Cinema_PSYOPS_EP458: Al Adamson Fest: The Naughty Stewardesses 1974 (Main Feed)

Hello, and welcome to the 458th consecutive week of Cinema Psy Ops.

I'm your host, Cort, the guy that makes Matt record his shit first, regardless of the number count, because it makes him keep his energy going for when he's actually doing his notes, and wondering what the fuck I just said as my co-host, Matt.

Guy, are you high already?

Jesus Christ.

You literally heard me say, let me play just enough of the show to take a couple of pauses.


I think the more stoned I am, the better I can read the notes that I make when I'm still been doing.

Because you made stone notes because if so, I get it.

I'm not an advocate for everyone to basically try drugs, violence, insanity, and alcohol abuse.

But it's always worked for us.

The violence part.

Now, the drugs part, hey man, you guys do what you do.

The violence part is the part that works for me.

I'm not speaking on behalf of you in violence because I know how your stance on violence is very different than mine.

Mine is as long as they deserve it.

As long as they deserve it, it's fine for me.


Well, I'm like that, as long as they deserve it, but they got to really deserve it.


Our definitions of deserving it are very different, like just slightly irritating me warrants me protruding violence upon you.


You're not wrong.

I mean, just because I can justify it in my head, I know that the law is not going to see it that way, and I'm able to control it.

Although I have been one to light more things on fire recently.

I don't know.

We're probably fine, probably fine.


The world's already on fire.

We don't need to burn more of it, my friend.

He says, you.

So you had the Nazi stewardesses this week.


1974 is the Nazi stewardesses.

I would have had a wonderful joke for the blazing stewardesses, but that's coming up in our next double package of recordings.

That's true.

So we'll just let that one go.

There's some things we need to kind of discuss with your film for sure.

Adamson veers away from his hard-edged crime film, or at least somewhat, and starts doing these.

What I would refer to as this is a softcore pornography film for 1974.

Yeah, I would say so, definitely.

Yeah, which is absolutely fine and the kind of thing that I love to watch.

However, this is an hour and 49 minutes of serious fucking drama, and probably, what, a half hour max of softcore porn.

Yeah, and a lot of also cut scenes, like a lot of collage scenes, you know what I mean?

Yeah, it jumps around a lot.

This is Adamson still trying, somewhat giving a fuck, copping out with nudity, and then just editing it like he did with a chainsaw like he used to do in the old days.

This is prime Adamson.

Yeah, and some of the time filler is kind of just weird to me, but.

Yeah, they made some choices with this film that I definitely don't agree with.

There's no debating that in any way, shape, or form.

There were some choices made, and I'm not happy with some of them for sure.

No, like one of them being the runtime.

You could have very easily made this 70-ish minutes.

This could have been an hour and a half, if that.

Even an hour and a half, I felt this would have been too long.

80 minutes max.

Al Adamson can keep your attention and distract you for about 78 to 80 minutes.

And the thing about 78 minutes that Roger Corman always loved is it was only five reels of film.

So I think this movie is an hour and 49 minutes because he was forced to go to a sixth reel and didn't want to waste the film.


Now you say that, that could make sense.

More than why he made this film the way he made it.

Right, right.

There's a lot of other quote unquote adult films that are like this as well.

Towards the end of his life, Ed Wood was dipping his toe into writing scripts for adult films and worked with a guy named AC Stevens.

Some of those films like Orgy of the Dead and stuff like that, not as cool as you're thinking, Matt.

Just the title alone is insane.

Orgy of the Dead.

Hold on.

What are we doing?

Right, right.

Actually, I have a story time about how that title alone got me to buy the film when I was in my 20s.

Anyway, back to what I'm getting at here.

So the general type of things that even Ed Wood was doing at that time is his were more hardcore pornography, where it had hardcore penetrative shots in the 60s when this was definitely illegal and kind of naughty that they were doing it.

And luckily, all of that stuff has survived.

I know, because I own the box set that has it in it.

Yeah, you think the Adamson box set is bad.

Just be thankful I never did the Ed Wood set that I wanted to do.

Yeah, right.

Jesus Christ.


But just to come back to the point and try not to pad out the episode too awful much too late, that particular group of films that was done was also like a heavy drama, serious like, you know, romance breakups, a heartache, and, you know, ladies just wanting to have fun or what have you mixed in with like hardcore penetrative sex scenes.

And I think they were trying to sell it as a legitimate film, or they could just cut out the hardcore sex scenes for when the censors showed up, you know, we're not doing nothing.

And then, you know, because then they would have to watch the entirety of this boring film without the sex that's keeping your attention.

Yeah, right.

It's a way to cut around it, right?

And this this the naughty stewardesses, you could probably cut out all of the nudity.

And it's the kind of thing you would have had on USA Up all night and wondered why the fuck you were watching it.

Yeah, you're like, what am I watching this for again?

Other than the fact that it just said naughty stewardesses.

So right, right.

The title alone will get you.

And I have a wonderful story on how the title alone can get you for our storytime that I could tell if you don't have one.

So there we go.

Sounds good.

I'm going to tell it even in conjunction with yours because we're going to have to pad out this fucking episode.

I feel it in my bones.

So yeah, we might have to, yeah.

Well let's not tarry anymore and move forth and get this over with.

So 1974 is the year this film was released, just like my film.

And in 1974, there were a lot of hits to choose from.

Now since you had such a wonderful story about Abba, I made sure that on your episode, I got you the song Waterloo from Abba, which we'll be playing right after this Legion Patreon ad on the pirate radio edit.

This will keep you quiet.

Oh, hi there.

I didn't see you.

You called me cutting a new show.

I'm Bo Ransdell, and I'm one of the many creators you can find on Legion Podcasts.

I said quiet.

My fellow podcasters and I work hard to bring you the best in horror podcasting, but that comes at a cost.

Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?

Not that, but also, yes.

No, what I'm getting at is that there are server costs, costs for good microphones and software for editing, all the things that make our shows, you know, fun to listen to.

And you can help.

If you're enjoying the shows on, or in the Legion Network available on iTunes and Stitcher, just about anywhere you can download a podcast, really, you can help us out and get a little something for your trouble at forward slash Legion Podcasts.

For just two bucks a month, you get a pair of movie commentaries exclusive to Patreon, and for five dollars, you can also join us for a monthly screening of a movie.

All of that available on

We appreciate it, and thank you for listening.

Now, back to the cutting room.

Thanks It's really fucking hard to be upset when Abba's playing.

Yeah, you just have to have a good time.

