Cinema_PSYOPS_EP462: Al Adamson Fest: Black Heat 1976 (Main Feed)

Oh, fuck it, I don't want to do it that long.

Hello and welcome to the 462nd consecutive week of Cinema Psy Ops.

I'm your host, Cort, the guy whose love of doing this show dwindles with every episode.

And joining me with that point of diminishing returns is my co-host, Matt.

I mean, we keep doing these type of movies, yeah.

Yeah, well, I keep edging everybody and edging everybody about year 10, but I don't know if you've noticed or not, Matt, but for us, year 10 is starting.

The schedule's up, it's in there now.

You see all of year 10 is mapped out the next year-ish of our lives or the 52 weeks with the remaining weeks that we have here.

So year nine ends at 468, if you do the math.

Yeah, if you're trying to math, yes.

If you're trying to math it, we're gonna be ending year nine at 468.

So starting at 469, as we already talked about, is back to school.

And we're gonna kind of switch some things up.

You get to do the notes for back to school just because that's how it's gonna go.

Yeah, I love back to school, man.

That's a good flick.

If it is a comedy, I'm giving it to you, basically, is how that's gonna work.

And you have your picks, which are mostly comedies.

There's a few of your picks that I kind of am gonna have to do the notes for because just the nature of the way that it worked out.

I just wanna do the movie.

I just wanna watch the movie.

I'm fine if you do some of the notes, too.

I get it.

But what I'm telling you is, if you're looking over the notes and you're seeing one of your picks that you would prefer that, for instance, let's say if I gave you the Star Wars movies, which is not happening, but just so we're not talking about it, right?


I mean, we could look at the list, and I could be like, oh man, I can't wait to cover this.

And then you're like, hey, wait a minute, episode 473, that's the one that I wanna do the notes for, not episode 474, between the two picks.

Something along those lines, you know what I mean?

That's totally fine.

But I was gonna use the Star Wars movies as an example, and then shift it away from it just to get everybody excited that maybe I was gonna let you cover Star Wars, but no.

You know, other people might wanna see the Star Wars.

End up on CinemaPsyOps?

They should make their own podcast.

Not the fucking Christmas special.

We did that shit already, and it was horrible.

Actually, I think it was a wonderful representation of everything you can expect from Star Wars.

I will end you, and I will make it look like an accident.

It was life day affirming.

It was life day affirming, Jesus.

It's the Wookiees Pride Month, what?

I suppose so.

But anyway, yeah, if you need to switch some episodes around or something along those lines, and if it's a blurred line between whether or not it was your pick or my pick, and you still want to kind of swap some things out, we can discuss that too, absolutely.

But we have those 52 episodes to get us to 520, and then the episode consecutive run ends there.

I'm not gonna lie, Matt, I got a little weepy-eyed when I was filling this thing out, when I was taking the time.

Little teary-eyed that this is the end of weekly shit.

Yeah, when I got to episode 520, and I marked that that's where year 10 ends, and the consecutive streak is gonna end, I'm like, oh man, I'm starting to think, are we making the right decision?

But yeah, we are, because we can't keep doing this.

We're getting too old.

We're getting too old, man.

I mean, we're eventually gonna run out of movies, and we're gonna have to start watching people's home movies and shit.

We're not gonna eventually run out of movies.

We've been doing this 10 years, and we've only covered really a max of maybe 600 movies so far.

That's true, yeah.

I mean, I'm just saying, Jesus, 600 movies.

Good God Almighty, I've watched a lot of shit.

Yeah, and you've watched some really good stuff that you would have never seen otherwise if it weren't for this show.

I've watched some great movies.

Yeah, some great horror movies and shit.

Yeah, but speaking of the shit that you watched, 1976's Black Heat.

Yeah, well, that wasn't one of the great ones, but you know, hey.

Yeah, we're starting to get a real point of diminishing returns here with our man Al Adamson and the movies that he's making.

And I think not Blazing Stewardesses because that was absolutely terrible, but The Naughty Stewardesses was probably the best we were gonna get out of his sex films.

I think that was his pinnacle for his sex films.

And now he starts his back in Black Exploitation.

So it's like, Jesus Christ, really?

What is this guy trying?

Right, is the Smuggler movie or the Dynamite Brothers with the martial arts mix-up movie, which is his pinnacle for his best Black Exploitation flick?

Would you consider it Black Heat?

I don't know.

We'll have to find out when you do the review.

But for me, it's definitely not going to be the Dynamite Brothers.

That was pretty awful.

Yeah, no, yeah, it was not the best.

The Smuggler one could have had, it had its moments.

It was just a little disjointed.

So I'm thinking the Smuggler one is probably the best Black Exploitation film that Al Adamson did.

Yeah, probably.

And I don't even remember the name of it.

We don't remember the name of it, but damn it, it was good.

All right, well, let's stop beating around the bush and fucking around here.

Let's go ahead and get into the episode proper.

We gave him enough pablum.

On the pirate radio edit for this week, we're going to have songs for Matt's feature, which was released in 1976, according to the box set.

So all songs released in 1976 as well.

They have fuck all to do with the plot because I fucking dare you to find a plot in this movie.

Up first is The Runaways with Cherry Bomb, immediately after this.

This'll keep you quiet.

Oh, hi there.

I didn't see you.

You caught me cutting a new show.

I'm Bo Ransdell, and I'm one of the many creators you can find on Legion Podcasts.

I said quiet.

My fellow podcasters and I work hard to bring you the best in horror podcasting, but that comes at a cost.

Not that, but also yes.

No, what I'm getting at is that there are server costs, costs for good microphones and software for editing, all the things that make our shows fun to listen to.

And you can help.

