Cinema_PSYOPS_EP451: Al Adamson Fest:  Blood of Ghastly Horror 1971 (Main Feed)

Cinema_PSYOPS_EP451: Al Adamson Fest:  Blood of Ghastly Horror 1971 (Main Feed) A mad scientist implants an electronic device into the brain of an injured soldier, which turns him into a psychotic killer.  Legion Patreon: Legion Discord: PocketCasts: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Android: iHeartRADIO: Pandora: Podchaser: Subscribe By Email: Cinema PSYOPS Main page: RSS: Join the FaceBook group:   Instagram: cinema_psyops

And welcome to the 451st consecutive week of Cinema Psy Ops.

I'm your host, Cort, the guy that's just as disappointed that we had to use a canned episode and couldn't get an Al Adamson episode out and do it in time as you are.

And joining me in really not being that disappointed in getting a fucking break from this bullshit is my co-host, Matt.

Yeah, they weren't all that disappointed.

I'm going to tell you that right now.

Yeah, they enjoyed it.

I mean, the canned episode was probably a nice reprieve for everyone.

Yeah, well, it was they get to enjoy the dulcid tones of one Brad Hogue joining me to talk about a hammer film of our choice at that point.

Yeah, right.

All kinds of sexy.

It's a lot better than us just fucking exposing on and on about how lame it is.

That's me.

That's what I sound like.

Actually, you sound more like, why can't pick bad movies?

Why can't do this?

Why can't you speak good English?

These films lower my IQ, make me mad.

No, it's not the films that lower my IQ.

It's a rampant drug and alcohol abuse.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, I don't abuse it.

I just shake it around lightly.

All right.

I don't do marijuana.

I ingest it on orders from my neurophysiologist.


So don't say I do it.

It doesn't matter if the neurophysiologist is me.

It doesn't matter if the neurophysiologist is some guy I met in an alleyway, all right?

Or my dealer who deals me this stuff.

Yeah, which is, you know, because I do just the Delta stuff, it's just the guy who works the counter at a shop.

He tells me I need this.

I think he seems qualified.

I think that's just you looking in the mirrored wall of the shop when you walk in.

The 80 million tattoos all over his body tells me he's qualified.

Yeah, anybody that can sit still that long enough should be able to attend board meetings and everything like that.

They're used to sitting under duress and pain for extended periods and not moving.



That or they're just straight up psychotic.

But either way, man, I don't care.

I'm just trying to get through this life, all right?

Well, if they've got that many tattoos, maybe they're just going to therapy like me.

That's not therapy, all right?

Listen, you and me got to have a real conversation sometime about what's going on with you.

I'm concerned.

You're concerned.

My wife is concerned.

You're concerned.

I'm concerned.

Everyone's concerned.

Man, I really don't want to talk about this movie, but once we get talking about it, I'm just going to tell everybody this is another clip show.

And since we have already covered the things that were in the clip show, I just basically make reference to this is what we've seen before.

And I move on to my notes because we all already know.

So this should be.

Yeah, it was.

This is the first clip show one we got, wasn't it?


Well, the one that we recognized all the clips from because we realized what movies we had already seen.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying is that this is the first time where maybe other movies we had seen were also clip shows, but we hadn't seen the previous movies.

So, but now because we've seen the previous movies, this one is kind of our first.

That's why I was like, this is that first clip thing that court was talking about.

Well, the original version of the film that we're talking about isn't even Psycho a Go Go.

There was a film that Adamson made that was just going to be a rough crime syndicate film that had nothing to do with even the lounge singer lady that we liked so much or the creepy doll that is doing all the singing and stuff.

There wasn't as much of that stuff that was involved with it.

It was just the criminal syndicate and then like a cross, a double cross, and then the people trying to figure out what happened and they lost the loot because of the double cross.

They added in the piece with it being thrown into the truck to do Psycho-O-Go-Go.

And then the completed version of Psycho-O-Go-Go became the movie with which another film got made where John Carradine was put into inserted shots with another character.

And that was The Man with the Atomic Brain, I believe is what it was called, or Synthetic Brain.

I can't remember which title it was released under with that.

Is anything going to be coming from my blood, brain of blood that I'm going to be doing next week?


I don't know yet.

I think so.

I mean, it sounds like it.

But the pieces that we're talking about with The Man with the Synthetic Brain or Man with the Atomic Brain, that is included in this version.

And what that was, was basically Psycho-Ago-Go in its entirety, but with additional scenes added in with John Carradine.