Yeah, either that or it's just going to make you feel a lot worse and get super angry and want to destroy where Abba's coming from.


All right, listen, man, we already did that like a couple of times.

We don't want to do it again.

My lawyers are advising me not to tell any stories about that.

Yeah, right.

Yeah, that's that's for the best, actually.

What would be for the best as we move on altogether and cover the naughty stewardesses?

Yes, finally.


All right.

So, naughty stewardesses, the first 20 minutes we opened up in a plane.

There's dialogue.

It's our first clip.


What time is it?

What time is it?

Quiet flight for Monday.

Not reminded a bit.

Let me guess.

You had a wild weekend.


That depends on how you look at it.

Margie always has a good time when there's a man around.

At least I can talk about it the next day.

I enjoy it for itself.

Have you girls ever tried doing it standing up?

No, you're kidding.

Did you do it?

Ask Mike.

I had him standing on his toes.

Let me see how you can do that, Barbara, especially with your height.

I mean, the angles are all wrong.

Ask him.

He's not shy.

Hey, how about some coffee?

And make it hot.

That last cup that reached me up front must have come by way of the North Pole.

Complaints, complaints.

You know we're no good at making it hot.

All right.

It's Monday, and you win.

Depends about what you want done.

Okay, I guess it's me.

What time is it?

I saw that talk about standing up your girls with the system.

Well, they go to the back, and they have some chit chat, and then they get after it, and they get down.

This annoying kid keeps asking his dad what time it is, when he's asked like just 16 times already.

I'd be like, you know, I'm getting ready to kick you out of the goddamn fucking plane.

Anywho, he keeps watching, trying to get his dad's attention.

His dad's like, I'm trying to read.

I don't care what's going on behind me, even if it is two people, the pilot fucking one of the stewardesses.

You know, who's flying the plane at this fucking point?

I just want to point out that were I this kid in this situation, I would only try to point it out to my dad thinking that he would also like to want to watch it.

And I think this would be a real bonding moment that a father and son could share.

However, I'm not going to continue to bug him after that.

At that point, I'm just going to stare myself and hope that he doesn't notice it and ruin my fun of what I'm watching.

And he did because he smacked the kid and told him to turn around and sit down.

He got tired of his shit.

This kid, you ruined it for yourself.

Yeah, you overplayed your hand on this one, trying to share this bonding moment with your father.

Put a quarter in your ass, you played yourself, kid.

Yeah, for watching a fucking pilot bang a stewardess, you ruined it, man.

Yeah, you ruined it, man.

Anywho, we cut to a lady driving in a car.

She pulls up to a service station.

A dude comes up, asks him for a ride, and that's our next clip.

That's fair.

Hey, where are you going?

South of here, LA.

If I don't like it, I'll try something else.

Hi, I'm Debbie Stewart.

I guess we'll be rooming together.

I'm Jane.

Come on in.

Welcome to our little nest.

It isn't much, but we call it one.

Debbie, meet Barbara.

If you want to know anything, you just ask Jane.

She'll give you quite an education.

Uh, no thanks.

I already had one.

It's all in the game.

Come on.

Let me take you to your room.

This is the blue room.

I hope you find the accommodation suitable.

Hey, it's nice.

It's a little nicer than my dorm was.

Listen, Debbie, these are my things.

It's really not bad here.

There's only four of us, and we share everything, you know.

Never get in each other's way.

Like if you have a date, in from out of town, and no place to go.

That's a nice thought.

Come on.

Where do you come from, Debbie?

Why did you join up?

Well, since you asked, I joined the French Foreign Legion because my girl left me for a millionaire.

That's wild.

You swing both ways?

She was only kidding.

Weren't you?

I'd be happy to swing one way with the right guy.

I've been bored by every campus Romeo that state college has to offer.

Oh, a candidate for the easy life.

Let me tell you something, Debbie.

The work we do is pretty hard.

And as for men, it's the same everywhere.

The choice is yours.

Yeah, but at least in this profession, you get a better crop to choose from.

Hey, I got a hot day tonight.

Will you help me get ready?

The usual, madam.

A shave, a manicure, a haircut.

I'll skip the haircut, but I'll take the other two.

All right.

Excuse me, Janie, can I use the chair?

Certainly, baby, yes.

That's a real true friend right there.


Yep, because, yeah, she shaves her hoot nanny for her.

Oh, there's a lot of nudity that pops up, and it's all actresses choosing to do so on screen.

So there's a whole bunch of shit that was like, a thank you movie through that whole series.

There's a lot of thank you movie in this one.

So yeah, so good job, everyone.

Hope everyone's having a good time.

We finally got some rewarding things out of this Al Adamson box.

Right, yeah.

So then we cut to, it's a party, and the lady whose party it's for gets a cake, and her cake's a naked man with a dude, naked dude just covered in frosting and shit.

And they're all going at it.

Everyone's having a good time being debaucherous, but the new lady, Debbie, is not really having it.

She talks to one of the other ladies and like, this isn't really my scene, and she storms out and starts crying.

It's kind of a weird ass thing to cry about.

You don't have to really cry about this.

You can just be like, hey, not my scene, and leave.

You don't have to make everyone else feel bad about what they're doing.

And by the way, after she cries, that's the end of the first 20 minutes.

I wanted to point out that they actually have some dialogue where they're talking about how the girl has to get her own cake or make her own cake up.

And there's a special reason why, and then you'll see later at the actual party.

And when the party happens, that's her boyfriend who has all the icing all over him.

And the idea is she's going to eat her cake, which she gives head to her boyfriend in front of everybody.

Yeah, that seems about it.

I think you covered the long and short of it on that one.

I'm just hoping for her sake that there wasn't too much about that that was the short of it.

Fuck me.

Yeah, it's pretty straightforward.

Let's go.

All right.

Next, Tordy.

Well, we're back on the plane, and that is our next clip.

You know, sometimes you mean well, things always get screwed up.

Like when you have roommates, and you think you know them, you really don't.


I guess it's true, Debbie.

We did give you kind of a funny introduction to Estee's life.

It's not always so bad.

I used to have wilder parties than that when I was in school.

That's just it, Margie.

You're not in school anymore.

Don't you want to do anything with your life?

Sure, I do.

I'm going to find the richest man in the world.

And what are you going to do with him?

Marry him and everything he has.

Dream on, sweet princess.

That's not a dream.

If you want it, you get it.

I'll get it.

She do things at night.

But the next day, she hates herself and anyone who can't see her.

All right.

