Cinema_PSYOPS_EP449: Al Adamson Fest: Angels Wild Women 1971 (Main Feed)
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And welcome to the 449th consecutive week of cinema's Psyops.
I'm your host, Cort, the guy that is really, really, really kind of glad that at least this week's movie was way better than last week's movie, but still really regretting his Al Adams and Boxhead purchase and joining me in that consternation is my co-host Matt.
Start a biker gang.
We should start a biker gang.
Yeah, let's start a biker gang.
Interesting thing about the reason that this is now called Angels Wild Women and not the Screaming Angels that it was originally going to be, and why a lot of this takes place in a really weird hippie cult. Initially it was going to be just a straight up biker film that Al Adams and crew made, and the bottom had dropped out of the biker genre by 1971.
Oh, so then he added in the cult.
Yes, it was another one of those reshoots and things that were added in, and it's a very interesting story that I don't want to spoil until we get into where the cult is located, and then it's going to blow your fucking mind.
Oh, all right.
Oh man, I almost got to tell you, I'm having a schedule change in my life.
My work, my part-time job, which has me going until like 11 o'clock at night, is no longer doing that to me, and I now work until 9pm at night now, but I started earlier.
So what we could probably do is start recording nighttime during the week, individual sessions on one of the weeks or something like that, and give a year weekend back completely.
Yeah, it's possible.
Yeah, we'll have to see.
We'll play it by ear, see how your schedule goes, see how you feel about it, see if you could.
It started tonight, four to nine.
Oh, well, I know you need to get out of here, then since you just said that, and I have a concert tonight in Lincoln, so I got to get out of here.
You got to get out of here too, let's do it.
Yeah, I mean, we haven't really recorded a whole lot of patterns, so we should probably give the audience a little bit of that, because once we start dropping clips, this shows a very short pattern.
I thought we were patterning right now.
Well, this is more or less us just revealing our schedules are changing to the audience, and that's not really pattern.
That's just podcasters talking about their lives, and people don't like that.
I mean, I thought that was pattern, but you know what, I'm starting to get really hurt.
I'm not sure what is pablam and what is pattern anymore.
I'm not even sure what the audience likes, because we barely hear from them.
And when we do, it's usually like, no, no, it's okay, you can keep going.
Please don't stop.
Like I tell you, when they're afraid, we're going to actually quit that we hear from them.
Yeah, yeah.
When there's a fear that we're going to go away.
Right, and you can only pull that like I'm losing it on the air, Alex Jones, who are shit where you're like, maybe I'm just going to quit with no one over here for me again so many times before your audience is like, oh, he's pulling that stick out again.
Only so many times you could start yelling about frogs and gayness and then, you know, I don't feel like doing that at all.
You sound better than this recording.
Yeah, I feel much better now.
So we're both at least healthy, you know, even if I can't get a decent hit before we actually start recording the show, because both my pipes are clogged.
And I'm talking about weed here and legalized hemp weed stuff weed.
Yeah, my shit is clogged right now.
And I don't have the time to go and unclog it before we finish the recording.
So I'm going to be doing this relatively sober, which, you know, that means I'm going to move in quicker probably.
Yeah, let's get going.
Yeah, there's something really to look forward in this week's episode for Angels Wild Women that was released in 1971 originally shot as the screaming angels like we said.
So the biker footage was all there, and you can definitely see the rough biker movie they were trying to make.
But then they had to do this pivot and then sort of made the bikers, the heroes, after people lost interest in biker movies.
And that twist was just enough to make this the success that they needed out of all the footage they shot.
Yeah, well, there you go.
I mean, hey, listen, sometimes there's happy endings and everything.
Yeah, this film has a sort of bittersweet happy ending.
One couple gets to go on and be happy, and then one couple does not.
Yeah, and that's that's that.
But not a bad call film, even though it was like Rishott to be one and a sneaky call film at that.
Yeah, I will say I don't want to spoil it just yet, but it is way more authentic than people will understand unless they know what I'm talking about and they've already seen the trivia on the film.
So, yeah.
Well, there you go.
I've been holding this trivia in for a couple of different movies that I'll Adamson shot for a while now.
And now is the time to definitely tell it because you can't hide it anymore.
All right, well, Jesus Christ, let's get into it.
All right, we're going to have to do the coverage of the film.
But up first on the Pirate Radio Edit this week, all songs from 1970 and 1971.
And these are various hits from various folks.
Nothing like the deep cuts of Black Sabbath that I chose last week.
So Matt can still be really upset with me about that.
That's totally fine.
Still hurt.
I'm not mad.
Just disappointed.
Up first to sort of hold over from the psychedelic era from the late '60s, 1970s Gideon's Bible from John Kale right after the Legion Patreon app.
This will keep you quiet.
