It really is a

great place. I mean, it needs a woman's touch.

But I think it looks really good, you know?

Bedtime. He's very good with children. Thanks. I practiced on my

hamster. So you live alone? I used to have a roommate,

but my mom moved to Florida. Why don't you come over here and sit with

me? Okay. So you want to play Boggle or Super Mario Brothers?

I think motherhood's a very natural instinct. Like a

child myself. Would you tonight? Nice going,

Ray. What are you trying to do, drown me?

Oh, yes. Center, more like it was my fault that you were too stupid

not to drop that bloodline. Stupid. Hey, you better watch your mouth. I'll put your

lights up. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, anytime. Come on.

It's go time, man. I want you bad.

Wait, wait. Stop.

Stop. Get your clothes off. What are we

doing? I was ready to kill you. It's a stuff.

It's like pure, concentrated evil. And it's all flowing right to

this spot.

Absolutely incredible. The greatest tangible evidence of psychic


This is leaving. Just a second. Boys, boys, you're scaring the straights,

okay? Is there any way we can do this tomorrow? No. No. This won't wait

until tomorrow. Vinkman. It's hot and it's ready to pop. Yeah, it's all over

the city, Pete. Under it, actually. Rivers of this stuff. Yes. And it's all flowing

right. To the museum. Yeah, to the museum.

What got all over me? What is this stuff?

Sorry. God. You mean my museum?

I was. I was going to tell you between the dessert and the cheese course.

There they are. You can never go back there again. You're going to have to

find a new job. Magnet.

Oh, Ghostbusters. How you doing? Hey, can I speak? Come right this way.

Hey, you guys got another one of those proton packs? My kid brother really wants

one. The proton pack is not a toy. I guess it's right.

Well, Dana, we were just babysitting. Honest. And we watched some TV and we had

something to eat. And then one thing led to another. That's all right. I know

what you're doing. I didn't know anything was gonna happen, really. Hi,

Dana. How was your date? Well, it wasn't a date. It was

just dinner. Where's Peter? But he was arrested. Typical.

Did he call? No, no, nobody called. Well, how's Oscar? Is he

all right? Oh, oh, he's fine. Such a good

baby. He was a little fussy at first, then we just gave him

some French bed pizza. Passed right out. Good, good. Well,

I'll just give him a look, see?

So you think we should go? Gee, I don't know. I don't think we should

leave her alone. You're right. Let's stay. Lenny.

Big man. The Ghostbusters smear.

What is this, a slumber? Well, that's what we're going to talk to you about.

I don't want to hear anything about it. You've got two minutes. Make it

good. Well, first of all,

Mr. Mayor, it's a great pleasure to see you again. And we'd just like to

say that almost 50% of us voted for you in the last election. I appreciate

that. I'm just sorry we have to always meet under these circumstances. Mr.

Mayor, we're here tonight because a psychomagnetheric slime flow of immense proportions

is building up beneath the city. Psycho what? Psychomagnetic,

negative human emotions are materializing in the form of a viscous psycho reactive plasm

with explosive super. Does anybody speak English here?

Yeah, your Honor. See, what we're trying to tell you is like all the bad

feelings, I mean, all the hate, the anger and violence of this city is turning

into this sludge. I didn't believe it at first either, but we just went

for a swim in it and we ended up almost killing each other. This is

insane. I mean, do we really have to listen to this? Can't you stop

your lips from flapping for two little minutes? Lenny, have you been out

on the street lately? Do you know how weird it is out there? We've taken

our own headcount. There seem to be 3 million

completely miserable assholes living in the Tri State area.

Please. I beg your pardon. Three million and one.

Hey. And what fudgy brain here doesn't realize is that if we don't do something

fast, this whole place is gonna blow like a frog on a hot plate.

Yeah, right. What am I supposed to do? Go on television and

tell 10 million people they have to be nice to each other?

Being miserable and treating other people like dirt is every New Yorker's

God given. Right. Your two minutes are up. Good night,

gentlemen. You're making a big mistake, Mr. May.

Times Square slime. Slime. Square slime.

Fine, fine. Now before you go running off to the newspapers,

with this, would you consider telling the slime business to some of our people

downtown? It's got to be done right away.

Okay. So with that, the Ghostbusters are committed

to an asylum that is run by Brian Doyle Murphy.