So then they're out and about in the town they landed in.

I think it's Vegas because there's slot machines everywhere, and they're playing slots.

Then they go to the beach, so then I have no idea.

Maybe they're in Atlantic City.

It really doesn't matter at this point.


More casino playing at night.

So this is one of those big montages, and this movie has like three or four different montages in it.

It's kind of crazy.

Yeah, and it's just basically travelogues of the girls doing, or these ladies doing their work, but also primarily all the play that they have from the various cities they go to.


So, yeah.

But again, it's a pretty big montage.

They're back on the plane, getting everyone seated.

On the flight, there's this old guy, and he's sitting next to a dude trying to make conversation, but this dude looks awful.

During the flight, the dude has an asthma attack, but the old guy knows what to do, which is apparently punch him in the chest a few times until they get an oxygen mask on him, and it saves his life.

We cut to Debbie and this old dude walking and talking, and that's going to be our next clip.

Well, saving people's lives is not exactly my specialty, but I'm glad I could help.

Just glad you could help?

Do you mind me asking what kind of work you do that keeps you so alert?

Well, now, in the first place, the name is Ben.

In the second place, pleasure is my work, and having cocktails with a pretty young girl is my specialty.

How about it?

That sounds very nice.

All right.

Do you live alone in this big house?

Well, Debbie, you don't mind staying here all alone with me, do you?

Of course not.

I'm looking forward to a nice evening.

You make yourself comfortable.

I'll be right back.

We'll change.

Have you forgotten the key you gave me?


But you won't do it here till tomorrow.

I know.

But a girl has a right to change her mind.

She's in the mood.

And, Ben-Gur, I am in the mood.

Well, I'm sorry.

I can't say the same.

I'm just not with her today.

And besides, my, um...

my niece is here.

She just came in from the, uh...

would you believe airline?


Sounds to me like you're back after stewardesses again.

How could you get so fickle?

Hold that pool.

They'll be right back.

You shouldn't, I'm the host here.

Besides, you don't love serving all week long.

That's all right.

I was just admiring your home.

It's beautiful.

Well, I like it.

I've lived here about 12 years.

See, I never got married.

Well, I've been close.

But I never found the right room.

I'm sorry you didn't.

But I think it's their loss.

You see, she's very jealous and demands a lot of attention.

Can I help you, please?

Oh, she's mean and vicious.

Nothing but trouble.

All right, all right.

I get the message.

Look, we both know what we have going for us.

So take your shirt off and come over here.

You know what I love about you?

You're so damned honest.

Why not?

It's always natural with us.

Six years, it's lovely and who might argue?

Anyway, so this dude and this new lady, who was also topless, so thank you, movie.

They get down while the Debbie drinks, and that's the end of that?

20 minutes.

Not a lot to add other than the brazen dovetailing that this old dude does is impressive.

Listen, I'm just going to say it.

I kind of respect him.

He's using the Spitz game, and he even knows, he even admits it.

I'm old, I know it.

He admits it.

He's not trying to be young or nothing.

He's just living.

It's not like he is actively going after these ladies either.

They are pursuing him because of his money, and he knows that's what it is, so he's gaming them right back just by dovetailing relationships with them and sleeping with everybody.

And you know what, he's a smooth talker, man.

I'm just saying.

He's very forthright.

He's like, oh, I've come close to it, but I've never really found the right girl.

He's obviously leading them on, thinking that maybe they'd have a chance to marry him too, but that's the only reason any of them are expressing interest in them.

I don't think any single one of those women find him attractive.

No, no, no, obviously not, but I'm just saying.

I'm not saying that women aren't into gilfs, grandpas.

I mean, there are fetishes out there.

Right, people have things that they're into, and that's totally cool, but the women in this film, these stewardesses, they are judging him on the enormous size of his wallet alone.

That is obvious from the start.

Apparently, he can get down, though, so just saying.

Right, but that's also the thing, is he's rich and he's apparently decent in bed and actively likes to please women, but also can't be quote unquote nailed down.

We're good.

The next 20, well, the dude comes back after, you know, boned one chick, and he comes back to Debbie, and that's our next clip.

First, the plumbing went haywire and the dog gave me trouble.

It's rough when no one's here.

I have to do all the servicing myself.

I understand.

Don't feel badly about it.

I enjoy relaxing sometimes.

Well, I'm glad to hear that.

I've been admiring your house.

It's very interesting, but also very revealing.

For instance, your gun case over there.

What's all the artillery for?

Oh, amusement, sports, protection.

You see, I'm a land developer, and my work takes me into some pretty rough country sometimes.

Do you shoot anything?

I don't get the chance very often, but I'm a pretty good shot.

Now, for instance, if anybody tried to break into here, I'm ready for them.

That's scary.

Debbie, how long has it been since anyone took a real interest in you?

I don't mean just as a pretty girl, but the one with the hurts and the pains and the secret thoughts.

I'd like very much to know that girl.

That's very sweet.

There's nothing that special about me.

Well, I think there is.

I think you're not like the other airline girls.

I think you want something more than just a good time.

I think you've been hurt badly.

Debbie, I'd like to see you smile a little more.

I'd like very much to know that girl.

He is so using daddy issues against these women.

No, I mean, he's using any issues he can find.

It just doesn't have to be daddy issues.

I'm starting to feel like this guy's kind of a predator, and we shouldn't really like him that much.

Yeah, God, I want to say he's a predator, but he's so fucking out in the open about what he wants that, I don't know, man, predators usually have to hide their true motives.

He's really forthright about it, too.

He's like a jungle book fucking cat that's like, oh, I'm here to eat you.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.

I mean, this is pretty much it.

Yeah, you're not wrong.

You can move on.

I don't know, man.

I'm going to go ahead and say this guy, listen, is he a sleaze?

Sure, but, you know, the women who want to use it for his wallet, I mean, does it make them any better?

Well, he is a sleaze, but he is upfront about being a sleaze, and people seem OK with it.

Yeah, I'm just saying it's all right.

Listen, everyone's got to live.

All right.

So the next day, the lady lands in another town, and she gets a cab, and that turns into our next clip.

Take me to the Sheridan, please.

This town sure looks exciting.

It's just because you're seeing it for the first time.

Very smart.

I'm sure you get a lot of girls in from the airport, don't you?

Not like Stuart, it's just they all talk the same, you know, like high school girls on their first date.

I know what you mean.

But you can't generalize people in any area.

Just because we're between five foot two and five foot ten, it doesn't mean we're all the same.

So me, hostess, I suppose you're one of the exceptions.