Oh, hi there.
I didn't see it.
You call me cutting a new show.
I'm Bo Ransdell, and I'm one of the many creators you can find on Legion podcasts.
I said quiet.
My fellow podcasters and I work hard to bring you the best in horror podcasting.
But that comes at a cost.
Would sound like to live deliciously.
Not that, but also yes.
No, what I'm getting at is that there are server costs, costs for good microphones and software for editing, all the things that make our shows, you know, fun to listen to.
And you can help.
If you're enjoying the shows on or in the Legion network available on iTunes and Stitcher, just about anywhere you can download a podcast really, you can help us out and get a little something new.
For just two bucks a month you get a pair of movie commentaries exclusive to Patreon, and for $5, you can also join us for a monthly screening of a movie.
All of that available on
We appreciate it, and thank you for listening.
Now, back to the cutting room.
Yeah, that song could only exist in 1970.
Yeah, there's no way that exists anywhere else than 1970s or 60s.
Yeah, it's dubious as to when this film was actually shot versus when it was released, just like all of Aladdin's and other stuff.
But let's talk about Angel's Wild Women released in 1971.
All right, Angel's Wild Women, the first 20.
Well, we see a woman, she's running from a couple dudes.
It should be noted because this does get kind of important, but this is a black woman, and she's running from two white guys.
So, you know, it's obviously not good.
It's an Al Adamson film. They're trying to rape her. It's obvious.
Yeah, obviously.
So they finally catch up to her. She tries to fight them off, but they're all sorts of racist about, "Hey, you know, you got your civil rights. How civil can you be type shit?"
And you're just like, "Wow, you guys are gross." And sure enough, they, yeah, they attack her, but it cuts away.
They rip their boobs out of her bra and play with them on screen, which is meant to be titillating for us, but is absolutely not because it's just disgusting.
And thankfully, they cut away after that, but it was still just gross enough.
Then we cut to a dude and a lady, they're on a bike, they're driving around, then we cut to a movie being shot.
At first, you're weird because they don't tell you it's a movie.
So you see a Nazi shooting a bunch of men, and you're like, "What the fuck were we at now?"
And then you realize it's a movie shoot. And one of the actors, six next to the lady who was just on a motorcycle.
And he starts flirt with her, and that is our first clip.
You know, I've been watching you all afternoon. You interested in flicks?
Honest ones?
What about this one?
I'll let you know after I see it in the drive-in.
All right, I'll buy that. Now, what about us, babe?
There is many, yes.
Well, no, I can't buy that. Hey, I'm sorry. I'm called Turk.
Hey, Donna.
You interested in bikes?
Yeah, well, right on. You really are fox. You know that? You really are.
You know, I get to spike, and I just bet the three of us could really get it on.
Natural high, total freedom, just the wind blowing our minds.
Or whatever, 'cause wherever you hit, old Turk and sure, take care of it.
You know, listen, I don't know what's hanging you up, but I don't make these kind of offers every day.
FYI, I trimmed down all of your fucking clips and removed the noise with new techniques that I've discovered solely from dealing with Al Adams since horseshit.
So all of your clips are now less than two minutes, and some of them are less than one minute.
Well, yeah, it would have been that way in this show anyway, this movie anyway, 'cause there's not a lot of dialogue.
Anyhow, that little sound at the end you heard was the guy, the lady's boyfriend who's the, who's the biker, the guy on the bike earlier.
And he smacks the guy and knocks him out.
Then we cut back to the two racist assholes after they, they're getting dressed after raping that woman.
And so they're all the biggest douches ever.
And they get their comeuppance because her friends show up and they are all armed and it's a bunch of ladies, they're all armed.
And they show up and he's like, okay, you know, great, let's get it going.
And they start beating the shit out of all the guys and like whipping them and choking them and kicking them into crotch constantly, which is all good.
So they beat the shit out of them. Yeah, then we cut back to the biker guy, he's driving with his lady and he runs into a rope and wipes out.
And we see it's the actor guy who did it, so they start a fight and then a motorcycle chase.
This is a lot of padding, by the way. The motor, so the actor makes a pretty big jump in the biker guy pulls because he's not going to try to make the jump.
And they actually have a little moment of respect where they kind of nod to one another like Jesus. All right, you know, these, these guys ain't, you know, they're for real.
Yeah, so that's a weird thing that they have going on there, but this padding in the film also does have some excitement and the motorcycle stuff is actually kind of cool.
And I'm okay with what they were doing here. Like this almost carny trick worked on me. Like, this is at least entertaining padding.
Oh, yeah, it's very entertaining. The biking was good. Even the fight scenes worked half bad. I mean, yeah, they're like late 60s Western style fight scenes, right?