So, you know, that place is fucking up. And that is the end

of two thirds of this film. Good. I mean, yeah. So now instead

of prison, they've been committed, which is, you know, not good.

And the city's starting to go to. As all the slimes

coming up from all the mood. Yeah, that's actually the start of the run to

the end. But you're absolutely correct. That is what is happening right there. So what

they find out about with the mood slime, which is, you know, really discussed

pretty well in that one clip where they play the Jackie Wilson and everything that

happened earlier. That whole sequence where they're explaining the mood slime and the

plot of the film. I remember seeing that whenever a couple of the guys

from Ghostbusters. I don't think it was all three of them. I think it might

have just been two of them or whoever. But they were,

like guests on one of the late night TV shows at the time. It might

have been the Tonight show or whatever. And you know how they used to do

where they would have, like, a bunch of people from the same movie on the

Tonight show and they would come out and like, each of them would get a

clip or they would be trying to really promote that movie on the Tonight show,

but, like, all three of the main stars would be on there. Well, that was

that kind of scenario. Right. And. And they play that clip in the middle

of them making the toaster dance, complete with the joke about the

boutique gift item and all of that. And I saw that as a little kid

before the movie came out and was, like, so hooked on it.

But I got myself in trouble because of that. Once again, that.

Are you sleeping with this line? I started using that because

it was in the clip that I saw, and I thought it was really funny.

And then I got, like, yelled at and told not to use it, which made

me want to use it even more. Yeah, right. No shit. Why don't we jump

into the run to the end? Let's do it. All right. So the run to

the end picks up with janos in our 12th clip. I await

the word of Vigo High Vigo,

the scourge of Carpathia. No, you told me this.

The scourge. The sorrow of Moldavia. Sorrows.

I've heard all of this. Command you.

Command me, Lord the season of evil

begins with the birth of the new year.

Good. Bring me the child that

I might live again. Yes,

Lord Vigo. I was wondering.

This woman, Daniel, is fine and strong.

Now, if I was

to bring that baby,

could I have that woman?

So be it. On this day

of darkness, she will be ours.

Wife to you and mother to

me. Yes.

Thank you, Lord. Thank you.

Is she the killer? What? No. That's Rita Hayworth.

And she was married to Citizen Kane while they were doing this thing.

And right after they finished, she dumped him for some polo player.

I don't know why beautiful women love horses so much. Do you love horses?

No. You know, you really don't have to stay. I'm sure Peter will be back

soon. Oh, we don't mind. Can you see okay?

Yep. They cut from that to Oscar

alone in the bedroom. The window opens up by

itself. Dana sees that Oscar somehow found his way out

onto the balcony by himself. Before she can get to him,

she screams in lament as a ghost, powered by Janos or

something like that, that is dressed like a Mary Poppins kind of

nanny thing, snatches the baby and flies off.

Dana's lamenting scream as she watches her baby fly away

is our 13th clip. No.

Oh, God. It was a ghost. No, no, that was Janos.

What? Why? He took it. What? What's happening?

What should we do? Where's the baby? Museum.

Where you going? I've gotta get my baby.

We gotta find the guys. As I explained before,

we think the spirit of a 17th century Moldavian tyrant is alive

and well in a painting at the Manhattan Museum of Art. Uh huh.

And are there any other paintings in the museum with bad spirits in them?

You're wasting valuable time. He's drawing strength from a psychomagmatheric slime

flow that's been collecting under the city. Yes, Tell me about the slime.

It's very potent stuff. We made a toaster dance with it.

And a bathtub tried to eat his friend's baby. A bathtub?

Don't look at me. I think these people are completely nuts. I love

that line. Delivery at the end. The from Bill Murray. It's kind

of a callback to the first movie where he says, no offense, but I think

I have to get my own lawyer. Where Winston says that to the guys.

Yep. But now Bill Murray realizes how crazy any of this is gonna sound,

so he just literally says, don't look at me. I think they're all insane or

whatever. Like that response is such that line. But in this

film, like, you know, What? I mean, yeah, don't look at me. I think they're

all nuts. Yeah. I just love that, where he's just like, no, I don't believe

any of this. They're all crazy. Yeah. So, yeah, all these people are crazy.

I'm not. I don't want to get further involved at this.

All right. At the end of the clip, we see Dana go to the museum.