Maybe so.

I just started, you know.

It looks to me like a girl like you could be successful in anything she wanted.

Ever tried modeling?


Well, you see, I study facial features.

You could really be good, honest.

What the hell is the matter with you?

Didn't you see me there?

I'm gonna have to get out of my way, mister.

I gotta go to the store.

Well, get out of that car, get out!

Are you okay?

Are you okay?

Oh, look, I'll have to leave you here, okay?

Forget about the charge, I gotta go home.

No, let me come with you.

I know a little bit about first aid, please, okay?

It doesn't look as bad as it did.

You'll be okay.

Well, I could have told you that.

Anyway, I appreciate the help.

These are pretty beautiful pictures.

Well, I'm not a cab driver, I'm a photographer, I mean, I'm the only one who knows it.

The guy's got to eat, so I drive a cab.

I know what you mean.

I work for a living, too.

But why can't you get a job?

Because I don't want a nine to five job, I want a freelance.

I'm trying to break into the fashion field, you know?

And I don't have a good enough portfolio yet.

What do you pose for me?


No, I've never done that before.

You tried?

Yeah, it might be fun.

All right, well, then we have another montage of her modeling form at different shots.

It seems they're getting closer and closer as they're doing this.

And then they head back to his place, and that is our next clip.

How about you, Joe?

Debbie, you are the most gorgeous and alluring woman that I have ever dreamed about.

Uh, not now, not now, Debbie.

Just don't cry, okay?

Hey, Kel, I've got feelings too, you know.

Yeah, well, feelings are great if you have.

You know what happens to the first one I drop, don't you?

Okay, smartass, tell me later after you win.

You just get to cool it off, that's all.

Voila, Coca-Cola on the rocks.

Come on, get on with it.

But don't rush me, you're supposed to enjoy this.

It's your game, you know.

Now, Em, where have I heard that before?

For me.

And you never get tired of hearing it?

I guess it makes me feel good to have someone gig me.

But you know, I don't know that.

Ever something you never talk about.

Look, baby, you know I did you, your body, and your mind.

That's enough.

So now you tell me, why can't we put the pieces together?

God, here we go again.

Boy, that stuff was really cold.

Sirs, you're right.

You would have done the same thing to me.

Yeah, but you can use some cooling off down there.

Don't you ever get tired of sex?

Come on, Mike.

Victorian age is over, women enjoy sex today.

There are a million ways to enjoy it.

Yeah, but do you have to try every instrument in the orchestra?

I guess I'm just a one-girl band.

I like different men at different times.

I like a change of pace.

Well, why don't we change the pace at my place tonight?

You can play any song you want.

Can I ask you a question, too?

Delivering your pictures.

Do you always deliver your pictures personally?

No, but I can make an exception in the case of my favorite model, Kayla.

Okay, it's very flattering.

But why do you look at them?

See you.

See, I've been looking at the pictures and thinking about you.

The pictures really came out nice.

When I was looking at them, it was like you were looking back at them.

You were the day we shot them, you know.

How did you feel when you were looking?

Turned on.

Kayla, you really take good pictures.

You should have a better model.

You know, I don't think you should have any trouble getting work in LA.

Well, I hope you're right.

Hey, listen, a friend of mine is giving a party.

You want to come?

Sure, why not?

Where is it?

Palm Springs.

I'm your man.


Ben, your place is absolutely beautiful.

Well, I'm glad you like it.

I'm doing a little remodeling right now, and it's coming along very well.

I wonder what's keeping Debbie.

Well, I'm happy to hear it.

Whose place is this?

A friend of mine's wife.

Just want to know who is he?

He's Ben Brewster.

I met him on the plane.

How old is he?

Hey, what does that matter, Kim?

Just want to know.

I guess he's in his mid-50s.

Yeah, I thought so.

I thought so.

All right, through all that, we find out she, you know, posed nude for him and all that kind of stuff.

So they go to the party, they meet everyone.

The dude goes to get a drink, and another dude comes up, and they talk about how they both got to this party.

Then there's some more dancing and some stripping.

So thank you, movie.

Yeah, then the two dudes talk again, and that is our next clip.

What's your game?

Looking for work.

Steals and moguls.

You need bread?

You show me a man who doesn't need bread.

Got a job?

I might have something for you if you want to work and not talk about it.

I hear you talking.

Shot many films?

What do you got?

What's the story about?

It's about the same old thing, man.


This is hardcore.

Don't give me any arty bullshit.

Just like that?

I mean, you don't want to do something better?

Look, we've been shooting pornos now for two years.

When we're done, put the film in the can, get paid, that's it.

I don't care what we shoot.

Boy, boy, girl, girl, both.

Kids come in, do a job, that's all.

What the guys back each do with the film is their business.

How do they show that kind of stuff?

They spend more money on lawyers than they pay us.

They'll set up only ridiculous complaints in court, and they have them thrown out.

That opens the market, and they bring in the hard stuff.

Our films will play coast to coast, just like the big movies.

You want in?

I need the money.

When do we start shooting?

Do that address later.

Well, enjoy yourself.

It's fine.

Look, I don't know why you brought me here.

I don't really need this scene, you know.

And what's more, I don't like your friend Brewster either.

You don't even know him, and I don't know why you're acting like this.

Look, it's not him.

It's us.

There's not that much between us, and I don't know why you feel this way.

Look, you were bare-assed at my place.

That says a lot, okay?

I don't know what's in your hands, but, man, you come on in a strange way.

And I think there's something wrong with you.

What's the matter?

I shouldn't have brought him here.

After the rest of them are gone, you can stay.

Everything's gonna be alright, right?

Thank God they're gone.

Thought they'd never leave.

They're certainly not tired.

You know, I see the devil in your eyes.

Are you sure you don't mind staying alone?

Of course not.

You're kind of like an uncle to me.


Are you decent?

Well, hey.

Maybe we should study fashion trend.

The book of Genesis tells of nine, eight, and 69 years old.

All right.

So anyway, this leads to them getting down, and that's the end of that 20 minutes.

So the old man does get into Debbie's pants.

Well, yeah, this was the setup all along.

I think she was playing this sweet, innocent girl who is such a prude that she was offended by being at, you know, a party where a girlfriend fellated her own boyfriend in front of everybody for her birthday.

Well, I mean, I don't think that was a fake.

I think maybe that's just not her scene, but I don't know.

But, you know, hey, she's doing the hustle here pretty well.