Yeah, yeah, wasn't too bad. Yeah, wasn't terrible, but was entertaining enough and they're flinging themselves at each other enough to where it's fun.
Yeah, so with all of that, and after they kind of have that head nod, that's the end of the first 20 minutes. And that's just how quickly that first 20 minutes goes because there is not a lot of talking.
No, it was all padding. It was all action. We can keep moving because let's get that momentum while we're going to find by me.
Yeah, right. Yeah, sweet. All right.
All right. Yeah, right. The bikers lady is clearing his wounds. And then they kind of kiss and you can tell they are very much in love. This is not some like he does not treat her like, you know, just being terrible to her or anything like that.
He did very much love with her. Quick question for you. Did your version of the film not show her taking her top off to soak it in water to clean it? Yes, it did.
OK, you did also mention that. That's a thank you movie because that's consensual showing of the boots. Yes, she took it off, man. And they're weird kissing sequence. They do after this with like days upon days of them, supposedly in love and making out is actually kind of if you're into watching people make out, I suppose is kind of entertaining.
It didn't really much for me. I was like, OK, I'll get to the serious stuff. Yeah, right. Let's get going here.
I can watch people kiss. I mean, I can do that all day. That's no problem, but that doesn't really do enough for me. Can we move on? Yeah, let's let's get going here.
No, they don't. They just show the kissing, but it's it's stating that they they hooked up. Then they're on a beach and they're attacked by a rival gang. And he beats all the rival gang members up to the point without that rival game is joining his game because that's just how it goes.
Yeah, the guy that leads that gang said that he couldn't come into this territory anymore. And then he said, let's have a fight. Yeah, let's have a fight to find out who's going to be the final leader.
And the fight was he had to fight the entire gang who he best. Yes, he does. He got him. OK, it was cool. This sequence actually worked. Yeah, it was a pretty good fight.
Yeah, it was like, all right, you know, they're on rocks. So it made it like harder for some of these guys to stand on them and stuff. And they at least made it somewhat believable that, yeah, he took all these guys out.
Yeah, yeah, they do. It's again 1960s Western style of slugfest. The guys are very patient and taking their turns, but I agree with you. It's the non sure footing of the rock that makes them not want to lunge at him too much.
And he does use that to his advantage because he clearly does not give a fuck because one way or another, he's going to get fucked up. So he might as well as deal damage before he does.
This guy is a serious zero fucks given kind of guy. Yes, the field upon which his bucks were grown has barren. Yes. Yeah, there's no barren.
OK, so we're back at the main biker camp now. And one of the ladies there is she is severely addicted to drugs. And she's trying to take some like more drugs off a guy.
And he like puts a knife to her throat and calls her a junkie, but then the lead female, she kind of gets up and puts a knife to the guy's throat and it's like, hey, calm the fuck down.
Then she calls over for preacher. And that is our next clip. Preacher. Now, Margot knows a good Lord not approve such caring songs. Preacher. Margot, I got puppies and down me like a white one, red one.
It would be a way for speed. Hey, man, come on over here. Hey, brother.
What'd you bring them for? I don't know. So what's new? Oh, nothing much. Oh, yeah, that creep from Satan's was here last week. He came to tell me about the run. Yeah, what is it?
This weekend. Remember what we decided last year? You remember the deal? What deal? No broads. I mean, no ladies. We had too much trouble fighting over them last year.
Look, I'm sorry. I'll only be a couple of days. And why don't you and the rest of the girls going up to person? Partly for Sarah. Okay. Okay. Come on. Okay.
All right. So there's apparently some sort of big thing they're all going to do. And they're all going to have a good time.
If they're going with the Satan's, no one is going to have a good time because he shot that dude from the Satan's, which is the Satan's sadist from the other movie.
Oh, really? That's my guess. They still have a good time. These guys do at least. Yeah.
Okay. So the dudes all leave and we cut back to the ladies and they're driving and, you know, they're on their motorcycles and we cut to three of the ladies are walking and they see this guy farming and they decide, hey, that's something that they want to get into.
So two girls help hold him down and one girl just bucks him silly. So and he, this is a rape. Matt. This is what rape is. He did not really want one of those bad ones too because it's like, and then they make him enjoy it.
Yeah. Yeah. It's a complete inversion of the other rape scenes that we've seen in Al Adamson's films. It's just an all-girl gang doing it. And this is exploitation at its finest where you just invert the thing that you know that works and hope that this also works.
And one thing you can't say is like the thing that he's not like comfortable with is the group sex aspect. He was, because he said, you know, poo tangs, poo tang, he said, but this, this, this orgy stuff is unnatural.
It's kind of what he kept saying. Right. Right. It's, it's weird. It's a very weird fucking thing. Yeah, like he would have been willing yet they're holding him down and making him do it anyway, still qualifies as rape.