And when she enters, the whole thing is coated in mood

slime. And it shows her making it inside to look for her baby.

She sees it under the painting and goes to rescue him

when she is stopped by Janos in our 14th clip.


Sweetheart. Sweetie. Oh,

I thought I'd lost you. I'd never see you

again. Oh, baby. Oh,

hello, Dana. I thought that you might come.

You stay away from us, Janos. I mean it. No, don't worry.

He will not be harmed. He has been chosen to

be the vessel of the spirit of Vigo.

And you will be the mother of the ruler of

the world. Doesn't that sound nice?

No, it sounds ludicrous. You stay

away from him. I mean it. Well, I don't think we have a choice here.

Yes. Take a look. It's not Gainsborough's Blue Boy there.

Huh? He is Vigo. I don't care who he

is. You're not going to take my baby.

Let's, you bastard.

The baby is supernaturally dragged from Dana's arms.

And the mood slime rises to the surface of the streets,

unleashing ghosts, resurrecting the animals that make up a fur coat.

And having humongous ghosts that block entire streets show up

at the certain important landmarks around the city. And that leads

to our 15th clip. It's a big dinosaur or little dinosaur?

Oh, just a skeleton. How would. Which way was it heading? Wait a sec.

What was chasing you in the park? The park bench was chasing

you. I what? Wait a second.

Lieutenant, I think you better talk to this guy. I'm busy here.

It's some dock supervisor down at Pier 34. What's the

problem? He says the Titanic just arrived.

Well, better late than never. Battery is swamped.

We've had more than 3,000 calls since midnight last night.

We've got every man in uniform on the streets, and I am still short

handed. We got meter mates chasing ghosts all over Midtown. There's this shell thing over

the Manhattan Museum of Art. We can't make a dent.

Have you tried dynamite? Tried everything. What the hell's going on?

It's pandemonium out there. Yes, I know. We're working on it.

Great. Well, you're working on it. I'm going down in history as the mayor who

let New York get sucked down into the tenth level of hell.

All right, we've got no choice. Call. Wait.

Now, I'm sure there's another way. Jack,

I spent an hour last night in my bedroom talking to Fiorello LaGuardia,

and he's been dead for 40 years. Now, where are the Ghostbusters?

They're not available. What do you mean they're not available? Well,

I had them committed to the psychiatric ward at Parkview Hospital. You what?

They were threatening to go to the press. I was protecting your interests.

Yeah, uh huh. Well, you can stop protecting my interests. You have

exactly three minutes to clear it out. You're fired.

But the action. Remove this man from the building and

get me the Ghostbusters. Mr. Mayor, come take a look at this.

What is it? Have you ever seen anything like that?

Somebody get me the Ghostbusters. And then he took the

baby and put it in an artillery and then levitated away.

She was going to the museum to get the baby back. And then there was

an eclipse and the whole town went dark. And everybody's nuts.

It all fits. Viggo wants it on the 21st century. He needs

a human body to inhabit. Little Oscar must be it. And I bet we're the

only ones who can do anything about it. You bet we are.

This starts a sequence of looky loos surrounding the latest supernatural global

threat in the museum. And the Ghostbusters arrive to said museum

in our 16th place. It looks like a giant

Jello mold. I hate Jello. Oh,

come on. There's always room for Jello.

Soon it will be midnight and the city will be mine and

Vigo's. Well, mainly Vigo's.

Dana, you and I have this terrific opportunity to make the

best of this relationship. We don't have a relationship.

I know my. Together we will raise Vigo

as our son. Let me tell you something here. There are

many perks in being the mother of a living God. I'm sure we

could get a magnificent apartment, car,

free parking. Many marriages begin with a

certain amount of distance. Yet I think that

perhaps you and I could learn to love each

other. Yes, I could

learn. Cut to the Ghostbusters

fry the slime with their protein packs, but it has absolutely no effect.

And the crowd boos them for being ineffectual. In our

17th clip, that slime wall is pulsing with evil. It would take

a tremendous amount of positive energy to crack that Shell and I seriously doubt that

there's enough goodwill left in this town to do it. You know, I just can't

believe things have gotten so bad in the city that there's no way. I mean,

sure, it's dirty, it's crowded, it's polluted, it's noisy. And there's people all around who

just assumed. Step on your faces, look at you. But come on,

there got to be a few sparks of sweet humanity left in this burned out

burg. We just have to figure out a way to mobilize it. He's right.