If you're enjoying the shows on or in the Legion Network available on iTunes and Stitcher, just about anywhere you can download a podcast really, you can help us out and get a little something for your trouble at forward slash Legion Podcasts.

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And for $5, you can also join us for a monthly screening of a movie.

All of that available on

We appreciate it, and thank you for listening.

Now, back to the cutting room.

Ah, fuck, I hate coming in on the solo for anything, but you know, you gotta do it because you gotta get away from the vocals, that's traditional radio.

This is our pilot radio edit, that's how it works.

Gary, that's good shit.

Yeah, absolutely.

Unlike our film this week, Black Heat from 1976.

All right, fine, guess we'll go into this then.

I did mine now in three 30-minute increments.

I kind of followed your way of doing things.

So, Black Heat, the first 30.

It's breaking it up into thirds works.

Sorry to interrupt, but yeah.

No, you're exactly right.

It worked out perfectly.

All right, so we see a plane, a little prop plane lands in the desert.

Two men are waiting for it.

They have a conversation.

Then when the guy gets out of the plane, there's a conversation.

So, it's our first clip.

Thus it is written, thus it must be done.

All dialogue is considered for clips.


This hazardous business horn must be sure.

I'm Ramirez.

Yeah, why don't we just take care of business?

I appreciate your willingness to help us in our cause, my friend.

I only wish your government was as sympathetic.

We are involved in a great struggle.

The freedom of our people.

Okay, now what kind of weapons and munitions are we talking about here?

I have a list.

I don't need no damn list.

You know what I'm after.

My contacts are no problem, my friend.

We produce the finest cocaine in the world.

Our revolution must succeed.

Let's take a look at the list.

I don't see any problem.

Excellent, then things are settled.

Terms as we discussed.

You got it.

But that shit better be top drawer, Jack.

You understand.

I'll be in touch.

All right.

So they get done with that, and we go into our intro.

Then we cut to some cops and robbers having to shoot out, and two detectives are called in to join the chase.

They will now be known as the Dicks.


So anyway, because I rarely ever learned anybody's names in movies anymore.

And they're Dicks.

And they're Dicks.

A newswoman and a sound dude show up to cover it.

They follow the Dicks, and one Dick gets shot in the arm.

It's important to note, because the movie is called Black Heat, one of the Dicks is white and one of the Dicks is black.

So there you go.

And someone is in heat.

And someone is in heat.

So all right, well, the white Dick gets shot in the arm, but the other Dick, he kills the robber.

And then we cut to a pool party, and that is our next clip.

If I missed a shot of you wasting the bad guy, next time, why don't you get closer to the roof?

You know, you may think it's all fun and games, sweetheart.

One of these days.


How about you?

What's happening with the old man?

How's the parole coming?

Well, his attorney says that his case comes up for review again in November.

I guess that means more money.

Oh, it always means more money.

Which reminds me...

Well, I've got to go get my act together.


You're hurrying over.

Hey, it's just a scratch.

I could dig it.

That's for y'all at the club tonight.

Hey, that's nothing to joke about.

He could have gotten killed.

What about me?

Some partner.

Come on, baby.

There's a girl who knows what she likes.

What you cooking at, boy?

Good, because that's exactly what you're going to get.

It's good you didn't get hung up with Terry today.

This could be important.

How's the arm?

Still hurting?

Look, if you had more natural rhythm, man, you wouldn't get clipped like that.

You've got to have some moves, baby.

You don't see old kicks catching old lead, do you?

No, the only thing you're catching is Stephanie, and I thought you were the smart one.

Hey, come on, look who's talking.

Terry said you hung out and drying for days.

And I don't mind a bit.

I like that little girl.

For a while I was wondering about that, her living at the hotel and all.

The Queen's Castle?

Some hotel.

You know as well as I do, that's just a front.


Ziggy spends more time in the joint than he does out.

Five to ten for armed robbery, and Fay, she's not too clean either.

Yeah, they're the ones doing the using.

They've been ripping off girls like Terry all along.

Tony, what are you trying to say?

What I'm saying is that girls living in that hotel have fingered at least five major heists in the last two years, and then conveniently disappeared or been snuffed.

Yeah, I dig.

Which makes Terry a natural.

You're working for that big securities outfit, no?

You got it.

Well, I've got to believe there's more to it than that.

Hey, there's your man.

Well, it's your turn to play detective.

All right, everybody just be cool.

Take it easy.

Oh, there's my man.

Hey, what's this shit?

You got to pee again, chump.

That's why.

What the fuck, man?

He's not going to look very pretty when he comes out.

God damn it.

You make a great sound with those birdies, Al Mons.

So what's the story?

Not sure, something big is going down.

A guy named Guido is the contact.

Big Duke, brother out of Detroit, shaved in.

He's got a mug shot of him here somewhere.

Drugs are his usual thing.

I don't know, maybe a big buy is going down here.

He's hooked up with the Queens Council, I do know that.

Queens Castle?

Thought you'd like that.

I know you and your partner's been trying to nail that joint for a while.

So, when I got to rumble on a dude, I decided to go ahead and do it.

All right, all right.

What else you got?

He did some time with Ziggy and Folsom in the 60s.

You know, that plow that muscles for the balls lady.

Pretty, ain't it?

What I can't figure out is why these dudes messing around with those people.

I mean, they're small timers.

He's heavy duty.

Just doesn't figure.

That's it, brother, wish I could give you more.

Yeah, me too.

Sorry, brother, you okay?

The hell was that far?

We gotta make it look real, don't we?

Thanks for the warning.

Damn, look at that face.

You wasn't exactly a cat like when you pulled in here.

The hell can you say that?

You ready?