Yes. Yeah. If this happened to a female and it was. No, it was me the worst seat of the movie. Right. It would be fucking pissed. Right. But because it's three women attacking a man for some reason, we're less uncomfortable about it.
And that's something that we as a society need to look at because rape is still rape regardless of rape is rape. Yeah. Oh, yeah, you're, you're exactly right. You're not, you're not wrong at all. So we can move on. I just had to be stated because that has to be the psi ops that accompanies the cinema.
That's true. All right. So the, then one of the ladies are gets pulled over by the cops and they're like, yeah, she's, she's in this, the drug addict one that they can tell that she's high.
And, but then the other ladies are start screaming for help help. So the handcuff her to their steering wheel. Well, while the cops go looking for whoever's calling for help, all the other girls take the steering wheel off and help her escape.
They come into a town and that is our next clip. Hi. Hi. You're not on here, aren't you? Yes. What's your name? Linda. I'm here with your mother and father. I don't have any.
Hungry? No. Here. Take this. Beat it later.
Hey Parker, who's a little pussy cat? Oh, give it back to her. You want it, old man? Take it. I'll think about it. I'll talk to you later.
Yeah, Parker, you be sure to do that, old man. Hi. Hi, Marko. Hi, love child. We seem to have a little problem over here.
Hey, Slim. What do you want? And you come over here a minute? Yeah, okay. What's up, baby? See if you can feed this lovely lady from the clutches of the law. Sure, baby. I can take care of it. Let's take a walk. Slim. The name's Terry. Terry. Terry.
Yeah. Marko, Sue, Donna, this is King. Marko's an old friend. Welcome to the community. You will find peace and love here and you're free to stay as long as you feel the need.
Don't hesitate to call on me for anything. If there's anything I can do.
All right. Well, we see the dudes on their bikes that go crazy. It's all like, it seems like just to get a way to get hammered as dudes and like do stupid tricks on their bikes and all that kind of stuff.
It's a bonding for a 1% outlaw biker gang to essentially be dependent on each other and just having a competition and a good time.
And it's all just the male bonding to show that they don't need anything else but their brotherhood. And it's a way to condition you and make you a part of the gang.
There you go. So then we get back to the ladies in our next clip.
Hey, baby.
For coming.
I think Terry's going to get a sample of King's love coat. All I have to have a couple of pill.
It's funny.
Death, lying, Janet.
My sisters. Death, Janet worked with me. She's dead.
Drugs are my friend. They make me forget.
They tried to put me in a hospital. I ran away. They tried to keep me. I ran away.
You see peace.
You will find it here.
I feel strange. You feel the peace, the content, the love all around you.
I think I do. Do you love me? Yes.
Come to me. Okay. All right. So that's just like a cult to pray on the week.
So then we see he has a syringe. So he's about to get her off of pills and under heroin. And that is the end of that 20 minutes.
Did this ranch look familiar to you in any way, Matt? It did not. That's because you are not the Manson enthusiast as I am who studied and or looked at photos, read the books and just kind of followed the cult in general.
That is the spawn ranch. At one point in one of the scenes, you actually see the title of the ranch spawn movie ranch. This is what I've been holding back for a while.
A couple of Al Adamson's films were shot around the spawn ranch, including that busting the criminal syndicate or the hell's bloody devils that we watched.
There were some scenes that were filmed in the desert area around spawn ranch and that. And also the other biker movie. Satan Sadis was shot in and around the spawn ranch too, and it's a couple of spaces.
Jesus Christ. It was mostly an abandoned ranch that was owned by an old man who just basically needed some money.
This film is unique in that some of Manson's cult is actually in this as cult members in the background. Are you kidding me?
Yeah, I don't know exactly when this was shot. So I can't exactly say, but I can tell you this much. Spawn ranch burned down for sure in 1973 or by 1973.
There are some reports that it burned down before that in another wildfire, although it might have just been portions of it. What have you?
But what we do know is that Manson's group lived there from, I think, 67 to 69, but they were definitely arrested around 1969, give or take.
There were a few members that were left behind, but the people that were mostly arrested were just fucking arrested, right?
And I do believe that squeaky from for a while was still there, taking care of the guy so that some of the other family members were living there while Al Adamson's crew shot there and made this specific movie about this specific cult that rings very closely to the events that take place during
the state lobby on com murders for what Manson was doing on that ranch. Jesus Christ. This film is an extra layer of greasy exploitation that he's doing. He's filming application where the cult was and replicating some of the things that the cult was supposed to have done
that we would have heard about by now because of the trial, and then also BoGlio so ended up writing a book, but that was much later that that got released. But anyway, this film really resonated with me because of that because
it became even more creepy and exploitative. Yeah, it seems that way. Jesus Christ. Yeah. And when you go back and watch Satan, say this and know that that takes place around the same area of the spawn movie ranch and then, well, if you ever go back, I don't know if anybody really actually will.