We need something that everyone in this town can get behind. We need a symbol.

Something that appeals to the best in each and every one of us. Something good,

something decent. Something pure. Kind of

makes you wonder, doesn't it? Wonder what? Whether she's naked

under that toga. She's French. You know that.

Got it. Ready with the speakers, Ray?

Slime blower is ready. Okay. Internal audio set. Turnal electric

set. Slime blower prime and set. Oh,

good slime. Good slime. Winston, is our slime in a good mood tonight?

I hope so. She's a lot bigger than a toaster. All yours. Me. Let's go.

Thank you. Testing, 1, 2. Testing. Hey, how many of you people here tonight are

a national monument? Would you raise your hand, please? Hey. Oh, hello,

miss. That's frosted. It's slime time.

Beautiful. One of the lines that I have said the most probably

in my entire life. And this has to do with anytime I got

in front of a microphone, whether it was for, you know, speeches or

anything like that, or just goofing off or being in a band or. Or whatever.

Whatever I was doing that I got in front of a microphone, including fooling around

inside of the empty church that I was forced to go to as a kid

and turning on the microphone to fuck with it as soon

as I got up in front of the microphone. Testing, testing. One, two.

Hey, how many of you people are a national monument? Could you raise your hand,

please? Oh. Said that so much in my life.

Quoted that. Yeah, I always do the. You know, I love it when

you rough house. They slime up the Statue of Liberty

and fire up the essential higher and higher. And they get that monument A

moving to. Towards the museum. They cut from that to Tully suiting

up and making out with Janine. The fact that she puts

him in Spengler's suit and that she had the hots for Egon in the

last film is not lost on anyone. That she's now making out

with him. Janine clearly likes a more intellectual man,

but she also, I think, is just transforming Tully into

a close proximity of Spengler, who she truly has the hots for, probably. But I

think she also is pretty well into wanting Tully.

Yeah, yeah. Tully's got it going on, man. He's got. Yeah, you don't. You don't

get into the business that they got into during that night of watching

the baby without there being some sort of stuff going on,

right? Yeah, totally. All right, so they cut back to the statue, making her way

around the city with a police escort as the Ghostbusters try to lift

the spirits and counteract the evil charge of the mood slime.

They argue about the padding of the statue's feet, and Vman

jokes that she is tough because she is a harbor chick.

Yeah, I use that. She's tough. She's a harbor chick.

After Egon states they don't make Nikes in her

size. To Rey, who says they should have patted her feet. Then they cut back

to Tully catching the bus driven by Slimer to

get him to the museum. And then they cut to Janos speaking with

Dana in our 18th clip. Four minutes to go.

And then. Party times.

It's happening. It's really

happening. Listen,

I love you when you.

Oscar, look. You don't know

who that is. Happy New Year. Is Vigo.

You like the buzzing of flies to him?

Oh, Johnny, did you back the wrong horse. You hose him,

please. Hose him.

One down on the ground.

Boy, am I glad to see you. Oh, ask her.

Ask her. Is he dead?

Uhuh. This slime is positively charged. He'll wake up

feeling like a million bucks. Whoa. This gentleman is a little bit ripe.

That's all right, my friend. I think I had an accident, too.

Hey, get him away.

Got a knife or something? We got to cut her out of this.

Okay. All right, Allison, you got

to stay right here. Don't move. Uncle Pete's got to go help your

mom for a second. You stay right here and don't say anything, okay?

Uhoh. Hold it right there,

dead head.

You want a baby? Go ahead and knock up some willing hellhound.

Otherwise, I'm giving you three to get back in that painting where you belong.

One. Two.


You got him. You got him.

The beams and slime shots are tossed back at the Ghostbusters,

paralyzing them. And Viggo goes to collect the baby.

Peter improvises and uses the only weapon he has left, which is

his mouth in our pentultimate clip.

Oscar, please do Something.

Not so fast, Viggo.

Hey, Viggo. Yeah, you. The bimbo with the baby.

And anybody tell you the big shoulder look is out. You know,

I have met some dumb blondes in my life, but you

take the taco, pal.

Only a Carpathian would come back to life

now and choose New York.

Tasty pick, bonehead.