Yeah, let's give them a show.

You better keep your nose clean, Black Beauty, because the next time I come around, I'm gonna straighten the rest of it out.

Hear the folks' music, Sherlock.

You know all God's chillin got rhythm?

I'll run it down to you later.

Right now, we got just enough time to go change and meet the girls at the hunt room.

What are you grinning at?


I like the way you lean on your own people.

No partiality, totally colorblind.

Oh, you're my kind of cop.

Fuck you.

All right, that was a lot.


Yeah, and behind the scenes, it was played at two times speed, so that was a bit disorienting for Matt, everyone.

Yeah, that messed me up.

All right, so we're back at...

Now we're at this club, and the blonde who was at the pool party with the husband who's in jail, she's singing, the bad guys are there, and the dicks see them.

One dick goes off with a lady for a dance, and the other dick, he follows that gang leader to the garage, and that is our next clip.

In position.

I got a permit.

Who'd give you a permit?

I just stopped by for a drink.

You're a long way from Detroit.

How's your friend Ziggy?

Ziggy, you're way out of line, pig.

How does it feel now, cop?

Just how the hell long were you standing over there?

Well, Tony, I don't want to interrupt any of your conversations unless I feel they're really serious.

Well, look, when there's three of them and one of me, it's serious.

Yeah, well, I realized that when he called you a pig.

Well, what do you want to do with them?

Why don't we just leave them for the garbage collector to pick up?


Hey, Terry, what's happening?

Ziggy, we have nothing to talk about.

Oh, come on, Terry.

How come you don't come around here and visit us anymore, huh?

We're still holding some of your IOUs, you know.

Yeah, that's right.

Your credit here is still good.

Look, Ziggy, I'm through with it.

I don't play cards, dice or the horses anymore.

I'm through.

Do you get it?

I don't gamble.

Oh, ain't love grand?

But you know, you gotta figure out how to pay off those debts somewhere.

I think I know the way.

Come on.

Go ahead, take a poke at me.

You all right?

What are you doing with this creep?

Come on, Tony, I'm all right.

Let's go, okay?

Come on.

I want to see you take a poke at me, huh?

Especially in front of all these people?

All these witnesses?

Oh, boy, I'd love to slap a brutality suit on you.

Yeah, come on.

You lay as much as one finger on her.

Oh, I'm sorry, Zing, I slipped.

We can come back skinny dip later, okay?

You judge, Turkey, you're just trying to get in my pants.

What are you talking about?

You haven't got any pants on.

Come on, please, I gotta get up early in the morning.

If you want me, come in and get me.

You don't think I will, huh?

All right, we'll see about that.

Come on, Turkey.

Well, what happened with Terry?

It's just it, baby.

Nothing happened.

A cop boyfriend of hers came busting in on us.

First he roused Guido, right?

Then he punches me in the stomach.

I'm telling you, he's asking for it, Faye.

I hear you.

Look, all we're interested in is Terry.

Once she tips us to which messenger is delivering those securities, I don't care what happens to either one of them.

Yeah, that's fine, Faye.

Meanwhile, that cop is nosing around here, getting in everybody's way.

So what do you suggest?


Does that sound better, huh?

All right.

Get rid of him.

I need to see my wife.

Real clean, real clean.

All right, so that is the end of the first 30 minutes.

Well, it's a lot of fucking set up just to be like, okay, this woman's deep in debt.

We're going to use this to rob this place.

These cops are only dating these women because it gets them access to this place they're trying to take down.

Everything revolves around this hotel that is clearly just a whorehouse pretending to be a hotel, right?

Yeah, like that's the entire plot of this whole half hour that we had all of this long, very verbose dialogue set up for.

And it's a lot of set up in there.

She's not in debt anymore, but they want to get a hold of her so they can put her back in debt.

I thought he said that there's still some IOUs that they held from her.

So they do.

She does owe them money because he's trying to collect the money, which is why he was getting on her.

Maybe I thought because they're like your credit's still good.

So come by and start gambling.


Well, she still owes money.

And what he was saying is you could come owe us more or win back what you owe us is what I thought he was getting at.

And since she refused, then he was like, well, there's another way that you can pay back the money you owe.

And that's why he was getting raping.

Yeah, it's just in the dialogue and it's fucking gross.

And I'm really tired of Russ Tamblyn being menacing to women in these films.

It's getting really close to me.

I mean, yeah, and this, it doesn't get any better.

No, it really truly does not.

This is Adamson taking a poke back at the old rapey fucking crime films that he was doing that he thought he was done doing when he decided to stop after Girls for Rent, aka Spit on Your Corpse.


But now we're all right, dragged right back here, suffering.

Right into it again.

And yeah, let's just move on to the next 30 block.

All right.

The next 30, well, the club owner follows the white dick and starts shooting at him from a car.

We have a big car chase, lots of shit going on, chasing and shooting.

But then the dick's car gets pushed off a Steve clip.

It crashes and he dead.

The other dick tells the ladies about the dead dick, and his lady picks up some cards.

So she's about ready to, you know, just go right back into gambling.

And that's exactly what she does.

She goes out gambling.

So and then we have a little montage of her going, you know, to all these different places to gamble and shit like that.

Then I believe because she was like meeting up with dudes, I believe she started turning tricks to get cash from fellas.

And then we cut back to a pool hall, and the bad guy walks in and talks to that informant guy who we saw or we heard from in one of the other clips, and that is our next clip.

You don't think we're coming to this toilet for nothing, do you?

That would make you the heavy duty one.

War weapons.

What exactly are you looking for?

Maurice said you were connected.

You better be.

I know who and what's worth knowing.

When can you deliver?

Hey, cool yourself.