But also the other busting the crime syndicate or Hell's Bloody Devils where the guy busts up the Nazi ring. A lot of the Nazi ring stuff was shot there at the Swan Ranch as well. Damn. Jesus Christ.
They very well be dead bodies hidden somewhere in the scenes of this film, like in the ground somewhere or like in hollowed out spaces of the buildings because they are suspected to have killed people on that ranch and made them disappear too.
Goddamn fucking Jesus Christ. Yeah, what a great way to frame the rest of this fucking movie, right? We're going to have such a good time, but now that you know that no this takes place on the Manson cult branch, the actual one that they were staying on it's on ranch and recreate some of the stuff it makes it that much harder to get through so let's do it.
Alright, the actor, dude, he shows up in the town and that's our next clip. Hello, child. Give us a love. Give us another. See you a little later. Hello, Parker. Hi, how have you been? Like, wow, how they treating you? Got an extra cigarette? That's it. Thanks. I'll talk about it later.
I thought that was you, Donna. I really didn't expect you to be one of King's chicks. How come you always stay the wrong thing? Well, I watched my mouth this morning, can't do anything with it. Who's your friend? Better watch out, Margot. Don Juan here thinks he's the only man around with anything in his pants. Hey, Margot, don't go away.
He can't be that bad. Don't say I didn't warn you. Where's you been? You know how it is, King. When you need a cab, you can never find one. I don't like it. Maybe I got something here you will like. Count the studs money, King. Count.
I didn't know you could, Slim. Yeah, this always makes me feel better. I think it would. How long you figure on Stan? Yeah, who knows? Hey, Turk, what can I do for you? How about this? What about them? They'll be a little challenge. Well, never mind. Sure. No, I'll take care of that myself. That girl's not quite dead, but she's mostly dead, right? The drug doctor? Yeah, she's mostly dead. She's so stoned out of her mind. Yeah, she's mostly dead. Yeah, or has a blood pain.
Yeah, or has a blood poisoning infection from the dirty needles they're all sharing or something. Yeah, yeah, it's, it's whatever it is. It's not good. Exactly. So, all right, so then we back to all the dudes, the biker dudes, they're all partying and shit and just being crazy. Then we're back into the town and that is our next clip. Hey, Slim. Yeah, Parker, I want to talk. I ain't gonna say it no more. You and King, your people are welcome to stay here, but I don't want my trouble.
Which I'll be talking about now, Parker. You don't know what trouble is. No, I don't know what you're talking about. What's the problem, man? I'm taking a big chance letting you stay here. How much? You don't have to take that after, too. I said how much? Well, since I know what you're growing out here, I figure I ought to take care of real good. Yeah.
Let me tell you something, old man. You let anyone know we're doing out here and I'm gonna fix that late to match the other one. Understand?
Mad, Parker, are you all right? Guess I must slip. Yeah, let me help you out. You feeling better? Thank you, child. You're very sweet, pretty. How'd you get mixed up with this one?
Because I believe in everything King says. King, you're ruining it. Get away while you got a chance. Nothing new is perfect. I know how hard it is for others to accept the way we live, but all in time we'll succeed.
We've got to succeed in spreading love and happiness in the world. Love, happiness. For sure, pretty words.
Take care of yourself, child. Thank you, I will. Man, it's so much creepier after you know it's the Manson call that they're advocating in the actual language.
This is cool. All right, so the boys are now having a drinking contest at the big party and the boss dude, he's speed. He's thinking about his lady because he misses her back in the town and the lead lady.
She goes to check out the horses and is reminded that they are planning on leaving the next morning. Well, the actor shows up while she's checking up the horses. That is our next clip.
Remember, I always wanted my own horse. Guess you think that's kind of crazy. Yeah, I don't think it's crazy. You always lived in the city. My mom and I, my own man took off before I was old enough to remember.
Then when I was seven, this guy that was seeing my mom took us to this place in the country. I actually got to ride this horse called Man. Man. His name was Manuel.
And? And that's it. My mom never went out of any more guys from the country. Then when she died a few years ago, I had to try to find my own thing.
Which is? I don't know. I haven't found it. I don't know why I'm telling you all. Maybe because I'm interested. You are, you're the only one. Well, and I'm the only one.
Why you're a Turk Lars and the great lover. You could have any girl here. And? Well, maybe that's your reason. Maybe I'm looking for someone. Someone who can, someone who can care, someone who has something inside. Do you think that might be me?
Why not? Yeah, I guess it's gonna solve a bunch of crap. Tired of me alone. The way I haven't spent in my life just years in getting here. You know, I've been on my own most of my life. Except for a brother. It can be pretty lonely.