If you had brain one in that huge melon

on top of your neck, you would be living the sweet life

out in Southern California's beautiful San

Fernando Valley. Oh, darn it.

Oh, darn it.

Where's that singing coming from? People outside.

Sorry, folks. Excuse me, Ghostbusters.

I'm here with you guys.

He's weakening. The singing is neutralizing the slime.

I can move.


He's back in the painting.

All right, Go find the shady spot.

Viggy. Viggy, Viggy. You have been a bad

monkey. Ray, we'd like to

shoot the monster. Could you move, please? Ray. Ray.

Ray. No. I, Ray and Vigo

shall rule the earth. You p.


as you hear at the end of the clip, Rey is possessed by VGO and

gets blasted with the happy mood slime. While the painting is shot

with the particle accelerator beams until VGO leaves Rey's

body. And then it's the painting and his ghost that is blasted

by the slime and the particle accelerators. At the same time,

Lewis blasts the museum slime while this is happening

and everyone is still singing around the museum. And the slime lifts.

Viggo is vacated from his painting and the crowd cheers on

Lewis. And that leads to the aftermath of the battle and

our final clip.

How do you feel, Ruby? You all

right? Yes. Thank you, Peter.

Spread out, Charity.

I love you guys.

I love all you guys. And I love Venkman.

Wow. Maybe we gotta live with this real friendship. Yeah.

Hey, are you all right?

Why are my drippings with goo? You had a violent,

prolonged, transformative psychic episode. Sorry we had to

hose you there, but you were kind of out of control. Hey,

man, let me tell you something.

I love you. Yes. Yeah. Well,

I love you, too. Wow.

Hey, fellas, you want to take a look at this?

Wow. Early Renaissance, I think.

Raphael or Piero della Francesca. Huh?

No, I believe it's one of the fettuccine.

The painting is revealed to have changed to the Ghostbusters protecting Oscar in

a very classical style Renaissance sort of painting.

The theme song starts up, as you heard at the end of the clip,

with the crew exiting the museum to the cheers of the crowd. And we

roll on an outtakes and bloopers package set to

the theme that transitions into the Bobby Brown

song as our main credits. Cinema PsyOps

10. 10 years. Years.

10 years. See, just us talking about it. I feel like

you actually have grown to love this film a little bit more even

now just because of all the. Yeah, even now from it and everything. Yeah,

I agree. But like I said, I had a

far different healthy opinion of this movie before even we started

watching it again. Just because I'm like. I know, I just is like got out

of my own head on that and I. Yeah, this movie.

This movie has some great. It's still one is my favorite, but this movie

has some great stuff to it. Again, not going to tell you that I think

one is not better film. It is definitely vastly superior in

all aspects of filmmaking. 100%. But the thing

that most people have complaints about, like how you can kind of tell that nobody's

like really even trying to make a good movie here. They're all just goofing off

on screen. And like, it's very silly and very tongue in cheek. I 100%

get sucked into that because I'm feeling like I'm vibing with the actors.

Like, I feel like I'm in on the joke. And if you approach the film

that way where you're in on the joke of them being so just

over the top with everything and childlike and kid like. Like you would

when you were watching it as a kid, you will enjoy this film so much

more and stop being so fucking uptight about it. Yeah, just.

Just. It's Ghostbusters. Don't take it so fucking serious.

Yeah. I mean, it's supposed to be for entertainment. And if you can't find joy

in entertainment in it, then why is it not on you? Why is it on

the film? Right. Yeah. Right. I mean.

Yeah. And it shouldn't be. Even in stuff that I

think is bad that I can enjoy, I still find some things that

I like about. About it or I look for things that I can enjoy in

the film or I look for what it does right here and there.

Like, I don't want to just sit down with entertainment anymore and just hate

on it. Like I just. Yeah. Riffing on something for the sake of savaging

it just isn't my thing anymore. I'd rather actually enjoy what I'm watching.

Yeah, exactly. It's like, why do this whole. Like, I.

I hate it. Just sometimes I think people hate stuff just to be

cool. And I'm like, fuck, that is just the dumbest thing

ever. Yeah, I agree. I have A total blast with this.