And that padded it out to an hour and 37 minutes.

I skimmed through that.

And essentially what they did was make it down to a trim 85 minutes to do the Blood of Ghastly Horror that we were covering this week, which was released in 1971.

So essentially, we're doing a highlight reel of Psycho-Ago-Go, and that was just enough to tie the story together from the highlight reel of Man with the Atomic slash Synthetic Brain, whichever one that is.

And then they added in some additional violence and some pieces where they used the guy that was the psycho from Psycho-Ago-Go in the Man with the Atomic slash Synthetic Brain, whichever brain version his was.

And then they cut some stuff out of that, like the Lounge Singing Axe and some of the other things, and shot at even more police procedural weird stuff with another mad doctor who was raising zombies to get revenge on things that happened in Man with the Atomic slash Synthetic Brain.

And then there was a TV version of that, the Blood of Ghastly Horror that we're covering this week, that I believe that was the version that was released with Synthetic Brain.

So the other one, I think, is Atomic Brain.

But anyway, the Man with the Synthetic Brain is the TV edit of this film, Blood of Ghastly Horror, which is a composite version of the Man with the Synthetic Brain made out of Psycho-Ago-Go.

Psycho-Ago-Go with additional stuff added on top of it.

And then if you cut it down even more, then you get the Man with the Synthetic Brain that was the TV version of this.

All right.

That's not confusing at all.

When will then be now?

Now is then, and then just happened to be now.

What happened to then?

It's gone.

It's over with.

It's then.

Where did it go?

We're past that now.


If it's then, we're past it.

We missed it.

Just now.


We just missed it now.

We're going to be back around again to the beginning.

But the pirate radio edit for this week for Blood of Gasly Horror, all 1971 films, both our movies were supposedly released in 1971, or the versions of them that we're talking about.

So I did a mix and match.

You and I both get one song from the band The Who.

We get one song from the band The Kinks each.

And then I went aloud a little bit and did some other things that were a little bit different.

And so we have like two other various bands that just sort of fill out 1971 music for our pirate radio edits.

So I didn't keep Sabbath all to myself like I did last time.

Thank you.

You know, it's just, don't ask for much, you know.

I may or may not have taken the better songs from The Who and The Kinks this week from 1974.

It's fine.

At least I'm still getting The Who.

All right.


Up first on my pirate radio edit is The Who with Baba O'Reilly right after this.

This will keep you quiet.

Oh, hi there.

I didn't see you.

You caught me cutting a new show.

I'm Bo Ransdell, and I'm one of the many creators you can find on Legion Podcasts.

I said quiet.

My fellow podcasters and I work hard to bring you the best in horror podcasting, but that comes at a cost.

Not that, but also yes.

No, what I'm getting at is that there are server costs, costs for good microphones, and software for editing, all the things that make our shows, you know, fun to listen to.

And you can help.

If you're enjoying the shows on or in the Legion Network available on iTunes and Stitcher, just about anywhere you can download a podcast, really, you can help us out and get a little something for your trouble at forward slash Legion Podcasts.

For just two bucks a month, you get a pair of movie commentaries exclusive to Patreon.

And for five dollars, you can also join us for a monthly screening of a movie.

All of that available on

We appreciate it and thank you for listening.

Now, back to the Cutting Room.

Thanks Anyone who's ever watched Joe Para Talks To You will automatically know what my absolute favorite episode of that show is.

It features this song very prominently.

I don't know.

Ah, man, I think you would like Joe Para Talks To You.

It's very relaxing, it's very calming.

And it's a guy from Wisconsin who's just kind of waxing philosophical about many different subjects on life, and you follow him through his life as he talks to you about various subjects.

Oh, all right, maybe I do need to check that out.

I highly recommend it, especially while imbibing on the Delta 8, my friend.

All right, no, it's good to know, good to know.

Well, now that I've done that commercial for Joe Para Talks To You, let's talk about Blood of Ghastly Horror, everyone.

I'm sorry, everyone, I tried to put it off as low as I could with Pablum.

Blood of Ghastly Horror, 1971.

The film opens with cross-dissolving creepy images with the credits that had the runtime.

They use a semi-creepy score that sounds like they stole it from the rejects of Dark Shadows episodes.

And after two minutes of this filler, we get a shot of a woman standing in an alley lighting a cigarette, and it sure looks familiar, as I suspect this is yet another clip show.

And boy, did Court back then not even know what Court now knows.

So a dude in a Canadian tuxedo walks up to the lady, and they do this weird sort of interpretive dance that sure looks like she is a prostitute, and that he is bartering for her services.