I guess in the last five years, I've had 20 different jobs. Everything from washing dishes to being too good at it. It's not good. It's no good becoming somebody, unless you can share it.
So, I guess I'm just looking for someone. Someone who loved me. I don't think that's too much to grab from love. I don't think so.
I love it a call. That always works out great for everybody. Right. I mean, it's so nice. All right. So then, you know, they hook up and then we see preacher back at the party. He wins the drinking contest to the ladies find their friend all strung out and they know they need to get help.
So they go to the leader saying, hey, we should probably do something for because she's fucking Odine here. And the leader goes checks on her. He wants to take the wait and see approach, of course. Then he locks the ladies in the main house with their strung out friend. The actor is not very happy about it.
Then we're back to all the dudes. They're all passed out or hung over. And that's the end of that 20 minutes before we go to the final.
I mean, not a lot to add other than, again, this man's actions very clearly emulating things that Charles Manson was known to have done, like allow people to die of overdoses and then quietly disappear their body or supposedly has done.
I should say, because some members remember things like that happening that way, but they were all strung out. So how do we really know? Yeah, allegedly. Right. But it is suspected that they made people disappear from this ranch for being inconvenient quite often.
Oh, yeah, I would assume so, probably. Right. And they weren't shy about killing people. Well, there was also biker gangs and a bunch of other people that hung around just because Charlie had a lot of female followers that he prostituted out for money.
So, of course, some people were abound to have been disappeared on that ranch that maybe even Manson's followers didn't even do.
Yeah, right. Again, I'll have this on screen for us to watch. Let's move on and finish her off. Yeah. All right. Well, the leader in the creep, dude.
Dude, they get the old man and they kill him. So he's dead. And the ladies are taking care of their friend who's strung out and she's freaking out.
Then one of the ladies, the main lady, the speed lady, she's able to get out on a small hole in the house and she's going to go and find the guys.
Well, she then spies on the two guys with the body of the old man talking about how they'll kill the women too if they don't, you know, just won't get in order.
And then she turns around and she sees one of the cult ladies is there with a gun. And then we cut to, we see the black lady from the earlier part of the movie.
Her border bike is broken down and this creepy dude offers help for a little reciprocal payment, if you know what I mean? So, after he gets her bike tied up on his truck, he, he's like, hey, now it's time for payment.
She takes him out on the field. And when they're all starting to strip down, he turns around and she fucking clocks him and knocks him out and then steals his truck.
Then we cut to the actor dude tells the two guys, they're going to let the girls go. It's not in the ask, they're going to let him go. He'll take him out of town.
They won't tell the cops anything. And then, but they're all going to be like, go, and he gets knocked out for his efforts and they tie him up.
Well, then the other lady who's trapped in the house, she also escapes and she gets picked up by the lady in the truck.
And they're like, all right, come on, we're going to go get the guys because we need, we need all the guys.
The two dudes inject speed, lady with heroin. So she is completely zoned out. And she's laying on a table surrounded by cult members. And this is our final clip.
It is necessary to take these steps that are painful to perform. Yeah, by so doing, we, with this child of her burden so that she may be transformed into a pure state.
Oh, you believers, members of this commune, here lies the intruder that would destroy the very foundations of our beliefs.
We are as one. We must act as one. We're the good of our commune. We're the good of our philosophy.
We're the good of our very existence. Okay.
So they kill her. So she is dead, unfortunately. The next day, one of the biker guys gets there. He's alone, but he gets the town and he's attacked, but they're all smaller than him.
So he's kind of throwing them around. He's having some trouble, but he's holding his own. But then the rest of the crew gets there and then it's a whole big fight and really just a one sided ass whooping the cultists have just get their asses whooped.
They free the actor. And then the actor says that, you know, they're all in the main house. So the leader, the speed gets into the house. He finds his lady dead.
We cut to the cult leader and his creep buddy are trying to escape. They get on to it. They get into a car to drive away, but actor guy finds them and hops on top of the car.
They're fighting for a gun and all this. And there's more fighting. And then the bikers tossed off the car. Speed catches up. He tells me he got away. So speed goes after him on his bike.
More chasing and everything. And through this whole chase scene, the car spheres out of control files down the hill crashes and burns the rest of the game catches up and they all start to write off the actor and the lead lady.
They write off together to be together with a nod from speed as they're all writing speed remembers the love of his life. Role credits.
So I think at one point in time, it's sort of revealed that speed and the actor are actually brothers and they have this brotherly competition going on. It's not just like brother like gang member brother. But oh, yeah, because he said I'm looking for my brother. Yeah.
I guess I thought just gang brother is what he meant. Right. No, I think it's okay. So they're actually related. Oh, well that which is which is why they have that friendly nod because they have this game of one upmanship where they pull prints on each other and fuck with each other and fight.