I mean, I ain't exactly sitting on it, baby.

That take a little time.

I ain't got time.

I can get it.

But it's gonna cost you, bro.

I thought you told him my price.

He did.

But we ain't exactly talking about a used Cadillac now, are we?

You want high shelf merchandise, and you want it in a hurry?

You got to pay the dealer, baby.

Got to take care of business, little brother.

And my people ain't partying with Gondwan until I rub that cash.

You understand?

This better be new goods, or I'm going to do this town a public service.

The 15th.

You got it.

What you gonna do with all that artillery?

Start a war?

The 15th.

Hey, what's the hurry?

I mean, let's socialize, man.

I mean, what if I need to call you or something?

Come on.

I do the contact.

All right, Steph, you guys stay right here.

No closer.

I mean it.

What's going on here?

A terrorist assassination attempt has hostage.

One's plane, one's car, one's money, so forth and so on, and blah, blah, blah.

Look, you be out any minute now.

You just stay here, sweetheart, okay?

I don't want to have to be the one to pick your little lovely ass up piece by piece.

Hey, hey, hey, the man is worried about you.

Why don't you stop by the apartment later?

We'll see.


Now, just take it easy, Nicholas.

We got you the car, and the way is clear to the airport.

There won't be any trouble.

You lied to your own people.

You lied to Lumumba.

You lied to Martin Luther King, and you're lying to me.

The car is right in front of the entrance.

I'm looking at it now.

See this?

This is a dead man's switch.

You try anything, I'll kill us all!

Get over here!

Come back here!

A police spokesman reported that the former mental patient accidentally caused the device to explode.

Both he and the hostage perished in the ensuing holocaust.

The victim's name has been withheld pending notification of next of kin.

And now for the weather.

Hey, nice job, Steph.

Well, it was okay.

Still trying to convince my boss to give me an on-camera job, though.

Hey, by the way, what's been happening with Terry lately?

She's been on a gambling binge ever since Tony.

What room is the game in tonight?

Come on, babe, we both know what's been going on around this girl's hotel.

Okay, so you know.

Who's a few chicks into this shit?

It's a little bigger than that, honey.

All right, well, they get down.

And down in dirt.

Thanks, movie.

Some of the sex can be thanked for the movie, but this is one of the scenes.

Yeah, yep, yep.

So they get down, then Terry shows up to the card game in the hotel.

We get some pillow talk, baby, and that's our next clip.

You weren't serious about fan singing, were you?


Look, there have been five major heists in the last two years.

The only connection between them all, all inside jobs.

Now what would that have to do with the Queen's Castle?

Hey, I got it.

In each case, the rip-off involved a chick who lived here, right?

It was all Tony's idea.

That's why he hooked up with Terry.

Figured she just might be the next likely candidate.

Especially since she works for that security transfer place.

Yeah, plus it'd give him a chance to hang around here a while.

Well, girl, I wish there was something we could do.

Well, the best thing we could do is just leave her alone.

She's got to work it out herself.

Anyway, you've done enough lying to her boss about her poor sick mama.

She's out running around having sprees.

Yeah, but she's in a spot.

I'm just trying to help.

She would do the same for me, Kix.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.

She doesn't realize what she's doing or why.

I could only get an angle.


I'm just thinking about Tony.

You know, he's just like a brother to me.

Look, you just stay away from it, okay?

Just don't mess around with it.

Ziggy wasted.

Tony, he's not gonna give a damn about putting away a little snoopy reporter now.

Come on.

You think I can just look the other way now, do you?

You just stay out of it, or...

Or what?

I'm gonna bite your little ass.

Please, what ass?

All right.

So, it was a bad night for Terry.

So the next day, she goes and she pawns some jewelry.

Then the informant makes a call to the dick, and that's our next clip.

Sergeant Carter.

Hey, this is our man in the ghetto.

The man that's gonna get you your promotion.

Yeah, sure.

Give me an update.

That dude's put in an order big enough to arm all the African nations.

He wants everything, from automatic weapons and explosives to nail clippers.

And he wants it like yesterday?

And how in the hell do you figure on delivering?

Hey, he's dealing with Trader Al, baby.

I can get them.

The people I'm dealing with are sitting on everything I need.

But the one thing they haven't got is bread.

They'll be only too willing, baby.

Hey, look, it's getting a little heavy, man.

Sure it is.

But, dig, that could put me in on both sides.

First, we get this Geater.

I really want to nail his ass.

Yeah, I wonder what his game is.

If it's narcotics, then he's damn slick.

Why the hell he needs Faye and Ziggy?

I'll never figure that one.

It just doesn't add up.

Yeah, I know.

But we've got to deliver.

We can't have him going around scoring weapon and ammo on his own.

It's got to be through us.

We're too close to this now.

Yeah, well, look, if you need anything from my end, let me know.

Hey, be careful.

Keep a low profile.

Low profile.

I turn sideways, Jack, and you won't even see my black ass.

Ain't I?

All right, so Terry shows up to another card game, and she's got a pretty good head.

She's got a full house, aces over jacks, but she's low on money to cover the bet, so she offers herself to all the guys in the room.

And when she shows her hand, a dude has four sevens, and Terry tries to run, but they grab her, and then they gang rape her.

So that was not fun.

Fuck off, movie.

Yeah, they really take a third time with this, and it gets really fucking gross, and it's not really fun at all, and it kills all momentum that the film might have had with the action movie TV show of the week kind of level of intrigue that they had here.

This is like the most boring episode of Starsky and Hutch is basically what we're watching.


Up until this rape scene happens, and then it just completely kills whatever nostalgia you would have had watching it.

Yeah, it was just bad.

Just really bad.