I quote lines from this all the goddamn time. Yeah. And I really,

really, truly enjoy this film. And I got a sort of story time of how

that's happened that I'll be able to condense down a little bit. One of the

lines that I quote all the goddamn time, though. Whenever I get messy or

I get coated and stuff from, like, doing yard work or whatever,

whenever I'm just covered in whatever, I actually. Why am I all covered in

goo? Why am I all drippings with goo? Yeah. Why am I dripping with goo?

Is something I say a lot. I quote that a lot.

Yeah. Sometimes when I just come in and I'm sweaty from mowing the lawn on

a summer day, I'll say it. Yeah. Right. I've been saying that

my entire life since this film came. I do. I also say that all

the time. Well, why am I covers with the goo?

That. And the joyfulness is over. Yes,

please go. Yeah. Janash is

very highly quotable. And one of the things I enjoy the most. The most with

this film, the world of the psychic stuff, all, like,

just so much. All the things that most people complain about are all things that

I enjoy. The only thing that I am going to state is the film is

a little out of touch because at the kids party, the kids all start cheering

for he man. And by that time in the 90s when this film

came out, oh, yeah, he man was gone already. Yeah, it was pretty much done.

It was trying to survive and hoping for the best.

Yeah. But it probably got paid to put that in there to try and boost

he man up. No, I'm sure. Yeah. All right,

why don't we take the break here? We'll go ahead and play

from the Ghostbusters 2 soundtrack. The Ghostbusters

rap by Run DMC because of fucking course I'm going to. And then when

we come back with that, we'll have nice sa.

One of my favorite things about the era of the 90s that this film came

out in was when on DMC had a resurgence in the,

like. Yeah. To late 90s that lasted for quite a while

and really, really made me happy, including this song. I dig their Ghostbusters

rap. I think it's great. Yeah, this is. Yeah, it's good stuff. It was great.

I mean, I've been singing it the last two episodes now.

Let's go ahead and talk about why I have so much love for

Ghostbusters 2 in my next story time.

Story time.

Story time. So for Matt, I always

play that no matter what Live even when it's my story time.

So he can hear all of it because he never gets story time. Yeah.

Okay. I have literally had a lifetime of loving this film. It started with

the first story I told where I knew that it was coming out.

And as a kid I was not excited for it because I was like,

oh my God, it's too late and I'm around the right age that when

this came out that I start becoming like, not necessarily a cynical teen, but I

start becoming Mr. Edgelord Asshole. Where like I'm trying to extreme

and I'm like, oh, they're making it for kids. This looks so dumb and everything

like that. Right? But I love all the guys that are going to be in

the Ghostbusters. So I'm kind of excited that they're making a new one. And then

I saw that sequence that I was talking about that was on like late Night

or something like that where it's the whole them explaining the slime

with the line of you're not sleeping with it and no Egon, you hound.

You know where they're trying to sell adults on it too, where they're showing the

most grown up content that's in there, you know? Yeah. The only thing that's more

grown up is where he says shit happens and who are you going to call?

You know, like that sort of thing. I am completely in love

with it. I'm not supposed to be staying up to watch the late night show

as a kid, obviously whenever this came out, you know, school and all of

that. But this is when my insomnia is kicking in. So I'm always sneaking out

and watching TV at really low volumes and I start giggling at all

this stuff that's happening while watching this on late night. And I'm giggling

so loud my dad like can hear anything. Like he could hear a mouse

fart from across the way. You know what I'm saying? Like this man, he is

such a light sleeper. It was miserable teenage existence for me because of

how light sleeper my father was. But anyway, I'm chuckling too

loud at that and giggling too loud at that that my dad wakes up and

busts me staying up watching Late night with that on. Gotcha.

Right? But here's the thing. He loves the Ghostbusters guys too. So he

just sits down with me. He's like, okay, once you're going to bed, you have

to. Ah, nice. Yeah. And it was like a total like dad kind of moment.

Well, anyway, I didn't get to see it in theaters and it Took me

a really long time to finally get to see it, but eventually I convinced my

parents to rent it and I get to watch it.

And I'm already, like I said, at the age where I felt

like it was kind of lame and not as cool, but I'm laughing at

the stuff that's all the character pieces and all the stuff. But I'm, like,

not scared by Viggo, right? He's kind of silly to me.

And, yeah, you know, basically, obviously a Fabio out there, right? And I'm like,

rolling my eyes at the he man reference and like, I'm not the right

age to see Ghostbusters 2 and truly appreciate it.