Well, yeah, she got a look at that giant fucking wallet on that dude and got really, really, really wide on for him.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I mean, she's got a wide on for the thickness of that man's wallet.

Yeah, yeah.

We can move on.

Although it seems like she had a pretty good time in bed, though, too.

Well, yeah, the money's really getting her off.

We can move on.

Damn, man.

The next 20, well, it's the next day.

They're in a car.

They're talking.

So that's our next clip.

That's fair.

That was the most delirious, wonderful night I've ever had.

No regrets.

That's a silly question.

No, no regrets.

You really know all the answers, don't you?

You are the most charming liar I have ever met.


You've got your routines down to a science.

And that must work on all the girls, doesn't it?

Oh, not always.

Not by the looks of your house.

One female can always tell who another has been.

And Ben, you've had many others, haven't you?

But, oh, sure, I'm always interested.

But so what?

You've heard about being alone in a crowd?

How's the weather up there?

I'm in the mood to do something.

You remember Ben?

He saved the man's life.

Who had a heart attack?

Oh, Debbie's being very kind.

You must know the right techniques.

He did a beautiful job.


Debbie, you better hurry.

They're having a special briefing inside.

Oh, nuts.

I don't want to have another briefing.

I've had too many already.

Listen, don't worry about it, honey.

It's just more red tape.

Ben, will I see you later?


Okay, Margie, I'll call you.

Well, now, I'll take you anyplace you like to go.

Well, it's such a beautiful day.

I don't want to go home.

Where are you going?

Would you like to come along?


Well, all right.

Do you like Debbie?

You know, somehow I picture you as the kind of a man who, well, enjoys a more adventurous kind of girl.

Well, it all depends on the situation.

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.

But, uh, different types interest me.

What about the type who shares your interests?

I doubt if any girl can share all of a man's interests.

I don't mean hunting and fishing, football.

Very few women can follow all of a man's interests in the same private sports.

A woman takes a more direct, romantic course.

A man with something a little bit different and exotic.

Not all girls are alike, you know.

I, for one, appreciate a man who has exotic tastes.


As simple as that, huh?

Sure, no problems that I can see.

I don't know about that.

There are times when a person realizes the big ship never came in.

I keep telling myself.

Listen, when you were young, did you ever think about who you were going to be, you know, right now?

I think everybody thinks about that.

I wanted to be a lawyer.

I thought there were so many things in the world that needed straightening out.

Perhaps I could help.

What happened?

I found out that some things can't be straightened out.

You take the kids of today.

They want to destroy everything.

My generation worked awfully hard to get us where we are.


Oh, sure, it's far and perfect.

Why really?

Everything you sell.

So far out.

Like what?

Like everything.

The real world.

Sometimes I just want to forget about it.

Into my own world.

I never tell anybody that, though.

You know, they think I was crazy.

Well, see, life to me is just one big orgy of getting stronger and stronger.

I guess that's why I meet so many men.

Should I work out for you?

The man.

You know, somewhere people get lost.

What people?

A lot of the kids.

You know, if I was a parent today, I'd shoot myself or somebody.

Well, you're listening to me, aren't you?

No, I don't mean it that way.

Some of them have gone too far.

I mean, like the Skydackers, the Melobots, that bunch.

We don't lean on these people enough.

They see the coast is clear and they take advantage.

You see this little beauty?

That is a weatherby.

It's my pet gun.

If more of us were ready, they'd think twice.

Hi, Debbie.

This is Cal.

How are you?

Hi, Cal.

I'm fine.

You'll be glad to know I'm working.

I'm shooting a film.


Well, look.

I thought maybe we could get together for dinner tonight, you know?

Cal, I'm busy.

Look, Debbie, I've missed you.

Please don't say that.

You're going out with Brewster, aren't you?

Look, you only want his money.

What do you want to be a pretty rich bitch to?

Look, I want you to get something straight.

You haven't heard the last of me.

Not by a long shot.

This isn't enough.

Well, then we get to them shooting the porn.

The camera dude is having like a full on mental breakdown, thinking about, you know, Debbie and all this shit.

And so the boss man snaps him out of it and gets it together.

And this leads to our next clip.

Five weeks of shooting, and today you almost blew it.

Look, I got something on my mind, okay?


That bitch Debbie.


Look, I got a score to settle with her and that friend Brewster.

Look, have you ever heard of the People's Liberation Front?

I heard they had a group here in LA.

Well, yeah, they do, see?

And I've been a member for five years now.

We've done a lot of good, we helped a lot of blacks, and look, we helped a lot of Chicanos, and we helped a lot of guys in prison, and we did it all with money, we ripped off people like Brewster.

Now, I've got a plan to rip Brewster off, but I need your help.

I think I can get him for 50 grand, and look, I'll split it with you 50-50, okay?


Cal, aren't you forgetting something?

You work for me.

You and I both know there's no way you can pull this off alone.

Without me, your plan is dead.

What's your price?

I get two-thirds, you do what you want with the rest.

I've got a few hours between flights, so I thought I'd drop in to see you.

I'm glad you did.

I'd like to show you my special room.

This device is my version of a Parisian pendant, very popular in the French brothels during the return of the century.

You see, the older patrons could get high stimulation without too much effort.

I have been trying to perfect that device for six months.

No luck.

Either I get the wrong girl, or I get the wrong timing on the mortar.

Oh, he gets me.

I'm as freaky as I am.

Hey, want to try it?

We'd better test it first.

Oh, Jesus Christ.

And they do test it, and, you know, it gets, you know, they get it, they test it out, but it doesn't quite work, and, you know, they fall off, and she tumbles off, and they all have good laugh, and she gets nude during it.

So, lots of thank you movie right there.

The only problem I have is that I have to watch this old guy get all the fucking laid.

It sucks.

Yeah, it can really put a bother on some people, I'll tell you that.

I'm very angry that this guy is getting all of these naughty Stuartesses.

Yeah, this guy, he's living the dream.

Well, I don't know, maybe that's a dream.

Some people want a monogamous serious marriage dream, so, and then they're living that dream.

We can move on.

Thank you.

Yeah, thank you, Booby.

Oh, I'm sorry.

And that's the final 20 before we go into the final 30 minutes.

Yeah, let's just finish her off.

Finish her off?

Well, hey, the next 30 starts with our next clip.

That's fair.

I am so tired.

What a flight.

Well, there's nothing like a quiet weekend to relax you with, guys.

Besides, I think you need to change your face, Debbie.

How's your love life lately?

Not very good.

Kel's too jealous.

He's got too many problems.