So then we get back into the club, and that is our next clip.

Look at all that money.

Wow, you must be rich.

What do you want, Ziggy?

Just hanging around.

Why don't you hang out a little further away?

Come on, Val, that's not being very friendly, is it?

Why can't you be nice to me for a change?

Here, I'll help you with your money.

Oh, so cute.

You know you're about as much fun as cancer.

Hey, you're getting real clever.

You're developing a real salty mouth.

You know that?

Why don't you leave me alone?

You know my scenes.

Oh, that's just it, Val.

You do bother me a lot, you know.

You're hurting me, damn it.

Hey, let me ask you something.

You got that old man in prison, and he's been there for such a long time.

How come I never see you with anybody?

What are you saving all that precious meat for?

Hey, you know what they're doing to that old man of yours in prison, don't you?

You know what the guys are going to do to him.

By the time he gets out of jail, he's going to never want to look at another woman again.

You make me sick.

He's ten times the man you want.

Oh, here goes that real serious mouth again.

You and Fay Desert, you're both a couple of sickos.

Why don't you go call somebody who gives a shit?

All right, what should I call him?

Look, what do I have to do to get rid of you, huh?

What do you want me to do, scream?

What the hell is this?

Ziggy, get in there.


Did you hit the girl yet, Faye?

Oh, what are you waiting for?

Straighten her out.

What the fuck's keeping you?

Well, lean on her, Faye.

I need some action now, or I'm out.

No, I don't think you do understand.

If I'm out, where does that leave you?

Wrong, not only do you lose your cut, but you're out of business, period.

You and Ziggy, got it?

Men, sit down.

I just done you a favor and bought them up.

Almost 15 grand.

Hey, I don't have this kind of money.

You don't necessarily have to pay with money.

What do you mean?

You could get me some information from that stock and security place where you work.

You mean like an inside tip on the stock market?

Yeah, sure, that's it.

But not really a tip.

I need some information about the movement of one of your messengers.

Say, you know I don't have access to that kind of information?

Then you're going to have to pay up.


I can't.

I don't have that kind of money.

Where am I going to get that kind of money?

Don't break down on me again.

I'm perfectly willing to give you a little time.

A little time?

You ask me real nice.

Yeah, Faye gets lesbianist rapey on Terry.

It's not really a good time for Terry in this movie.

Terry has a bad time.

And we cannot enjoy this at all.

This is a fuck off movie too.


And considering Terry's crying, yeah.

And that's the end of that 30 minutes before we go into the final 30.

So this 30 minutes is a little gross.

Yeah, it's the middle grit that is supposed to keep you entertained and is an excuse to have more nudity through rape in the film in some way, shape, or form.

And yeah, it's not entertaining.

It's not enjoyable.

And I pretty much give up on the movie at the point that the gang rape happens after the poker hand loss.


Yeah, this is bad.


Other than that, we see that now things are taking shape, so they can try to get the securities to get this money so that they can buy the guns.

So they give the guns to a drug dealer who will get that guy a large amount of cocaine so that he can sell in the streets.

It's really convoluted and complicated, is what it sounds like.

Yeah, more or less.

The drug dealer doesn't need money.

He needs guns because he's actually a freedom fighting drug dealer, and the money does him no good at all at this point.

Even though he could get the guns with the money that he sells for the drugs, he just wants to skip that step.

Maybe he just wants somebody to give him the guns.

Maybe he doesn't have a contact for guns, so that's why he has to get this guy.

You would think a drug dealer would be able to get a hold of guns, because one of the things that you need to be able to deal with illegal drugs is guns to protect sectors.

Maybe not like army guns, which just sounds like what they need.

It's like, hey, great.

I mean, I know it doesn't make any sense, but I'm just spitballing here.

Yeah, no, trying to make sense of this plot is going to lead to madness and a possible embolism in your own brain, so let's not go there.

Yeah, I went cross-eyed for a minute, and I think I'm bleeding out of my nose, but it's all right.

Everything smells like burnt toast, so I think I'll be just fine.

Why do I keep here rushing water?

I don't know.

It's because you're peeing yourself.


That's what happens when you try to make sense of an Adamson film.

I guess.

Yeah, this will just be as short as it is.

Let's just go ahead and finish her off, and let's see where we land at the end of the movie.

Yeah, man.

So the final 30.

So Perry gets picked up by the scumbag Izzy or whatever the fuck his name was.

Then Izzy stops by a guy's house who owes him money.

He smashes the guy's car up, then bashes him and then runs over his legs and then threatens Terry, saying, hey, that could be you.

Terry's back with the ladies, and that is our next clip.

That messenger must carry over a quarter of a million dollars in negotiable securities.

And then he wants me to call him and tell him the time he's going and the route he's going to take.

Well, I think we should call the police.

I can't do that.

Ziggy would kill me.

Look, I got an idea.

After you call Ziggy about the messenger, you call me.

I'll follow him and film the whole rip-off.

We'll nail Ziggy Cole and you'll be safe, okay?

All right.

So Ziggy and the crew grab the securities guy, kill him, and get the briefcase by cutting up his hand.

The reporter lady finds him, and then the dick meets up with the reporter, and that is our next clip.

Hey, how you doing?

What you got?

Take a look at this.

That's some heavy shit.

You gotta be crazy messing around like this.

Why in the hell did you call me first?

I didn't think they'd actually kill anyone.

Jesus Christ.

Where are they now?

I don't know.

Probably back at the club.

Val's hanging out to keep an eye on things.

Hanging out where?

I suppose Terry's there, too.

No, she's at work waiting for me.

Well, look, you call Val, tell her to get the hell out of there.

Then you pick up Terry and catch up with me later.