I totally accept that at the time. But every time I watch it,

I find myself quoting it more and more. I start enjoying it more and more.

And then eventually I get to the point where, like, around my

teenage years that I'm watching it in my later teens, like,

where I'm quoting movies and I'm like, in my Kevin Smith, like, Clerks mode where,

you know, I have a new appreciation of everything because, you know, just being

a movie fan is good enough and just enjoying fans to enjoy them is good

enough or whatever. Like, that kind of. You've grown up,

right? Just a little bit. So I started enjoying it for what it is.

And it's very clearly a bunch of people goofing off on camera and,

like, getting away with it and like, collecting a paycheck, but at the same time

falling backwards into making a really entertaining film that I'm having a

blast with and I'm, you know, having fun with. So I grow up even more,

I watch it even more, I start quoting it at work with people more and

more. I say the lines from it more and more, and I grow to love

it more. And I start doing what we're doing now in our later age where

we're looking at film and we're watching what's going on in the background and

watching how actors are reacting to things and appreciating the craft of

it and like, that kind of like, pretentious hoity toity old fart shit that

we do now. And I find a new reason to love it

as well. Well, let's get to the real point of where I really cross over

into loving this film as much as I do. This film has now become a

New Year's Eve tradition for my wife and I. Oh, there you go.

What I do is literally start it at just the right time.

And I had to take notes and kind of time it got somebody like

posted it online about. If you watch it at when the

ball drops at midnight on New Year's Eve, it'll be when they sing the all

dang sign at the point in Ghostbusters and they start to

defeat Viggo from it, right? Which is fucking perfect to have happen

for a happy New Year's if you're a movie nerd like me. So my wife

and I decided to do that one year because she likes to go out and

celebrate with her friends for a little bit, but wants to come home to be

with me for the actual ball drop, right? She usually gets invited to a couple

of parties and she tries to make a circle if she can, or she'll get

at least one, which is usually you guys, where she's over there. And I

don't like drinking. I have a real problem with it. I have for a while

now. And it's all my issues in my head where I basically want to beat

people up when they're drunk. I just get angry. It's an issue I have since

I was a kid. Let's just leave it at that, right? Everybody's fucking

aware of this by now. I've been pretty straightforward about it,

although I don't think I've talked about it on the podcast. So I don't go

to New Year's Eve anywhere because it's totally amateur night and I'm

just insufferable around that. Right. I can tolerate my

wife because I love her when she's drunk, right? Yeah, exactly. But other people,

I get angry real, real easy. Anyway, long story short, I don't do New Year's

anymore. Too late.

Perfect. And so we started doing this tradition where

I started at such and such time. I tell her that I've started it and

she knows the countdown is happening and she gets home invariably

at a certain point where she doesn't want to miss anything in the movie,

but also at least up until the ball drops. And then

we watch that part. They do the all Day song, they sing it, they defeat

Viggo, we're kissing and saying happ New Year to each other and snuggling

and having a good time watching Ghostbusters 2. And that's become

an annual tradition for years now. I think we started that either just

before the pandemic or right on the pandemic.

Yeah, yeah. Watching Ghostbusters 2. And we've been doing it ever since. For years now.

Like at least four years now, if not five. I'm not sure exactly. Maybe even

longer. But it's A wonderful tradition. It makes me

love this film and I look forward to watching it. And I have so many

wonderful memories tied to this film of me not being out trying to beat somebody

to death just because they're drunk. Yeah. I mean, that's good. You don't want.

You don't want to start your new year out like that. No. With assault

charges at the very least. Yeah, yeah, that's. That's. That's ever going to help you

out. Oh, boy. That's why I

got get tattooed for therapy, because it helps me with my anger issues.

This case, it's not real therapy, but all right. Whatever keeps me from hurting

people. It's working. It's like cognitive therapy. All right,

with that really weird confession, I'm gonna go ahead

and play our show Housekeeping. And when we come back on the pirate radio edit,

we're gonna have Dougie Fresh, and I believe it's the Fresh crew with the

song Spirit from the SoundTrack of Ghostbusters 2 on the

Pirate radio edit. If you've decided you can't get enough of the show and

would like to check out more of it, we're available@ just

do a quick search for Cinema Psyops or just enter this entire URL into your

browser. Cinema PsyOps

podcast. The actual reason that you're in the bunker again and

you're behind protective walls, if you will, is you

signed up for the trials for the viral warfare stuff that I've

been working on. You know, I needed money for Christmas. Well, yeah, Your family

gets more and more demanding of buying things for Christmas for you,

and that's true. And I can't believe you're working for the same wages

as the homeless people that I've been paying because, like, you know, I mean,

throwing a bottle of hooch girl, right? Yeah. The 10 fly

Viper goes a long way, does it not? Yeah, it really does.