You've always got Ben, haven't you?

I haven't seen much of him lately.

Listen, in 14 minutes, the tram is going to take us from the broiling sun to the freezing snow.

There's nothing like it anywhere.

Wait, you'll see.

So they have a good time on the tram.

Again, this is another kind of montage moment here.

And then they get to this bunk house, and there's a surprise guest there, and that is our next clip.

What are you doing here?

Well, I'm not waiting for a bus.

Hey, what's happening here?

Business, baby.


You too.


Sit down!

Welcome to our little, shall I say, party.

I want you all to listen, because I'm only going to say this one time.

If you all be good little ladies, nobody will get hurt.

But if one of you get out of line, you all have.

Okay, you, Derek, come with me.

Brewster, Ben Brewster, listen and listen carefully.

We have your girlfriend Debbie here and two other stewardesses.

We need $50,000 by this afternoon, or no one will ever see them alive again.

You've got to be kidding.

No, I'm not kidding, man.

That's your friend Debbie.

Oh, look, let the girls go.

Then I don't care, man.

Get it.

And don't call in the pigs.

I'll call you back this afternoon and let you know.

I'll let you know where to deliver it.

Oh, some punks want $50,000 for rent, or the girls are gonna get hurt.

Cal, can't you and Debbie settle your differences without all these hassles?

I'm sorry, sweetheart, it's gone too far for that.

If you really want to know, my parents gave it to me.

My real name is Calvin Wilson Robinson III.

Oh, a blue blood.

What happened to all your money?

My parents cut me off when they found I was dropping acid.

I don't know why, I just...

You know, I've had a couple of accidents, that's all.

Look, you asked me and I told you, and I don't need your smart remarks.

Oh, keep your shirt on.

We were only trying to make conversation.

Besides, we got a lot of time to kill.

What's with this liberation movement you're involved in?

Oh, number one, I was active in movements myself in school for four years.

And number two, I almost got busted.

And number three, I cringe at the thought of all the trouble we caused a lot of people.

And you know, most of it was just for kicks.

I'm going to help a lot of people.

I'm going to help a lot of people who just can't help themselves.

Kayle, if you feel so strong about your cause, why don't you try to act in a way that society might accept?

Because it's a rich man's world.

That's all that counts is money.

Nobody will listen to me without it.

Isn't there anyone who care about who may get hurt by what you're doing?

My family, that's for sure.

How'd it go?

Everything went just fine.

We got Brewster scared, and I'm sure he'll come up with the money.

Em, what do you and Kyle want to go do a fool thing like this for?

Baby, there is no way for us.

I'm into the man back East for ten grand.

Got to get him off my back.

That's your problem.

Pretty girls always get old.

But for me, it's different.

I need to breathe.

Clear myself with the man, and I keep something for myself.

That's it, plain and simple.

You're all wet.

You know, if you keep going the way you're going, you're gonna blow your whole thing for sure.

It's gonna say, it's gonna say, another nigger gone bad.

Go on, I'm listening.

It's your turn.

You break the silence.

I'm just a poor kid from the ghetto.

My father died when I was five.

I never had nothing.

Same old story, huh?

Same old story.

How did you get hooked up with him?

Hey, he's just out to use you, man.

You know, you'd be an alright guy if you just would play it cool.

Do you have the money?

Follow it till the end.

I want you to turn left.

Go about three miles.

At the top, you'll see an old cabin.

Hey, baby, come on.

You're taking a chance with some people's lives.

Look, Barge, if anything goes wrong, they can have the money.

But I sure hate like hell to see those bastards get away with this.

Hey, wait for me.

So we're back at the cabin, and the ladies tried to reason with our main kind of shithead, the camera man.

And that is our next clip.

What's the matter with you?

Why are you doing all this?

We're here now, and that's that.

Cal, please call Ev off, and let us go, please.

I can't.

It's gone too far for that.

What's in your mind?

You still don't understand.

I've been thinking about you.

You're my chance.

You're the one chance I've got, and I won't let you take that away from me.

Why are you doing this?

I'm impotent.

I'm a freak.

I don't understand.

They told me in the hospital that I had a chance.

Don't you see?

You're my chance.

What does this have to do with me?

You're the answer.

The only way out I have.

I need you.

I can't help you.

You're just another young girl who's hung up on an older man, and I think it's sickening.

You stupid bastard!

Why do you know about anything?

Your band has a lot of money more than you will ever have.

But I hate you, and get the hell out of here!

So we find out, because of all his abusive ass and everything, he's impotent, and that was all his intimate issues throughout the movie.

He throws her around and then slaps her around and tears her top off, probably getting ready to sexually assault her.

We cut to the old guy driving there.

He keeps wondering if Debbie's in on the whole thing.

Then we cut back to the guy comes out after assaulting Debbie, and now he wants to stop all this and set the ladies free.

The other dude's not so much feeling that way.

Debbie escapes through the window, and the other dude chases her, and eventually he catches her.

That's another little montage cat and mouse moment thing they put together.

I think this review is going quick for almost a two-hour movie.

It's because there's a lot of montages.

Lots of them.

A lot of padding.

So eventually the guy catches her.

Then we cut to Ben with his rifle, and that's the old guy, and that's our final clip.

What are you doing?

They're gonna come out of that cabin pretty soon, and when they do...

That's cold-blooded murder!

No, it's justice.

Those punks have been asking for this.

Kidnapping is punishable by death, and I'm taking over.

Honey, just call the police.

And let them get off scot-free for lack of evidence?

Hell no, sister.

You almost act as though you enjoy it.

You said it, I didn't.

Marge, stay out of this.

All right.

Well, the two kidnappers start fighting, and at one point Marge actually tries to fight for that rifle, but he gets her off of it.

Then the video or the cameraman kidnapper, Cal, knocks out the other guy with a log.

And then Cal is shot dead by Ben.

We cut back to the beach, and Debbie walks it, wondering where she goes from here.

She doesn't really know what she's going to do with her life.

Then we cut to the stewardesses are sitting there waiting for Debbie, and she pulls up in a car, ready to go, and she joins them to live that stewardess life.

Roll credits.

Yeah, so that guy is a Libertarian douchebag, and I hate him even more.

Yeah, I know, I mean, yeah, right.

I can see that, but did Cal get what was coming to him?

I mean, is that like Cal was a good guy there?

I mean, he did just rape her.

And then, I don't know if it was the fact that he just did it, then he felt like shit.

So then it was like, oh, I better be nice now, I don't know.

Yeah, no, I'm not saying that Cal didn't deserve to die.