You got it?


Is Val already there?

Val, it's for you.

Who do you think it is?

It's Ziggy.

Well, hey, Ziggy, how are you doing?

It's Stephanie.


Hey, look, I realize you can't talk, so just listen.

I saw the whole thing.

It was terrible.

They killed the messenger.

I saw kicks, and he's on his way over there with the cops.

And we got all the evidence we need, so get out of there right now.

Okay, I'm on my way.

All I want to know is what evidence is Stephanie talking about.

Sweetheart, I got ways of hurting you you don't even know about.

You want me to lean on your old man?

Baby, one phone call from me, we can snuff him out like that.

I'm not kidding.

Look, I'm just a piano player around here.

I don't know nothing from nothing.

Jiggy Wine.


Ziggy, this is Kix Carter.

The place is surrounded.

You have five minutes.

Get in position.

What is it?

Your world's about to come down on your head, baby.

The cops are here.

You guys cover the back door, huh?

Ed, you and Mel cover the front door.

What do we do about her?

She's just another loser.

Better forget about her.

Come on, let's head for the roof.

So then the shooting starts, and the cops get into the club.

They find the singer, and they save her.

She tells them that Ziggy and the other guy went up to the roof.

The bad lady gets caught by two cops.

More shooting out.

The bald bad guy gets shot.

Ziggy runs out of ammo and just runs.

The bald bad guy wakes up, so he's not dead, but he got grazed.

The chase goes into a junkyard.

The dick and Izzy fight.

He punches Ziggy.

He falls and is speared.

He falls on like a metal rod.

It gets speared through the gut and dies.

Everyone reunites.

The dick then calls the informant in our next clip.

This kicks.

We nailed Ziggy, but Guido got away.

I winged him.

I know that much.

We got another shot soon enough.

And hey, don't let him slide this time, okay?

Well, where are you making the switch?

I don't know.

That's up to him.

Look now, how in the hell am I gonna...

Hey, relax, little brother.

Everything's covered.

I put a J-4 homing device inside the crates.

Let's give Brother Al a little chance to make the delivery.

Follow the bouncing red ball, baby, and that nest is all yours.

Yeah, you make it sound pretty simple.

We give everything but dream stamps.

Yeah, just like the neighborhood supermarket.

All right.

And then the meetup happens out in the desert, and that will be our final clip.

What's the matter, baby?

Somebody tried to scam me?

Hey, sparse goods, baby.

I've already checked it out.

Only been used once by a little old school teacher in the Y's.

You're a regular Flip Wilson, ain't you?

Another day, another dollar.

Nothing to it, baby.

Hey, when you want to do this again, let me know.

I'll deliver all you can buy.

It's A-1.

Check it out yourself.

Hey, what you trying to do, baby?

Wake up all the A-Ralphs?

I'm glad you're having fun.

I did my work, baby, that's all.

Here, count it.

Oh, no need for that, brother.

I trust you.

I want you to count it.

We won't be doing business again.

You were too greedy, sport.

Oh, wow.

And you never were funny.

They must be just testing the guns.

We better hope so.

They're moving, let's go.

So, now everyone's moving, and fortunately the informant is dead.

So, then the dick finds the informant dead.

They follow the bad guys.

The playing guy comes to meet with the bad guys.

The cop and the fed are talking, and the backup's late, so the dick's going in with just the other agent.

A shootout, and then the chase.

The main bald black guy gets onto, or the bald guy, bad guy gets onto the plane.

It takes off.

The plane, however, during all the shooting was damaged.

A fire starts, and the auxiliary fuel, right next to the ammo.

The plane blows up.

The dick and the agent drive away.

Roll credits.

Yeah, so not terrible, not great, not really good, just kind of exists and is okay, and is probably fine to waste an hour and a half on.

It has enough bit of grittiness and intrigue to where I could see it would probably keep your attention.

And he has totally mastered the art of just making the film just good enough so that you don't feel ripped off enough to get up and demand your money back.

Yeah, yeah, not the worst of his films that I've watched, but it could have done without all the gritty rape shit.

Yeah, both of these episodes this recording session where we did both of them back to back, they are a significant step down from where we were at.

We've already stated that, and there's no argument at this point for yours.

That's where we're at.

These are both a step down, and it's kind of, I think we've reached the point of diminishing returns.

I think we've been over his plateau of about two to three films after Dracula vs.

Frankenstein, and then some real misses in some of those films too that were mixed in on top of that.

Yeah, no, I agree.

I mean, there's not much else to say on that one.

Yeah, it's really kind of unfortunate because when it was getting good, it was actually pretty decent for a while.

It was getting good.

It was getting good for a 70s cops and robbers type movie.

It was getting real good.

Yeah, it had promise in a lot of areas.

Yeah, now the story was a little convoluted about needing money for guns, for drugs.

It's just, I don't know, man.

I think they added a lot of extra steps.

Yeah, I just don't understand how a drug cartel organization already doesn't have a line on a good weapons supplier.


Yeah, right.

They could have said, our guy double crossed us.

We need guns more than anything.

So that's how we want our payment and blah, blah, blah.

They'll get more drugs for guns than they will for the cash.

Like the equivalent of the amount of money that they normally would have spent on the drugs, they're gonna get way more if they get that small amount.

Like he's gonna throw in some more to sweeten the pot, something like that.

But no, it's just all Adamson delivered just quickly successive dialogue.

Just like in my fucking movie where we just played, everything was a clip because that's all the movie was, was a giant clip of everybody telling us everything that was gonna happen.

That's pretty much what we have here too.

That's Adamson's whole stock.

Well, dialogue is cheap.

It's easy to film.