All right. Well, that makes sense. Yeah, that's my guess. I don't really know. The film doesn't really like come right out and fucking say that, but that's what I'm guessing they're getting at.
Yeah. Overall, the action in this is pretty great. The fist fights, like I said, they're about 60s Western style, but still serviceable enough and entertaining.
This may be the one to kind of return to. I do remember vaguely watching this before on a multi-discollector set of like exploitation films and thinking that's okay.
Yeah, the only bad part in this movie is the lead actress who's stabbed and killed in the movie. She just she cannot act. So the most bland acting I've ever seen.
Yeah, she's an Al Adams films quite a bit. That's yeah, but she cannot act.
No, yeah, it's not the greatest ever made film, but as far as Al Adams and stuff goes, this is a brush along and entertaining. Like, yeah, I would be more likely to return to Satan, Sadis, Angels, Wild Women, and maybe Hell's Bloody Devils.
Maybe because there's some crazy weird shit in Hell's Bloody Devils, but also like the biker films are just more entertaining. He tried more with those.
Yeah, I think so.
Even though there's still hodgepodge. I don't know, but he was definitely the director of the exploitation film that that actor was on the set of. We forgot to mention it. That was his grey chest hair puffing out from his shirt when he was walking around.
The director of this movie was playing the director in that movie. He was in the meta before meta was meta.
Still meta.
Yeah, and I know you've got to go, but can we squeeze a score at story time and then just whatever we get for the episode is what we get. It'll be as short as it is.
Yeah, yeah. Alright, we're going to take the break here. We're going to play Melanie with the song "Brand New Key" and yeah, this is kind of a deep 70s cut. And then right after that, we'll have a story time. So, sorry folks, here we go.
Alright, so there's a little bit of "Laxic daisical love" story that they tried to throw in with this really dark foreboding film. I wanted to focus it on that and cheer us up at the end of the movie.
There you go.
And maybe you can cheer us up even further with this story time.
Story time!
Whenever you're ready. I literally got nothing.
Try to take care of something. I don't have a biker story no more. I could already did that one.
Do you have a trapped in a hippie cult love story?
I do not, believe it or not. If for all the cults I could have been a part of, I mean, I was kind of a part of what is called the Catholic Church.
I would say go on, but we already know how that story ends and what type of sex for being a Catholic school boy.
Hey, hey, hey, hey. My hair was never parted down the middle like that joke from the priest. My hair was parted down the side.
My priest had one leg longer than the other.
So you've been telling that joke as long as I've known you and it just keeps getting worse every time.
Every time and I'll always tell that joke forever.
Fuck, they have something good.
I did watch a documentary recently about cults and how to become a cult leader on Netflix.
It was actually a fairly interesting look at how these various cult leaders, different ones, became into power, whether through messaging, whether through who they attracted.
The most popular ones were Jim Jones, Manson and David Crash.
The death cults tend to be, yeah.
Yeah, those are probably the three ones they concentrated the most on.
Yeah, I never got the one in Waco with David Crash to the branch of the video.
That is always one that's God, yeah, because he was molesting and sexually assaulting young girls.
That's bad, but the FBI just was so, and the ATF were so fucking unbelievably, laughably irresponsible in how they tried to get after them, which ended up probably killing all the kids that were in there.
You know, not to mention the fact that they fucking cake that place.
There are still, you know, here's what they didn't know.
There's still branch Davidians around to this day.
Yeah, I remember you bringing that up the last like cultish movie that we had where you were talking about how the woman was still justifying that it was okay for some of the things that Karash did and everything.
Yeah, it's like when a girl is 13 years old, she can produce babies, so she can be sexually active, but she shouldn't be, you dummy.
And then she cries because her ex-husband won't let her ever see your children.
I'm like, well, your children probably don't want to see you.
You defend a fucking cultist, and you still believe in his horseshit.
All right, I got a small story time that I'm going to tell real quick, and I'll try just to kind of pad out the episode a little bit.
So this is the story of when I had to explain to my mother what cult movie meant versus what cult movies were.
All right, so my mom is religious, that's not a big shock to anybody.
I was raised in a very religious household, and the particular faith that they were was Nazarene, which is about two shades less crazy than Pentecostal speaking in tongues type religion.
All right.
Yeah, Nazarene's pretty bad for a lot of reasons.
I basically shouldn't have been allowed to the tenets of her faith to even be able to watch movies, but she still let me watch them anyway.
And when she found out when I was like 13ish years old, shortly after I got busted watching 100% weirdness from falling asleep and Ed Wood films and stuff, I started getting it back.
Right, I got interested in cult movies.
And my mom thought that cult movies meant that you had to be an occult to watch them.