I'm just saying that the old man, like spouting that personal freedom, like I'm going to make sure they get my frontier justice shit.

Yeah, that makes him even more hateable in my book.

Hey, listen, you go far enough right, you go far left left, you hate the cops.

No, I get it.

Yeah, you're either a fascistic douchebag that doesn't want to involve the cops because you're going to put the punishment on the people yourself.


Or you're a left-wing douchebag.

Yeah, you're a left-wing douchebag who hates the cops and will not trust anyone to make sure that things get done.

And so, therefore, you will also take care of it yourself, but because you want to make sure it's justice.

Yeah, yeah.

So, I mean, I'm just saying.

You know what?

Not only good dudes in this film, it was a heel program for the guys, at least.

Yeah, yeah.

I feel pretty bad for all the ladies involved.

And the little prologue thing that they do, where the ladies are fine at the end with the rolling credits and stuff, that was really fucking weird.

Yeah, yeah.

It was just like, hey, everything's all right now.

And you're like, really?

Because, I mean, I wouldn't think it would be.

But, I mean, all right, I guess.

The ending of most of the Laura Jemster movies where we're like, yeah, she's not bouncing back from that.

Come on.

Yeah, no, yeah, it's Laura Jemster gets gang raped.

But at the end of the movie, it's like, all right, she's just skipping along the way.

Everything's fine, I guess.

I'm like, what?

Yeah, it's kind of hard to believe.

You think there'd be a bit more things going on around here.


Kidnapping alone is going to cause some PTSD.

I don't care how strong you are, you know, and I'm sure they may have been trained as stewardesses to prepare for hijacking or something along those lines that they may have some training.

But, you know, that kind of relentless shock and awe that they kind of went through in those last moments of the film, that sticks with you, and that's going to leave some lasting moments, and they're going to be in the air, and something's going to happen, and they're going to lose their shit.

Yeah, right?

Like, something's going to happen.

Like, oh, it's a confined space, and like, fucking nightmare fuel then.

All right, well, I'm done talking about this movie.

We're going to play the next song for the Pirate Radio Edit and move into our story time.

How do you think?

Sounds good.

All right, so up next on the Pirate Radio Edit is the band Pilot with the song It's Magic.

And yes, it's the one that you're thinking of right after this, we'll have our story time.

All right, I just want to state that I pictured using this song, it's magic, because it's the only way to explain how that rich guy, even though he was rich, could still get all the stewardesses.

I think the magic part is how these women are going to just get, skip a long way from the trauma.

That's fair.

Well, let's skip a long way from all the trauma for our story time.

Did you want to go with your one that you had?

Yeah, it's a real quick one, so you're still gonna have to do one too, but I can do one real quick to give you some time.

How's that sound?

Yeah, that sounds good.

All right, so I mentioned the Ed Wood film Orgy of the Dead, which was directed by AC.

Stevens, who was a known porpheonographer in the 60s or so.

All right, so I am visiting one of my friends from college's hometown in my late teens, early 20s.

It's like between 19 and 20.

I'm not sure exactly when.

And we're in the local mall where this group of friends grew up that I'm back visiting.

And I go to what some people may remember as a store in a mall or not.

I think it was like a, I can't remember the name of it, but it was one of those like sales videotapes.

This is back when you still had VHS in the early, well, in like 98, 99, 2000 timeframe, it was just starting DVD around the late 2000, into 2000.

So I'm perusing a media library type, media play, whatever the fuck it was called, I don't remember.

Those stores have been gone for 30 years now.

No, yeah, they've been gone for a while, but I know exactly what you're talking about.


And I see the cover of Orgy of the Dead, and it's got this gulita lady that's in the film on the cover, and it's a VHS tape, and I think it's like seven bucks is what they wanted for it, right?

Or something ridiculously cheap.

And on the back of it, it's talking about Orgy of the Dead, what the fuck?

And I'm like, okay, so it's an Ed Wood movie.

What's all that about?

Right, I'm like, it's an Ed Wood movie.

And then it's like the VHS packaging is promising wanton werewolves and all of this kind of like lascivious, this is for your poirulent interest is what they're talking about.

And I'm like, holy fuck, Ed Wood made porn.

That were monster nudie films and things like that later on in his career.

I'm like, I wonder if this is one of them.

Because I'm like, and I knew this in the 90s from the fucking Tim Burton movie about Ed Wood's life.

So I didn't know the names of any of the films.

I didn't know if this might have been one or anything like that.

But those two things, the name being Orgy of the Dead, no, three things, name of the film being Orgy of the Dead, the back cover blurb that got me thinking that maybe this could possibly be, you know, pretty lascivious and pre-lit interest.

And then the third thing was knowing that at some point in his career later on in his life, Ed Wood made pornography and was totally involved with it.

I'm like, I'm buying this for seven bucks.

And I'm telling all the people that I'm hanging out with and they're like, but isn't Ed Wood the guy that makes all those shitty movies?

I'm like, yes.

And they're like, well, wouldn't his porn be shitty too?

And I'm like, yes.

But you still want to, they're like, you still want to buy it.

I'm like, hey, it's promising me wanting werewolves and, you know, all of this lascivious stuff.

And if it delivers on any of that, I'm going to be super, super fucking happy, right?


So we get the tape back to this person's house.

His family's asleep.

And it's just like some of the male friends and us all hanging out.

I start playing the tape.

And what it literally is, is just a bunch of strip routines with some monster makeup on some of the people.

And then some of the ladies change outfits.

But it's like they come back and it's really bad.

But there's tits in it.

And it's, you know, mostly dancing topless.

So we don't stop the movie.

We just start talking through it and making fun of it and still are mesmerized by all the dancing.

I was going to say, it sounds like a winner to me.

Yeah, so, and I have since thought that that was such a weird little oddity of a film that I ended up buying a t-shirt that my then-girlfriend, now wife, was very opposed to me owning, which actually was the origin of the dead.

Like, one sheet poster was on the t-shirt.

And she's like, why do you own that?

Why are you doing?

Yeah, and I still own it.

I just can't fit into it, but I had to have that designed.

There you go.

That's my story time for this week.


I'll go with a plain story.

I was like waiting for you to hit the story time thing again for some reason.

I was going to a bachelor party when I was a younger man, and the bachelor party was in St.


So I actually flew from Omaha to St.


And this was all pre-911.

So pre-911 security, all that.

And getting there, not a problem.

So anyway, it's the last night.

And of course, like many bachelor parties tend to do, it ended at a strip club.