Am I wrong?

Is that what you're trying to get at?

No, I think you're right.

It's the dance of bartering, I guess is the best way to put it.

Right, but it totally looks more like an interpretive dance, right?

It was like this sort of weird picnic thing.

No, totally.

It does.

So weird.

Anyway, it is set to annoying organ music, and is interrupted by a guy painted green with paper mache spattered to his face, looking like a backyard zombie who headlocks both of them and kills them.

That's what just happened.

Yeah, that's, I don't know, man.

Then it cuts.

I don't get it.

Then it cuts inexplicably to a dude in a car whom I presume is waiting on the Canadian tuxedo guy because he is immediately then killed by the exact same zombie who just killed those two with a double headlock.

He steps out of the car and boom, Jolly Green Giant Zombie just kills him.


Well, I mean, listen, sometimes the Jolly Green Giant gets angry if he's not getting his veggies.

Jolly Green runs into a lady in green and strangles her after menacing her and then moves on to a pig that showed up and was useless to do anything worthwhile to stop him.

It's because they were wearing the same outfit.

You know, she was wearing green.

He's Jolly Green.

He can't have that.

The pig that showed up was completely useless like all pigs before.

Like all the time.

He has also strangled that pig that showed up and was completely useless.

The disjointed guitar feedback score continues and covers over all for top of all of this.

The entire movie looks like a fucking kid shot it in the 70s with his family super 8 film, by the way, everybody.

Of course it does.

Then after five minutes of this, they cut to a pig pen, I think.

There is finally some fucking dialogue and our first clip.

It's ringing right in the back of my mind, like a bell, it's a telephone.

There's a link, there's a connection, all these horrible murders.

Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Commissioner, you.

Yes, sir.

You're no more upset than we are, sir.

They were more than just co-workers, they were close friends.

I expect we'll be on overtime for quite a while.

Yes, sir.

Any new developments you'll hear.

Package for you, Lieutenant.

Keep that over the more.

Have examination go over it with a fine tooth comb.

Come on, Duke, move.

That's it, the Corry kid.

Wait a minute, Lieutenant.

You don't mean the time that half-dead guy was brought back to life and slaughtered all those people?

And then strange Dr.

Bernard was responsible for the whole thing.

Get the file on here.

Let's see what we've got.

Come on, Molly.

You're right, sir.

Here it is.


Howard Bernard.

That's it.

That's it.

Yeah, but, Lieutenant, he's deceased.

I know that.

I know that.

What's it say about Perkins?


Joe Corey was the young soldier.

And Officer Perkins was the patrol officer who went after him when he broke away.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

There was something in the papers.

Something about a guy who...


You were on special detail for the governor.

That's right, Lieutenant.

It's right here.

Not only Perkins, but four of my men.

Four murdered at the hand of some God knows what.

I want to know why.

Why don't you fill me in, Lieutenant?

A young soldier, fresh from Vietnam.

He was a soldier.

He was a soldier.

A shell fragment lodged in his brain, Dr.

Vernard Operas, something goes wrong.

Oh, boy.

Here we go, everybody.

Here it is.

And just so everybody knows, while that clip was playing, I just sat and took hits over and over again for a minute solid, and I may be too stoned to read my own fucking notes I typed up.

Just FYI.

Well, that happens sometimes.

I mean, I'm not here to judge you.

I need to state that at the end of the clip, there was a head in the fucking box.

What's in the box?

Yeah, I think it was of one of the other swine that was the guy that we saw get killed.

It's really hard to tell.

It's really quick and it just doesn't fucking matter.

It sets off the bad actors as you heard there, and they go into digging into the past.

And then immediately after the clip when they were talking about the jewel robbery, they cut to the jewel robbery that we mentioned that's from Psycho GoGo.

It is complete with the doctor outfits, the lady wiggling her way over to the alarm like she does and tripping it, the double cross shooting that happens, the jewelry bag getting tossed into the truck, all of that stuff happens on screen.

Then it goes from that to the daughter finding the jewels in a cutaway scene immediately.

And then it cuts away from anything having to do with the family or any of the racist doll stuff.

Thank fucking Christ.

Yeah, right?

To a hospital with what might be new footage after a dude lusts after a nurse changing a light bulb.

There is finally some more fucking dialogue and our second clip.

Hello, hello.

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Cinema_PSYOPS_EP451: Al Adamson Fest:  Blood of Ghastly Horror 1971 (Main Feed)
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