No. Yeah, I'm. Bear with me, guys, because of this episode,

because I feel I always look like shit, but I look

even worse, and I feel like absolute hell.

Well, I can. I can attest by the live feed that I'm seeing from

the actual bunker, you look like you actually did drink 10 of Flight Viper,

but it didn't fully stick. You're only halfway melted. You want to. You want to

know? I. I haven't had any alcohol today. That's how, you know, I'm feeling like.

Yeah, if Matt doesn't drink alcohol, then you know for sure something is wrong.

Yeah, right people. What's wrong with him? But you are sure loving that robo tripping

with all the Robotussin you've been consuming. Oh, I love the tossing.

Justin, Just. Just be glad that I knew that I needed you around.

So I only gave you a week constrained to see how the antibodies will develop

so. That's true. And you gave me enough. He gave you enough

Sudafed. Start making methamphetamines. That's nice too. Yeah,

but you're not smart enough to figure that out. No, but Google's trying

to help me. I hope you've logged on through a VPN

to hide your IP address. If you're Google searching how to make math buddy.

That's all I'm saying they want now you have to hide your

IP address if you're going to be Google search. I don't know anything about illegal

stuff. Never mind. Why are there police lights outside the bunker?

Damn it, man.

The overproduced 90s hip hop and pop music that's in

this film just. I don't know, there's something about it. I actually enjoy it.

Yeah, maybe I was just the right age whenever they released this

stuff. And up until he was most directly responsible for

the death of Whitney Houston. I loved Bobby Brown too. I dug his music.

Yeah, then he introduced her to crack. Yeah, that's why I hold him responsible

for it. So. And there's no allegedly about that. They both confessed about it in

an interview. So it's kind of his fault she's dead. Probably her daughter as

well. Yeah. That's fucking terrifying. Well, anyway, as much as we had these

hateful things to say about Bobby Brown, you can enjoy listening to him with the

song on our own featured FR the Ghostbusters soundtrack

on the pirate radio edit. While you hopefully kick the out

of this weekend, make it your.

Hi, this is the Afternoon Delight with Cort and Matt. We're here to

talk you through your day and make sure that your evenings are even more exciting.

The movie we're going to talk about today is Last of the Mohicans.

It's brought to you by Ritalin, Adderall and all of those things

that make us normal. And of course our senior listeners.

Oops, I crap my pants because I'm wearing them and I just did that.


Let me get set up. All right.

Got to wait for my sound plan to open and I am good to go.

Okay, rolling here and I need to. Should have

done this while I was waiting for that to load up. Save us time.

But here we go. Recording in progress. All right,

484, here we go. 3, 2,

1. 14. It goes all the way through the world of the psychic.

How is he these days? I told you, I clipped everything

at the Holiday Inn, but usually they was right. Yeah,

right. Oh, wait. I removed our 12th. Oh, way to go, Cort. You're an idiot.

Two shakes of a dead lamb tail.

And as

much as we had these hateful things to say about Bobby Brown, you can enjoy

listening to him with the song on our own, featured from the Ghostbusters

soundtrack on the pirate radio edit. While you hopefully

kick the fuck out of this weekend. Make it your bitch. That is the most

cinema psyops fucking thing I could ever fucking do right there. That was

the only way we could have ended that. Calling him out for being the piece

of shit we hate him for, but then also saying that we want you to

enjoy the song. Yeah, absolutely. Enjoy the music. Let's go ahead

and end this. Jesus. Recording stopped.

Creators and Guests

Podcaster, Horror SuperFreak, Obsessive Movie collector, amateur bass slapper, guitarist, full-stack developer, and low key mad scientist.
Cinema_PSYOPS_EP484:  A Decade of Dimwitted Dipsh*ttery: Ghostbusters II 1989 (Main Feed)
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