You just have people fucking spew dialogue and you can say all of this horrible stuff is happening just outside that door.

You can talk about all of these things and how horrible everything is with the way the world is ending and there's giant bugs eating everything and the buildings are all crumbling apart and it's just on the other side of that wall that you can't see, audience, but take my word for it.

Take my word for it.

It's the most horrific or awesome or great thing or sad thing ever.

It's just on the other side of the door, though.

Right, right.

That's why you never see-

I'm not gonna tell you what it is, but it's amazing.

It's why you never really see what Dr.

Claw really looks like because the implication of Dr.

Claw is much more scarier than anything else to you.

That's how it works.

Because once we see Dr.

Claw, he's no longer scary.

We can put a face to it, we can get used to the face, and then he's no longer terrifying.

Yep, yeah, there you go.

That's why Cobra and Commander and Destro also just weren't that terrifying a villain to us, and then we had to keep ratcheting it up and getting these new mutant weird things added to our GI.

Joe and shit.

Yeah, yeah.

Why am I mentioning all of these-

All the mutant stuff.

Why am I mentioning all of these childhood cartoons?

Because they're way more entertaining and make way more sense and have a better through line than this plot of this film.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, pretty much.

I don't know what else to do.

Well, we gotta stretch it here now.

We gotta pad out the show a little bit.

Pad it out.

So you're gonna have to do a longer story time if we don't pad it here.

What are we gonna do?

It's up to you.

I got a story time.

All right, then we're gonna play Abba on the pirate radio edit with the song Money, Money, Money.

And that's gonna take us right into our story.

Wow, I bet a lot of people in the 70s preferred Abba not sing political stuff and just keep to their dancing queens or some shit.


Are you trying to tell them to just shut up and sing?

That's more or less what I think people would have been saying to them, but instead, I'm telling them to shut up so Matt can tell his story time.


All right, I'll tell the story of when I was in a poker game, and I saw somebody who had the righteous attitude of that they definitely had a winning hand, and they definitely did not.

This better not be the tale of us playing strip poker together.

No, good God, I wasn't going to bring that up.


I was in college, very stripping involved in this, not by me.

Anyway, we were going, and it was one of those nights where there's nothing going on, and so these bunch of people were like, hey, you want to play cards?

And I said, sure.

So I went into this dorm room, we were playing cards, and there's guys and girls in there, and it was money, it was a real cash game.

You're throwing cash in there.

And I was actually doing pretty well, pretty proud of myself, but I wasn't involved in this hand.

Anyway, a dude was, it was much like Terry's situation.

He was short on the pot, and if you got shorted money, you could bet something else that was for you.

So then he raised, he threw in a watch, and I'm like, this is getting serious, people.

I'm like, just throw it in, fucking like, I think it was a nice watch.

I'm like, I had already folded, I was not even in the hand.

I was just like, Jesus, that's a nice watch.

Yeah, when a family heirloom is on the table, you know someone's taking the bet a little too seriously.

Yeah, yeah.

I started, like, you know, I was, oh, it's just a friendly game.

And I could tell, like, five hands in, I'm like, this isn't the first time these people have gotten together to play poker, and it's not friendly.

It's not ha ha, hoo hoo, this is serious stuff.

So he felt like he was really running well, and his girlfriend was there, and he showed her the hand.

She wasn't playing, and he showed her his hand, and she's like, oh, that's a great hand, that's a great hand.

And I'm like, this is a weird way of, you guys aren't really doing poker face right.

I'm just telling you guys.


You're not supposed to say it, unless you're trying to psych them out.

But they're just going back and forth.

And finally, the other guy who was just doing much better and had a lot of money, he was like, well, I'm just gonna push all in.

And the guy's like, and I got up from the table, and I checked the guy's hand, and he had a solid hand.

It was a full house of 10s over 7s.

So it was a solid hand.

And I'm like, I didn't see the other guy's hand.

The other guy was way more serious.

And the guy's like, well, I can't cover it, so I guess I gotta fold, and his girlfriend goes, no, no, no, because I know you're gonna win this, and we can use that money.

So she put herself on the line in the way that Terry meant.

Jesus Christ.

Yeah, and that's what I was like, yeah, I'm probably gonna step away after this is all done.

My guess is this is a little, I barely knew any of these people.

These are people who I talked to on a perift.

So they were even my close friends in college.

There are people I talked to outside of class having a cigarette.

In other words, this is going to make your class days very uncomfortable being around these people after this game.

Yeah, it was, it was.

I'm very happy that it was towards the end of the year, and I went back home and then went to college and I didn't really have to see any of these people again.

But for a solid two to three weeks, it was pretty bad.

And I think people were just going nutty.

It's almost end of the year.

You've gone through, especially if you're a freshman, it's the biggest change of your life.

Because most everyone where I went to college was either like me lived hours away.

My family was hours away, or they were all fucking farm kids.

So, it's a thing.

And the guy goes, okay.

And the guy was like, now the guy who they were playing wasn't a rapey dude, like in Terry's situation.

He kind of paused and went, okay, hold on.

He goes, that's weird.

And she goes, well, don't you find me attractive?

And he goes, well, yeah, I do.

Because are you people really wanting to do this?

He goes, I'm gonna tell you you're gonna lose.

And I'm winning.

I'm winning this hand.

I'm just telling you.

So I'm like, this is the weirdest fucking game of poker I've ever played.

No one knows has a poker face around here.

He's literally trying to talk her out of it because he knows that he's got this.

He knows.

And they're both like, no, no.

They're like, no, we got this.

We got it.

I'm like, you gotta know when to hold them, know when to fold them, fucker.

Yeah, listen to the gambling man for fuck's sake.