Now, if you know where St.

Louis is, shares the border with Illinois.

I was supposed to say Indianapolis.

That would have been dumb.


And the strip club was technically in Illinois.

Now you're trying to decide how much of this you can tell?

Yeah, I'm trying to...

Okay, so I go to the strip club with the rest of the guys.

Now, you don't realize it, but I didn't know the strip club, this particular club could stay open very, very late.

In fact, I believe it was 24 hours.

If not, it stayed open till like five in the morning, some shit like that.

You know what I mean?

Right, super late.

Because my flight back to Omaha was fairly early, and I was in the strip club, but I really had no concept of time.

This is back when you could still smoke in bars.

So I was hit with sick, you know, and I was a smoker back then, but I smoked in there and it was drinking.

And you know, you just, you're doing whatever you do.

And buddy of mine, I forgot to pack my watch.

So this is before cell phones were everywhere and everything.

So really I wasn't really paying attention to time.

And then finally, one of the guys who was sitting next to me goes, hey, dude, isn't your flight at like seven in the morning?

And it's like 4.30.

And so I still have to get a cab back to the hotel, get all my stuff packed.

I wait, like it takes forever for me to get any like, you know, a cab.

And then of course, I'm trying to leave, trying to tell people goodbye, all this kind of stuff.

And I finally get there.

I get all my stuff packed.

I get another cab to the airport.

I get to the airport and I get on the flight just in time before it takes off.

Now, here's the next part, which I think takes over.

I sit down and I get into my seat.

And then there's the lady comes next to me and it's a nun.

All garbed up, all garbed up.


Just full on none.

Maximum nunage, if you will.

And you smell like baby wipes and are covered in glitter still.

Yeah, here's the deal.

I didn't know how I looked because I didn't check a mirror.

But it was bad.

And she goes, dear.

And I go, yeah.

She goes, did you have a fun time in St.


So I go, yeah, I was for a friend's party.

I was going to say a bachelor party.

So the friend's party, just, yeah, fine.

She goes, okay, dear here.

And she gives me a little makeup mirror and I have lipstick all over me.

I am covered in glitter.

I know I reek like a whorehouse at this point.

And you smell like baby wipes at this point.

Yeah, I was just like, oh.

Baby wipes and perfume, yeah, is what you smell like, yeah.

I was just like, oh, man, that's just the worst.

And you're sat next to a fucking nun who doesn't guilt you, doesn't bash out the ruler or anything.

She was not mean to me whatsoever.

She just was like here.

She had me like a napkin to like wipe myself up.

And she goes, she goes, I just don't know if you have anybody who's going to be waiting for you.

And I'm like, thank you.

I don't, like I didn't.

I mean, you know, this isn't some story where I cheated on a girlfriend.

I was very single at the time.

But yeah.

Oh, damn, dude.

That is nuts.

I guess the moral of the story is if I would have had a goddamn cell phone back then.

I mean, I did.

I did have a cell phone, but they were just phones.

It wasn't like a magical everything else.

You know, it didn't have an alarm clock built into it until much later.

Yeah, yeah, exactly.

It was just a fucking phone.

All right, that's perfect.

We're going to go ahead and wrap it up with our show Housekeeping, and immediately following that on our 1974 pirate radio edit kick, we're going to have Susie Quatro with the song Devil Gate Drive, immediately following this.

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Also available along with all of the fellow Legion-ears on the Legion Discord chat.

And now let's give you a rundown of the memes and how you're going to get them through Cinemapsyops.

The easiest place to go is to subscribe to our Instagram feed, which is our main meme repository at cinema_psyops.

Or you could also follow the Facebook page of Cinemapsyops because they are immediately posted there.

After they get posted to the Instagram repository.

And you can also check out the Facebook group of Cinemapsyops and the memes are shared there.

I am available on Facebook as Cortpsyops because the memes are also shared there as well.

Thanks for listening to the show.

I still can't believe that you're subscribed to us or here every week just like us.

All right, that's probably one you haven't heard before, I'm guessing.

No, I've not heard that one before.

So what's your take on me replaying songs or playing songs that I've played before on the show to play on other shows?

If that makes sense and it rocks, I don't fucking care.

Right, it doesn't matter, right?

So like if it is something that you've heard before, like say on this show, then you're perfectly fine with it, is that right?

Yeah, of course.

I hope our audience agrees with you.

And if you do, kick the fuck out of this week and make it your bitch while I play Come and Get Your Love once again from Redbone on a pirate radio edit of the show.

All right, can you hear this?


Yeah, yeah, lost you there for a second.

Weird, but you could hear that, okay?

Yep, I heard it.

We did.

All right, and I gotta do something that I forgot to do, so give me a second.

Recording in progress.

There we go, all right.

I got the regular recording going, I just need that to be edited around.

All right, let's rock and roll together.

Your show is up first, which is 4.58.

I think we keep the nervous energy on your show, and that works a little bit better.

Plus, yours is the longer one.

Yeah, right?

Jesus Christ.

I saw the title and I thought, hey man, this shouldn't be too bad.

Just out of curiosity, what time do I need to get you out of here by?

Like, is it 3 again or a little after 3, or do we have some flex?



We need to wrap up at 3.30.

We think we can pull that off if we get rolling.

I think so, especially with mine.

Well, it may have been long.

I mean, not a lot to it.

Right, and I cut down a lot of your clips, and we might be able to drop some of those out if we start running out of time, but we'll try and keep them to like, the episodes we'll try and keep them about an hour, piece, give or take.

So, all right, let me go ahead and start the theme song and take a couple hits and we're ready to go.


Is that three or four?


That's a five minute one, so let's just skip to the end so you know where we're at in the story.



You'll be glad to know I'm working.

Shooting a center tonight, you know?

It's where the photographer tries to talk with her again.

What do you want to be a pretty rich bitch to?

I want you to get something straight.

That's his phone call to her that was real threatening and controlling and creepy.


I know exactly where we are.

What are you doing here?

Oh, this is the over five minutes too.

So skipping to the end.

What are you a guy if you just would play it cool?

I hope our audience agrees with you, and if you do, kick the fuck out of this week and make it your bitch while I play Come and Get Your Love Once Again from Redbone on a pirate radio edit of a show.

God, I never get tired of Redbone.

How could you?


Too good.

All right, let's go ahead and end this.

Recording stopped.

Cinema_PSYOPS_EP458: Al Adamson Fest: The Naughty Stewardesses 1974 (Main Feed)
Broadcast by