Oh, God.
She totally was just like, she wanted to make sure, like, what does that actually mean?
And I mean, and I was like, well, it's a small, but very devoted group of people that are obsessed with a movie.
And that's all that it means, that there's a movie that has its own cult or its own followers or people that are obsessed with it.
And that's all that it means.
And then when she explained to me what she thought it meant, I was like, how would I find movies like that?
And she's like, you're not supposed to want to watch that sort of thing.
And I'm like, hold on a minute.
Don't tell me what I'm supposed to do.
What are you my mom?
What are you my mother?
And she's like, yeah, right, right, right, right, right. I should probably stop smoking so much weed.
But my mom was literally really concerned that I was like getting involved in, like, occult movies that I was like obsessed with cult things that I was looking to join a cult and was watching, like, I don't know, Scientology videos or something.
I don't know.
I'm not sure what you thought or what she was worried about.
But like, whatever it was that she was trying to describe to me that she feared it was, I wanted to watch even more just because she was afraid that I shouldn't watch that stuff.
Of course.
It's fucking awesome.
And this will definitely end up being the absolute shortest episode we've ever done.
But you need to get the fuck out of here, my friend.
So what we're going to do is take a look.
We'll fix this next week.
Next week we'll have normal style episodes now that we know about time.
We'll schedule a little bit better.
That's totally fine.
So we're going to take the little break here.
We're going to play the show Housekeeping.
And when we come back, we will have Steven Steele's with the song Love the One You're With for obvious reasons on the pirate radio edits.
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Alright, so if you can't be with the one that you love, honey, love the one that you're with, very happy.
I don't know how good of messaging that is because it sounds like you're using somebody.
Well, I mean, yeah, that was the late 60s, early 70s where everybody was using everybody to get off, right? That's what was happening.
Everyone was just a walking fleshlight or a walking dildo at this point.
Oh man, in all those days, that must have been the glory of the 70s, right before anything that you could catch would basically be cleared up with a little penicillin.
You'd be fine and a vasectomy would mean the worst sexual transmitted disease, which is children wouldn't have to bother you.
Exactly. You know what more rubbers? Except for sailors. You'll be beggars, they go from port to port.
While you're out there wishing that Matt would really stop quoting Austin Powers, kick the fuck out of this week and make it your bitch.
While you enjoy T-Rex cosmic dancer, I'm always going to quote that movie.
Yep, we are ready to rock.
Recording in progress.
All right, we have another recording started and three, two, one. Just a second, reordering my clips.
Now that I'm almost halfway down, I want to move them around on the line and I'm explaining this so that I don't have dead space that gets cut out later.
And then I just have an outtake that I can use later on to pad out the episode, much like Adamson, pads out his entire film.
[Laughs] Three, two, one, up first to sort of hold over from the psychic, psychic, psychedelic.
Okay, what else was I going to say? All right.
We can move on.
All right. He just took over the wicker gang.
Yes. All right. Then we, all right. Sorry about that. Okay. So, fuck me.
Come on, Matt. Find what you're looking for here. Don't die.
When's the next 20 minutes hit? Not for a while. Okay. I'm just going to do it.
Oh, it's actually soon. It's soon. Okay.
But we have a whole other clip before the 20 minutes is up.
Okay. So when the 20 minutes goes, I will do the reveal thing that I've been talking about and I'll just put this out of the outtakes and let's move on.
And I said, if that clip played like normal. All right.
The actual one that they were staying on, it's on ranch and recreate some of the stuff.
It makes it that much harder to get through. So let's do it.
All right. Yeah. Cause holy shit. I'm running out of time.
Yeah. All right. Let's see here. So, all right.
So, actor or back in the town and one of the ladies, the speeds lady, she goes, er, no, I'm sorry.
Agents Wild Woman, Angels Wild Woman.
A little bit more rubbers except for sailors, filthy beggars. They go from port to port.
While you're out there wishing that Matt would really stop quoting Austin Powers, kick the fuck out of this week and make it your bitch.
While you enjoy T-Rex cosmic dancer on the pirate radio. I'm always going to quote that movie.
This will be the shortest episode ever, but who cares? All right. That happens.
Have a good one, man. And hopefully I got you out of there this early. I'm good. All right. We'll work on it for next week and figure out a scheduling.
So, all right. Yeah. Yeah, man. Sounds good, man. Yeah. No, they just decided to change shit on us. So.
All right, dude. But I get to have a life again. So I get to fucking start to work on my certifications and all that shit again. So that's nice.
Awesome. Well, I'm glad for that, dude. Yeah. Yeah. Fucking. It's been a rough couple of years.
All right. That's going to fucking end this so we can let you the fuck go.
All right. Here we go. Three, two, one. Recording stopped.
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