Yeah, so I went in, nope, they went through with it, and he had four aces.

It's the best hand you can have.

Four fucking aces.

I'm like, holy shit, he took two cards.

So he had three aces, and he got the other ace in the deal.

And I'm just like, you've gotta be fucking kidding me that he, holy shit.

And I know for a fact, he didn't cheat, cause I was dealing.

So I mean, I didn't pass anything from the bottom or nothing.

So this is all the up and up.

And there was a stunned silence, and the guy was taking all the money that was on the table and the watch.

That was weird.

And he looked and he said, listen, I'm not doing nothing with somebody who doesn't wanna do it.

He goes, I'm not like that.

And she goes, no, no.

She goes, I put myself out there, let's go.

And they left the room to go to his room, and they fucked.

And they got together.

They started dating.

She broke up with her boyfriend.

That guy was walking around campus with that dude's watch and that dude's ex.

All in one hand to poker.

This is why I don't gamble, man.

Yeah, apparently, the sex was really good.

She nicknamed the guy Edge Shaving Cream because apparently he was the size of an Edge Shaving Cream bottle.

And I was like, well, all right then, there you go.

Everyone's having a good time, I guess.

Wow, that's fucking awful.

I feel terrible for that gentleman.

Yeah, I never saw that other guy again.

I don't think he ever came back to school after he left.

I hope he's alive, I hope something fucked up did happen, but yeah.

Jesus, man, that got dark really, really fast, but yeah, that happens.

Don't make those kinds of bets, folks.

Don't make mistakes, folks, because you'll get fucked in the end.

I'm telling you, man, just, and they're all, I mean, and again, I'm like-

Quite literally in this story, someone got fucked at the end.

Yeah, and while there's that stunned silence when he grabbed her hand and they left the room to go to the room right next door, which was his room, I sat there, and I'm the one who broke the silence going, man, none of you know what a fucking poker face is to save your lives.

You guys gotta shut the fuck up at the table.

I'm just saying.

And everyone just kind of slowly looked at me, and I go, oh, so now I'm the asshole?

Nice, all right, fine.

I took my money, I got out, fuck you guys.

I'm not the bad guy here.

Oh, for fuck's sakes, I'm gonna end this before it gets even worse, so.

Yeah, that's probably a good idea.

All right, so we're gonna have the show housekeeping and immediately on the pirate radio edit.

Also from 1976, Thin Lizzy with The Boys Are Back in Town, right after this.

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All right, as promised, that was Thin Lizzy with The Boys Are Back in Town.

And I gotta say, I've been waiting to get Thin Lizzy on the show when we started doing songs from the 70s forever.

This was just an excuse when I saw a pop up in 1976.

Good shit.

Yeah, Thin Lizzy is one of my favorite bands of that era.


Yeah, I know it's good.

It's almost like a storytelling song, you know?

A lot of the songs they do.

Yeah, you're not wrong there.

They do have a bit of a tale that they like to weave in with the lyrics that they're telling, especially when the boys are back in town.

It's a night out that you can totally picture being a part of in some way, shape, or form.


Well, while you're out there saying that's a toxic masculine attitude to have, court, kick the fuck out of this week and make it your bitch, well, you enjoy Boston with More Than a Feeling on the Pirate Radio.

My sound plant that I use for triggering samples is acting differently.

Yeah, yeah.

It's doing a thing where if you hit the key twice, instead of playing the sample twice, it stops it immediately.


Like that, isn't that weird?

Yeah, that is weird.

Yeah, I used to use that trick where I would double play clips like all the time and shit like that for fun, and now that's taken away from me and I can't figure out how to get it back, and I'm really sad.


Crying clown face.

Crying clowns, sad, aww.

Speaking of things that make everyone sad.

Recording in progress.

That's depressing.

Can you at least hear the yeah, okay?

All right, perfect.

So I hear you, you hear me.

We're recording.

The backup's recording.

We're all recording.

Everything's being recorded.

You're up first with your movie.

Black Heat.

Yeah, when you say that, it sounds so racist.

I know, right?

Because, of course, we should be covering anything about the African American experience in the 1970s.

You were the only person qualified to do those reviews.

To do this review.

I, of course, know the black experience in the 70s.

Oh God, that is one of my favorite stupid bits we ever came up with.

Yep, of course it should be me.

All right, I'm gonna go ahead and play a little bit of the opening theme, just so I can get a couple of hits in, and we'll go ahead and start this motherfucker, okay?

Next thing you know, as a straight man, we'll talk to all the, you know, anybody who is in the LGBTQ plus community, what the Pride Month should mean for them.

All this and more on CinemaPsyOps Man's Plains.

Yeah, well, we're two white guys with a podcast.

Is it about time we do this?

We're log overdue for the man's plane.

Let me get my hits in, and let's start this motherfucker proper.

Yeah, I'm just speeding it up now.

Oh, okay.

What the hell?

Well, while you're out there saying that's a toxic, masculine attitude to have, court, kick the fuck out of this weekend.

Make it your bitch.

Well, you enjoy Boston with More Than a Feeling on the pirate radio, isn't it?

All right, yeah, that's Boston, More Than a Feeling.

Everybody knows that song.

You should know it's on.

For fuck's sakes, that doesn't mean you should fucking sing the song.

Can we just fucking end this fucking episode?

I can then go ahead and do it.

I'm gonna sing.

Recording stopped.

Creators and Guests

Podcaster, Horror SuperFreak, Obsessive Movie collector, amateur bass slapper, guitarist, full-stack developer, and low key mad scientist.
Cinema_PSYOPS_EP462: Al Adamson Fest: Black Heat 1976 (Main Feed)
Broadcast by